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Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems (2009)

Chapter: Appendix A - Bibliography

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Page 160
Suggested Citation:"Appendix A - Bibliography." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14340.
Page 160
Page 161
Suggested Citation:"Appendix A - Bibliography." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14340.
Page 161

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160 A.1. Accidents and Incidents David, R. E. Location of Commercial Aircraft Accidents/Incidents Relative to Runways. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1990. DOT/FAA/AOV 90-1. Hall, J., M. Ayres, Jr., D. Wong, A. Appleyard, M. Eddowes, H. Shirazi, R. Speir, D. Pitfield, R. Caves, O. Selezneva, and T. Puzin. ACRP Report 3: Analysis of Aircraft Overruns and Undershoots for Runway Safety Areas. Washington, D.C.: TRB, National Research Council, 2008. NTSB. Hard Landing, Gear Collapse Federal Express Flight 647 Boeing Md-10-10f, N364fe Memphis, Tennessee, December 18, 2003: National Transportation Safety Board, 2003. A.2. Aircraft Boeing. 737 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning. Renton, WA: The Boeing Company, 2005. Boeing. Minimizing the Impact of Runway Arresting Systems on Com- mercial Airplane Operations., ed. Brad Bachtel: Renton, WA: The Boeing Company. Bruhn, E. F. Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. ed. R. J. H. Bollard, L. E. Hackman, G. Lianis, W. F. McCombs, A. F. Schmitt, C. R. Smith, and J. A. Wolf: S. R. Jacobs & Associates, Inc., 1973. Spieck, M. Simulation of Aircraft Landing Impact Under Consideration of Aerodynamic Forces on the Flexible Structure. Paper presented at the 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Albany, New York 2004. A.3. Arrestors Cook, R. F. Soft-Ground Aircraft Arresting Systems, Final Report. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1987. FAA/ PM-87-27. Cook, R. F. Evaluation of a Foam Arrestor Bed for Aircraft Safety Over- run Areas. Dayton: University of Dayton Research Institute, 1988. UDR-TR-88-07. Heymsfield, E., W. M. Hale. and T. L. Halsey. A Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Soft Ground Arrestor Systems. 2007. Rogers, C. Aggregate for Truck Arrestor Beds. Downsview, Ontario: Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, 2006. ISBN 1424959152. San Filippo, W. K. and H. DeLong. Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS): An Alternative Solution to Runway Overruns. 2004, ASCE/Air Transport. White, J. C. and S. K. Agrawal. Soft Ground Arresting System for Airports, Final Report. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1993. CT-93-80. A.4. FAA Documents Aircraft Arresting Systems on Civil Airports. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2006. AC 150/5220-9a. Engineered Materials Arresting Systems (EMAS) for Aircraft Overruns. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2005. AC 150-5220-22a. Financial Feasibility and Equivalency of Runway Safety Area Improvements and Engineered Material Arresting Systems. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2004. Order 5200.9. Runway Safety Area Program. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1999. Order 5200.8. Certification and Operations: Land Airports Serving Certain Air Carriers: Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1996. CFR 14 Part 139. Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace: Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1993. CFR 14 Part 77. Airport Design: Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1989. AC 150/5300-13. Introduction to Safety Management Systems (SMS) for Airport Operators. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2007. AC 150/ 5200-37. Runway Safety Area Status Database. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2007. A.5. Human Injury DeWeese, R. L. and D. M. Moorcraft. Evaluation of a Head Injury Criteria Component Test Device. Washington, D.C.: Office of Aerospace Medicine, 2004. DOT/FAA/AM-04/18. Hendler, E. Linear Acceleration as a Survivable Hazard in Aviation. 27(6), December 1956, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 495–501. Latham, F. Linear Deceleration Studies and Human Tolerance. 17(1), Feb 1958, Clin Sci (Lond), pp. 121–35. Lewis, S. T. and J. P. Stapp. Human Tolerance to Aircraft Seat Belt Restraint. 29(3), March 1958, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 187–96. Moseley, H. G. and A. F. Zeller. Relation of Injury to Forces and Direc- tion of Deceleration in Aircraft Accidents. 2(10), Oct 1958, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 739–49. A P P E N D I X A Bibliography

