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Suggested Citation:"Abstract." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2014. Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22560.
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1This report documents the results of the SHRP 2 R07 project to develop and implement perfor- mance specifications for rapid highway renewal. The project adopted a broad definition of performance specifications to address not only the performance of the physical products of construction (including pavements, bridges, and earthwork) but also contractor performance in terms of time, safety, work zone traffic control, and other important project parameters. Performance specifications were considered in the context of different project delivery methods— including design-bid-build and design-build—and other innovative contracting variations involv- ing warranties or maintenance and operation agreements. The products of the research include guide performance specifications for different application areas and delivery methods that users may tailor to address project-specific goals and conditions. Implementation guidelines were also prepared to accompany the guide specifications. To validate these materials, demonstration proj- ects were conducted for geotechnical and bridge deck applications. The findings of the study generally support the use of performance specifications as a viable option for agencies interested in empowering the private sector to provide creative solutions to save time, minimize disruption, and enhance durability in the interest of rapid renewal. Abstract

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Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal Get This Book
 Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal
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TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R07-RR-1: Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal describes suggested performance specifications for different application areas and delivery methods that users may tailor to address rapid highway renewal project-specific goals and conditions.

SHRP 2 Renewal Project R07 also produced:

A separate document, Guide Performance Specifications, includes model specifications and commentary to address implementation and performance targets (for acceptance) for 13 routine highway items. Agencies may adapt guide specifications to specific standards or project conditions. The commentary addresses gaps, risks, and options.


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