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Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems (2009)

Chapter: Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14340.
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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14340.
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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2009. Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/14340.
Page 21

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19 1.1. Project Background Passenger aircraft can overrun the available runway area during takeoff and landing, creating accidents involv- ing aircraft damage and loss of life. The increasing speed and weight of modern passenger aircraft require longer runways, but many airports are landlocked by surrounding buildings, bodies of water, or geographic features that pre- vent runway extension. These facts, combined with the increasing volume of air traffic, make overrun risks more relevant today than when many U.S. airports were first constructed. To mitigate overruns that take place, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) now requires that all runways have a Runway Safety Area (RSA) beyond the normal runway sur- face, typically with a length of 1,000 ft. This area provides an additional deceleration zone for planes that cannot stop before reaching the runway end. However, some airports do not have sufficient land area to meet this requirement. In such cases, the airport can install an arrestor system that provides an equivalent to the standard RSA. This use of arrestor systems permits the airport to satisfy the FAA requirement within a smaller land space (1). Currently, the only type of civil aircraft arresting system that meets FAA standards is an Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS). A number of airports have installed EMAS, and these arrestors have demonstrated the ability to bring aircraft to a stop in several overrun incidents. However, various issues and concerns regarding the current EMAS technology exist. The costs associated with acquiring and installing an EMAS are high due to the labor- intensive assembly process. At many airports, the land area at the end of a runway is inadequate to accommodate a full-sized EMAS system. In such cases, either additional land must be developed for accommodation or a reduced- performance EMAS must be installed. The durability of the system over time is unknown, and no tests are currently available that can verify that an installed EMAS maintains its original design characteristics. The objective of this research was to advance the develop- ment of alternative civil aircraft arresting systems to safely decelerate aircraft that overshoot the runway. The research sought to evaluate alternatives to the current EMAS technol- ogy, with the goal of finding options that might offer better performance, lower cost, or higher durability. The research involved technical and non-technical aspects such as can- didate system evaluation, cost estimation, standards-related investigation, and airport surveys. A number of candidate systems and materials were evaluated; some were similar in function to the current system while some were categorically different. 1.2. EMAS Nomenclature In general, the FAA advisory circular regarding EMAS pro- vides latitude regarding the materials and construction methods that may be used; multiple EMAS designs could exist (1). At present, however, only one manufacturer has an approved EMAS design, which is the Engineered Arresting Systems Cor- poration, or ESCO. In general use, the term “EMAS” has largely become synonymous with this ESCO product. Nevertheless, “EMAS” as a system definition could be expanded in the future to include a number of other arrestors besides this current product. Many of the new arrestor system concepts discussed in this report, if eventually approved and fielded, would qualify as EMAS systems. As such, it is necessary to clarify the nomenclature that will be followed in this report. When technical comparisons are made regarding the design, construction, and performance of “EMAS,” the term will refer to the systems presently deployed. When regulatory discussions are undertaken, the term will refer to the general requirements that pertain to the current and future passive arrestor systems. When clarification is required, qualifications such as “current EMAS,” “current EMAS design,” C H A P T E R 1 Introduction

or “current EMAS technology” will be used to denote the ESCO product. 1.3. EMAS Description An EMAS is a surface-based arrestor constructed as a large bed that resides in the RSA beyond the end of a runway (Figure 1-1). EMAS dimensions can vary considerably, but typical dimensions are approximately 300 ft in length by 150 ft in width, with a nominal 75-ft setback from the runway end. Depending on the available space in the RSA, it can be more cost-effective to install shorter EMAS beds with longer setbacks. The current EMAS design features 4-ft by 4-ft blocks of cellular (foamed) cement, usually in one of two compressive strengths. The blocks have narrow gaps between them for venting and drainage, and the tops of these joints are sealed against rain. The depth of the blocks varies depending on the bed design. The sides of the bed stair-step for pedestrian and emergency vehicle access. These side step blocks are not con- sidered in performance calculations for the arresting bed. Prior to installing an EMAS, the site must be prepared with a paved surface that provides a solid foundation for the bed and adequate drainage. Two generations of EMAS are currently installed at U.S. airports. The older JBR-501 design used painted cement board tops for the individual blocks and caulking to seal the joints in between. The newer JBR-502 design uses plastic tops, which do not require painting, and silicone tape to seal the joints. As the only current FAA-approved arresting system, the current EMAS design will serve as a baseline for the arrestor alternatives examined in this research. 1.4. Research Approach The research was divided into two phases. The first “Study” phase included research, identification of alternatives, and an initial down-selection of the most promising candidate arrestor concepts. The second “Experimentation” phase focused on evaluating the candidate concepts through testing and modeling. Table 1-1 presents a basic guide to the report. Chapters 2 through 6 discuss the findings of the study phase, which focused on information gathering and evaluation. These sections examine the overall context for arrestors, including historical and current usage, an EMAS cost evaluation, the impact of FAA requirements, and processes for approving new arrestor systems. Chapter 7 is a key transitional chapter, which identifies dif- ferent potential systems and places them within the broader context of past and present arrestor approaches. This chapter includes conceptual discussion of the key mechanical dis- tinctions between the different concepts from a performance standpoint. The candidates selected for detailed evaluation are identified and briefly described. Chapters 8 through 14 discuss the experimentation phase of the research, beginning with an overview of the evaluation process. Each candidate is subsequently examined on an indi- vidual basis in Chapters 9 through 14. These chapters contain substantial technical content, but also examine the estimated system costs and the requirements to transition into fielded systems. Finally, Chapter 15 provides overall conclusions for the effort, including a general research summary and a comparison of the different candidate systems. 20 Figure 1-1. EMAS arrestor, Minneapolis–St. Paul (MSP) Airport.

21 Chapter Content Introduction Chapter 1. Introduction Project background and research introduction Study Phase Chapter 2. Literature Review Chapter 3. Survey of U.S. Airport Operators Chapter 4. Review and Documentation of FAA Parameters Chapter 5. Sensitivity Analysis Chapter 6. Approval and Commercialization Study Discuss research findings on indicated topics Transition Chapter Chapter 7. Identification and Initial Assessment of Alternatives Important background preceding candidate assessment Chapter 8. Experimentation Overview Overview of evaluation approach to candidate systems Experimentation Phase Chapter 9. Glass Foam Arrestor Concept Chapter 10. Engineered Aggregate Arrestor Concept Chapter 11. Aggregate Foam Arrestor Concept Chapter 12. Depth-Varying Foam Material Chapter 13. Summary of Passive System Candidates Chapter 14. Main-Gear Engagement Active System Concept Detailed evaluation of candidate systems Conclusion Chapter 15. Conclusions Overall conclusions for research Appendices Appendix A. Bibliography Appendix B. Survey Details Appendix C. EMAS Calculations Appendix D. Active Arrestor Calculations Appendix E. Human Injury Study Appendix F. Tire Models Appendix G. Arrestor Prediction Code Additional research details Table 1-1. Guide to report.

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 29: Developing Improved Civil Aircraft Arresting Systems explores alternative materials that could be used for an engineered material arresting system (EMAS), as well as potential active arrestor designs for civil aircraft applications. The report examines cellular glass foam, aggregate foam, engineered aggregate, and a main-gear engagement active arrestor system.


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