National Academies Press: OpenBook

Highway Safety Manual Training Materials (2012)

Chapter: Appendix C - Example Forms

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Page 15
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Example Forms." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Highway Safety Manual Training Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22784.
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Page 16
Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Example Forms." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Highway Safety Manual Training Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22784.
Page 16
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C - Example Forms." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Highway Safety Manual Training Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22784.
Page 17

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15 The training materials are accompanied by several ancillary files including an example agenda (see Figure 1), a 2-page evaluation form (see Figure 2 and Figure 3), and a workshop attendance form (see Figure 4). A p p e n d i x C Example Forms DAY 1 8:00 am Registration 30 minutes 8:30 Module 1 Introduction to the HSM 45 minutes 9:15 Module 2 Fundamentals 30 minutes 10:00 Break 15 minutes 10:15 Module 2 Fundamentals (Continued) 45 minutes 11:00 Module 3 Overview—Crash Modification Factors 60 minutes 12:00 pm Lunch 60 minutes 1:00 Module 4 HSM Predictive Method Process 80 minutes 2:20 Break 35 minutes 2:35 Module 4B HSM Predictive Method Process Overview of Spreadsheet Tool and Example Application 75 minutes 3:50 Break 10 minutes 4:00 Module 5 HSM Calibration Procedure 60 minutes 5:00 Adjourn Day 1 DAY 2 8:00 am Module 6 Overview of HSM Part B 35 minutes 8:35 Module 7 Network Screening 40 minutes 9:50 Break 15 minutes 10:05 Module 9 Diagnosis and Countermeasure Selection 40 minutes 11:30 Lunch 60 minutes 12:30 pm Module 11 Safety Effectiveness Evaluation 60 minutes 1:30 Break 15 minutes 1:45 Module 11 Safety Effectiveness Evaluation (Continued) 60 minutes 2:45 Module 12 Overall HSM Summary 15 minutes 3:30 Adjourn Figure 1. HSM Example Workshop Agenda

16 Figure 2. Example Workshop Evaluation Form (Page 1)

Figure 3. Example Workshop Evaluation Form (Page 2) Figure 4. Example Workshop Attendance Form

Next: Appendix D - Acronyms and Abbreviations »
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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 715: Highway Safety Manual Training Materials provides training materials to aid in implementing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Highway Safety Manual (HSM).

The training materials are designed to provide a broad overview of the HSM format and procedures.

The materials are included with the print version of NCHRP Report 715 in CD-ROM format. The training materials include presentation slides with speaker notes, participant handouts, interactive sample problems, smart spreadsheets, and similar supporting documents.

The CD-ROM is also available for download from TRB’s website as an ISO image. Links to the ISO image and instructions for burning a CD-ROM from an ISO image are provided below.

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