National Academies Press: OpenBook

Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment (2013)

Chapter: Appendix I - Sample Part 139 Airport Training Outline

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Page 47
Suggested Citation:"Appendix I - Sample Part 139 Airport Training Outline ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22505.
Page 47
Page 48
Suggested Citation:"Appendix I - Sample Part 139 Airport Training Outline ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22505.
Page 48

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47 Introduction Training Program Description Phase 1 – Company Orientation SECTION 1 – Organization History SECTION 2 – Chronological History SECTION 3 – Current Facilities SECTION 4 – Organization Structure SECTION 5 – Job Descriptions SECTION 6 – Performance Expectations SECTION 7 – Company Benefits SECTION 8 – Employee Policy Manual SECTION 9 – Work/Shift Schedules SECTION 10 – Timekeeping Requirements SECTION 11 – Policies and Procedures Phase 2 – Safety Training SECTION 1 – Safety Policy Statement SECTION 2 – Workplace Safety Program SECTION 3 – Right-to-Know Program SECTION 4 – Exposure Control Plan SECTION 5 – Hepatitis B Vaccination and/or Declination SECTION 6 – Safety Committee SECTION 7 – Reporting Injuries Phase 3 – Federal Aviation Administration Requirements (Part 139) SECTION 1 – Airport Familiarization SECTION 2 – Airport Communications SECTION 2 – 14 CFR 139 Requirements SECTION 3 – Part 139 Contents SECTION 4 – 139.301 Records SECTION 5 – 139.303 Personnel SECTION 6 – 139.305 Paved Areas SECTION 7 – 139.307 Unpaved Areas SECTION 8 – 139.309 Safety Areas SECTION 9 – 139.311 Marking, Signs and Lighting A. Runway Signs, Marking, and Lighting B. Taxiway Signs, Marking, and Lighting C. Airfield Signs SECTION 10 – 139.313 Snow and Ice Control Plan SECTION 11 – 139.315 Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Index Determination SECTION 12 – 139.317 Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Equipment and Agents SECTION 13 – 139.319 Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Operational Requirements SECTION 14 – 139.321 Handling & Storage of Hazardous Materials SECTION 15 – 139.323 Traffic and Wind Direction Indicators SECTION 16 – 139.325 Airport Emergency Plan SECTION 17 – 139.327 Self-Inspection Program SECTION 18 – 139.329 Pedestrians and Ground Vehicles SECTION 19 – 139.331 Obstructions SECTION 20 – 139.333 Protection of NAVAIDS SECTION 21 – 139.335 Public Protection SECTION 22 – 139.337 Wildlife Hazard Management SECTION 23 – 139.339 Airport Condition Reporting SECTION 24 – 139.341 Identifying, Marking and Lighting Construction & Other Unserviceable Areas SECTION 25 – 139.343 Non-Complying Conditions Phase 4 – Airport Operations Database SECTION 1 – Database Introduction SECTION 2 – Airport Maintenance Database Contents SECTION 2 – Airport Fire Department Database Contents Phase 5 – Airport Safety Self-Inspection Program SECTION 1 – Safety Self-Inspection Program Introduction SECTION 2 – Safety Self-Inspection Procedures A. Pavement Areas B. Safety Areas aPPENDIX I Sample Part 139 airport Training Outline

48 C. Markings D. Signs E. Lighting F. Navigational Aids G. Obstructions H. Snow and Ice I. Construction J. Public Protection K. Fuel Farms L. Wildlife Hazards SECTION 3 – Safety Self-Inspection Reporting Procedures SECTION 4 – Work Order System A. Creating a Work Order B. Printing a Work Order C. Closing (Completing) a Work Order Phase 6 – Airport Condition Reporting SECTION 1 – Airport Condition Reporting (General) SECTION 2 – Field Condition Report (FICON) System SECTION 3 – Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) and e-Notam system Phase 7 – Airport Emergency Plan SECTION 1 – General Airport Emergency Plan Information/Training Phase 8 – Ground Vehicle Operations SECTION 1 – Ground Vehicle Operator Training Requirements Phase 9 – Airport Security Requirements/Procedures and the Transportation Security Administration SECTION 1 – History of Airport Security Requirements/Procedures SECTION 2 – Airport Issued IDs, Training Requirements Phase 10 – Job Specific Duties, Equipment Operations, Miscellaneous SECTION 1 – Equipment Operations SECTION 2 – Job Functions/Tasks Phase 11 – Final Examinations (Written and Practical) Source: Rochester Municipal Airport, Rochester, MN. Used with permission.

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TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 49: Helping New Maintenance Hires Adapt to the Airport Operating Environment highlights comprehensive safety and security training resources as well as successful practices for new maintenance hires at general aviation airports.


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