National Academies Press: OpenBook

Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues (2009)

Chapter: Appendix E - Transit Agency Survey

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Page 98
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E - Transit Agency Survey." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14269.
Page 98

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E-1 July 2007 Please provide the following information. Name__________________________________________ Position________________________________________ Transit Authority________________________________ Please describe any initiatives you have undertaken to increase your advertising sales, e.g., adding new advertising space (like bus shelters) or approving new products (like full wraps) What obstacles do you see to selling more transit advertis- ing? In other words, what is keeping advertisers from buying more or sales contractors from selling more? Please state specific ideas you have for increasing advertis- ing sales. Please describe your experience with so-called new media. What have you tried, and was it successful? Why or why not? In general, are you in favor of trying new media? If yes, but only under certain conditions, please specify what those conditions are. If not in favor, please explain why not. Please provide the total advertising sales dollars generated through your ad space for the past six years. (Note: Please use the total sales amount, i.e., not just what the transit agency received.) Please provide advertising sales dollars generated from national advertisers. Enter “0” if you sold no advertising to national advertisers. If the numbers are not available, please enter an approximate percentage (e.g., 5%). If you have no idea, enter “NA.” Who is/are your advertising sales contractor(s)? If there were one thing you could change about how tran- sit advertising is managed within your Transit Authority, what would it be? If there were one thing you could change about your adver- tising sales contract(s), what would it be? Do you see any opportunities for APTA to help your Transit Authority increase its advertising sales? If so, please describe. A P P E N D I X E Transit Agency Survey

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TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 133: Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues explores strategies designed to significantly increase transit’s share of total advertising expenditures. The report examines advertising decision makers’ perceptions about current and future transit advertising products and highlights a strategic responsive communications plan designed to improve those perceptions and increase transit revenue.

An executive summary and PowerPoint presentation on this report are available online.


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