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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14269.
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71 1. Schaller, Bruce, TCRP Synthesis of Transit Practice 51: Transit Advertising Sales Agreements. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies (2004). 2. Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Accessed: June 2008. 3. Elliott, Stuart, “Ad Spending Forecast Lowered Again.” www. (July 9, 2008). 4. Coen, Robert, “Advertising Outlook Report 2008: Midyear Update.” Universal McCann (June 2008) and (July 2008). 5. “Beyond the 30 Second Spot: Marketers Adding Alternatives to Television Advertising.” (March 22, 2006). 6. “Outdoor Goes Digital.” Media Week (April 24, 2007). 7. Miles, Laureen, “Special Report; Outdoor.” ADWEEK (September 27, 2007). 8. Silverberg, Beverly R., TCRP Synthesis of Transit Practice 32: Tran- sit Advertising Revenue: Traditional and New Sources and Structures. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies (1998). 9. “Arbitron to Develop Outdoor Audience Ratings System; Out- door Industry Needs Study Underscores Desire for Better Outdoor Audience Data.” Business Wire (June 20, 2002). 10. Traffic Audit Bureau for Media Measurement, TAB/ANA Survey of National Advertisers’ View of Out of Home Advertising (Novem- ber 2005). 11. “OAAA/Posterscope—Mentos Pre/Post Outdoor Advertising Effec- tiveness Internet Study and Test of Methodology.” Norman Hecht Research (October 8, 2007) p. 3. 12. Breese, Ann L. and Donald E. Bruzzone, “OOH vs. Other Media: Getting Comparable ROIs from Tracking.” Paper presented at ARF/ESOMAR WAM Out of Home Conference, Los Angeles, CA (June 2003). 13. Carroll Media Services, Advertising Effectiveness Study for Atlanta MARTA Bus TV Screens (June 2007). 14. Reid, Leonard N., Karen Whitehill King, Hugh J. Martin and Hyeonjin Soh, “Local Advertising Decision Makers’ Perceptions of Media Effectiveness and Substitutability.” Journal of Media Econom- ics, Volume 18, Issue 1 (January 2005) p. 43. 15. Ives, Nat, “Forecast for ’08 is OK, but Only Online Shines.” Advertis- ing Age (December 3, 2007). 16. Mandese, Joe, “Bright Forecast for DOOH.” Digital Outsider (August 8, 2008). 17. Coen, Robert, “Advertising Outlook Report 2007: Midyear Update.” Universal McCann (June 2007) p. 2. 18. Bachman, Katy, “OOH Revenue Takes a Tumble.” ADWEEK (March 13, 2009). 19. Bachman, Katy, “PQ: Alternative Out-of-Home Media Booming.” Media Week (April 30, 2007). 20. Ovide, Shira, “Banner Year for Billboard Ads.” The Wall Street Journal (January 10, 2007). 21. Tsiantar, Dody. “Getting on Board: An Old Advertising Medium is Being Reinvented.” Time (April 10, 2006). 22. Dye, Patrick, “Outdoor—Top 10 Outdoor Trends.” Media Week (March 26, 2008). 23. Clifford, Stephanie, “The Train is Coming. And With It, More Ads.” The New York Times (October 17, 2008) p. B3. 24. Wachovia Capital Markets, “Outdoor’s New Measurement Cur- rency.” (January 30, 2007). 25. Interactive Advertising Bureau, “About the IAB.” Accessed: December 2007 and June 2008. 26. “Randall Rothenberg to Lead IAB,” (December 5, 2006). 27. “Measurement Guidelines and Measurement Certification: Over- view.” Accessed: June 2007. 28. “Interactive Advertising: At the Center of Every Powerful Cam- paign.” Accessed: June 2007. 29. “Mission & Overview.” Accessed: June 2007. References

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 Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues
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TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 133: Practical Measures to Increase Transit Advertising Revenues explores strategies designed to significantly increase transit’s share of total advertising expenditures. The report examines advertising decision makers’ perceptions about current and future transit advertising products and highlights a strategic responsive communications plan designed to improve those perceptions and increase transit revenue.

An executive summary and PowerPoint presentation on this report are available online.


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