National Academies Press: OpenBook

Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment (2013)

Chapter: Appendix C - Training Resources for Ramp Operation

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Page 35
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Training Resources for Ramp Operation ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22505.
Page 35
Page 36
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Training Resources for Ramp Operation ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22505.
Page 36

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35 APPENDIX C Training Resources for Ramp Operation Organization Acronym Handbooks, Guides, Standards Website Brief Description Air Charter Safety Foundation ACSF ACSF Industry Audit Standard Operator Documents Provides safety standards that cover aircraft ground handling and servicing. The intent of this standard is to raise the level of safety during ground operations by reviewing a ground operator’s organization and management, manuals and related documentation, applicable training programs, contract ground handling, auditing, and quality assurance. The standards also focus on specific ground operator’s programs including parking of aircraft, towing and taxiing of aircraft, fueling and servicing, baggage loading, and others. Air Transport Association ATA Recommended Guidelines for Preventing and Investigating Aircraft Ground Damage https://publications.airlin Multiple documents including those related to safety and ramp operations Airports Council International ACI Airside Safety Handbook and Apron Markings and Signs Handbook cda/aci_common/display /main/aci_content07_ban ners.jsp?zn=aci&cp=1-6 5733_725_2 Provides airside managers with a comprehensive set of guidelines for safety and markings Australasian Aviation Ground Safety Council AAGSC Ground safety practices and training material s.htm and inig.htm AAGSC has developed both video and computer-based resources, including standard practices for ramp safety. Boeing Boeing Ramp Error Decision Aid (REDA) Users Guide MS_WS_Boeing_REDA %20Users%20Guide. pdf (one of many sites providing this document) Structured process used to investigate errors made by ramp personnel. Civil Aviation Authority CAA CAP 642 Airside Safety Management cs/33/Cap642.pdf U.K. ramp safety operations and practices including risk analysis Flight Safety Foundation FSF Ground Accident Prevention (GAP) hives-and-resources A set of e-tools on ramp operations and safety practices including but not limited to Ramp Operational Safety Procedures. International Air Transport Association IATA IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operators (ISAGO) Airport Handling Manual (AHM) ertification/isago/Pages/i ndex.aspx publications/Pages/ahm. aspx Ground Services Audit program documentation including an audit checklist Field reference publication containing recommended industry standards and procedures on airside safety; load control; baggage, cargo, and mail handling; aircraft movement control; aircraft loading; and departure control systems. (continued on next page)

36 International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Annexes Safety Management Manual (SMM) mainpae. ch2 (costs vary by document) b/safetymanagement/D OC_9859_FULL_ EN.pdf (publication is free) A variety of documents including Annex 14 for Aerodrome operations and Annex 13 for accident incident investigation National Air Transportation Association NATA Safety 1st and Fueling NATA Ground Safety Audit Program b/page/557/sectionid/55 7/pagelevel/1/module/to ggle/interior.aspx Program promotes safety for ground operations that provides a number of training programs and best management practices to enhance safety for general aviation service providers. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Voluntary Protection Program OSHA VPP Safety management program p/vpp/ VPP sets performance-based criteria for a managed safety and health system, invites sites to apply, and then assesses applicants against these criteria. U.S. National Safety Council NSC Aviation Ground Operations Safety Handbook Aviation- Ground- Operation-Safety- Handbook-6th-Ed- P1753.aspx The handbook sets forth the guidelines for safely accomplishing most ground operations associated with aircraft and applicable to aviation ground operations. Source: ACRP Synthesis 29: Ramp Safety Practices. (continued)

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 49: Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment highlights comprehensive safety and security training resources as well as successful practices for new maintenance hires at general aviation airports.


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