161 Preston-Thomas, H. et al. Human Tolerance to Multistage Rocket Acceleration Curves. 26(5), October 1955, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 390–98. Stapp, J. P. Human Tolerance to Deceleration. 93(4), April 1957, American Journal of Surgery, pp. 734–40. Stapp, J. P. Human Tolerance to Deceleration: Summary of 166 Runs. 22(1), February 1951, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 42–5. Stapp, J. P. Effects of Mechanical Force on Living Tissue. 26(4), August 1955, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 268–88. Zuidema, G. D. et al. Human Tolerance to Prolonged Acceleration. 27(6), December 1956, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 469–481. Zuidema, G. D. et al. Human Tolerance to Prolonged Acceleration. 27(6), December 1956, J. Aviat. Med., pp. 469–481. A.6. Landing Gear Batill, S. M., and J. M. Bacarro. Modeling and Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems With Application to Aircraft Landing Gear. AIAA (1988). Chester, D. H. Aircraft Landing Impact Parametric Study With Emphasis on Nose Gear Landing Conditions. Journal of Aircraft 39, no. 3 (2002): 394–403. Collins, R. L. Theories on the Mechanics of Tires and Their Applications to Shimmy Analysis. Journal of Aircraft 8, no. 4 (1971): 271–277. Currey, N. S. Aircraft Landing Gear Design: Principles and Practice AIAA Education Series. ed. J. S. Przemieniecki: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1988. Holzapfel, F., R. Leitner and G. Sachs. High Fidelity Landing Gear Modeling for Real-Time Simulation. Paper presented at the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, Keystone, Colorado 2006. Kilner, J. R. Pneumatic Tire Model for Aircraft Simulation. Journal of Aircraft 19, no. 10 (1982): 851–857. Lee, C. R., J.-W. Kim, J. O. Hallquist, Y. Zhang, and A. D. Farahani. Validation of a FEA Tire Model for Vehicle Dynamic Analysis and Full Vehicle Real Time Proving Ground Simulations. SAE Paper Number 971100 (2005). Pacejka, H. B. Tire and Vehicle Dynamics. 2nd ed.: Society of Automotive Engineers, 2006. Pritchard, J. Overview of Landing Gear Dynamics. Journal of Aircraft 38, no. 1 (2001): 130–37. Wahi, M. K. Oleopneumatic Shock Strut Dynamic Analysis and Its Real- Time Simulation. Journal of Aircraft 13, no. 4 (1976): 303–8. Wong, J. Y. Theory of Ground Vehicles. 3rd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2001. York, B. W. and O. Alaverdi. A Physically Representative Aircraft Land- ing Gear Model for Real-Time Simulation A96-35001 09-01. Paper presented at the AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, CA 1996. A.7. Material Science Stehly, R. D. Report of Concrete Testing, Project: Engineered Material Arresting System Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport.: American Engineering Testing, Inc., 2007, 05-03306. Stouffer, S. A Study of the Pressure and Moisture in the ESCO Arrestor Bed at Minneapolis–St. Paul Airport on June 22, 2000; Interim Data Report.: University of Dayton Research Institute, 2000. A.8. Modeling and Simulation Bell, N., Y. Yu and P. J. Mucha. Particle-Based Simulation of Granular Materials. Paper presented at the Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation, 2005. Cook, R., C. A. Teubert, and G. Hayhoe. Soft Ground Arrestor Design Program: FAA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1995. Dole, G. R., Jr. A Review of Computer Simulations for Aircraft-Surface Dynamics. Journal of Aircraft 23, no. 4 (1986): 257–265. Nezami, E. G., Y. M. A. Hashash, D. Zhao, and J. Ghaboussi. Simulation of Front End Loader Bucket–soil Interaction Using Discrete Element Method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, no. 31 (2007): 1147–62. Pi, W. S. Dynamic Tire/soil Contact Surface Interaction Model for Aircraft Ground Operations. Journal of Aircraft 25, no. 11 (1987): 1038–44. A.9. Patents Allen, G., R. D. Angley, J. L. Gordon, P. T. Mahal, and S. C. Valentini. Jet Blast Resistant Vehicle Arresting Blocks, Beds and Methods. United States Patent 6,971,817, 2005. Angley, R. D., M. S. Ciesielski, C. T. Dial, P. T. Mahal, and R. F. Cook. Vehicle Arresting Bed Systems. United States Patent 6,726,400, 2004. Angley, R. D., M. S. Ciesielski, C. T. Dial, P. T. Mahal, and R. F. Cook. Arresting Material Test Apparatus and Methods. United States Patent 5,789,681, 1998. Cobb, L. C. and T. J. Hirsch. Roadway Barrier. United States Patent 5,054,954, 1991. Larratt, D. R. et al., Aircraft Arresting System, United States Patent 5,193,764, 1993. Ogden, D. H. Vehicle Deceleration Means, United States Patent 3,967,704, 1976. Rastegar, J. S. and J. Qiaode. Roadway for Decelerating and/or Acceler- ating a Vehicle Including an Aircraft. United States Patent 6,969,213, 2005. Schirtzinger, J. F. Method and Means for Decelerating Aircraft on Run- ways. United States Patent 3,066,896, 1962.

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 29: Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems explores alternative materials that could be used for an engineered material arresting system (EMAS), as well as potential active arrestor designs for civil aircraft applications. The report examines cellular glass foam, aggregate foam, engineered aggregate, and a main-gear engagement active arrestor system.


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