National Academies Press: OpenBook

Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal (2014)

Chapter: Appendix A - Workshop and Demonstration Project Participants

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Page 51
Suggested Citation:"Appendix A - Workshop and Demonstration Project Participants." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2014. Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22560.
Page 51
Page 52
Suggested Citation:"Appendix A - Workshop and Demonstration Project Participants." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2014. Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22560.
Page 52

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51 A p p e n d i x A The R07 research team is indebted to the following individu- als who gave their time to participate in workshops and meetings to share their expertise, vet the performance speci- fications and implementation guidelines, and help advance the demonstration projects. Hot-Mix Asphalt pavement Chris Abadie, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Dave Andrewski, Indiana Department of Transportation Rick Bradbury, Maine Department of Transportation Pete Capon, Rieth-Riley Construction Colin Franco, Rhode Island Department of Transportation Georgene Geary, Georgia Department of Transportation Kevin Hall, University of Arkansas Richard Kim, North Carolina State University Bill King, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Becky McDaniels, Purdue University Andy Mergenmeier, Federal Highway Administration Larry Michael, Consultant Jim Moulthrop, Fugro Consultants Jim Musselman, Florida Department of Transportation Gale Page, Florida Department of Transportation Katherine Petros, Federal Highway Administration Randy Pitz, Manitoba Infrastructure & Transportation Shree Rao, Applied Research Associates Chris Raymond, Ontario Ministry of Transportation Judie Ryan, Wisconsin Department of Transportation Curt Turgeon, Minnesota Department of Transportation Matt Witczak, Arizona State University Richard Zamora, Colorado Department of Transportation Work Zone Traffic Control Matt Briggs, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Mike Chacon, Texas Department of Transportation Brian Hart, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation John Householder, Kokosing Construction Albert Letzkus, Pima County, Arizona Mark Rolfe, Connecticut Department of Transportation Craig Ruyle, New York State Department of Transportation Lee Steiner, New Jersey Department of Transportation Jesse Sweeten, Utah Department of Transportation Jeff Thompson, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Gerald Ullman, Texas A&M Geotechnical Barry R. Christopher, Christopher Consulting Jesse Jonas, Missouri Department of Transportation David J. Horhota, Florida Department of Transportation Steve Megivern, Iowa Department of Transportation Scott Mackiewicz, Kleinfelder, Inc. Melissa A. Serio, Iowa Department of Transportation John Siekmeier, Minnesota Department of Transportation Vernon Schaefer, Iowa State University Don Taylor, McAninch Corporation demonstration projects Ross Adams, Fred Weber, Inc. Kerry Bates, IPD, Virginia Department of Transportation Allen DeClerk, Caterpillar, Inc. Dave Dwiggins, Fred Weber, Inc. Bill Farnbach, California Department of Transportation Gavin Gautreau, Louisiana Transportation Research Council Workshop and Demonstration Project Participants

52 Fred Kicklighter, The LPA Group, Inc. Nancy Leroney, Missouri Department of Transportation Lashonda Neal, ABNA Engineering James Pappas, Delaware Department of Transportation Joe Sease, South Carolina Department of Transportation William Stone, Missouri Department of Transportation Justin Zimpfer, Fred Weber, Inc. portland Cement Concrete pavements Rick Bradbury, Maine Department of Transportation Tom Burnham, Minnesota Department of Transportation Tom Byron, Florida Department of Transportation Bouzid Choubane, Florida Department of Transportation John Donahue, Missouri Department of Transportation Dan DeGraaf, Michigan American Concrete Paving Association Colin Franco, Rhode Island Department of Transportation Andy Gisi, Kansas Department of Transportation Greg Hainsworth, Delaware Department of Transportation Andy Johnson, South Carolina Department of Transportation David Luhr, Washington State Department of Transportation Kevin McMullen, Wisconsin American Concrete Paving Association Katherine Petros, Federal Highway Administration Shree Rao, Applied Research Associates Peter Taylor, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center Suneel Vaniker, Federal Highway Administration Moon Won, Texas Tech University Thomas Yu, Federal Highway Administration Bridge decks Jesse Beaver, Washington State Department of Transportation Kerry Bates, Virginia Department of Transportation Casimir Bognacki, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Erich Brown, Lane Construction Duane Carpenter, New York State Department of Transportation David Fujiwara, KSF Inc. (sponsored by Hawaii Department of Transportation) Gary Jakovich, FHWA Federal Lands Highway Division Bruce Johnson, Oregon Department of Transportation Colin Lobo, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Mike Mance, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bob Milliron, Lanford Brothers Betsy Reiner, Modjeski and Masters Rick Nelson, North Carolina Department of Transportation Kelley Rehm, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Daryl Sargent, Parsons Brinckerhoff Ken Walus, Virginia Department of Transportation Ron Stanevich, West Virginia Department of Transportation Lou Triandafilou, Federal Highway Administration Value Analysis (Task 4) Workshop Francois Chaignon, COLAS, Inc. Joe Graff, Halcrow, Inc. Doug Gransberg, Iowa State University John Householder, Kokosing Construction David Sadler, Florida Department of Transportation Fidel Saenz, Ferrovial Agroman US Jeff Seider, Texas Department of Transportation UK MAC and Maintenance Contracts Andrew Ardrey, Halcrow, Inc. Robert Gorski, DBI, Inc. Peter McDermott, Halcrow, Inc. Fabrice Voisin, COLAS, Inc.

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 Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal
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TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R07-RR-1: Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal describes suggested performance specifications for different application areas and delivery methods that users may tailor to address rapid highway renewal project-specific goals and conditions.

SHRP 2 Renewal Project R07 also produced:

A separate document, Guide Performance Specifications, includes model specifications and commentary to address implementation and performance targets (for acceptance) for 13 routine highway items. Agencies may adapt guide specifications to specific standards or project conditions. The commentary addresses gaps, risks, and options.


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