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Highway Safety Manual Training Materials (2012)

Chapter: Chapter 5 - Summary

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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 5 - Summary." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Highway Safety Manual Training Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22784.
Page 11

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11 The goal of the HSM training workshop is to inform the transportation safety community about the growing body of scientific literature that is relevant to the safety discipline and facilitate the use of the HSM. The content of the train- ing modules provides an overview of how these developing analytical tools can be used to enhance safety decisions. The documentation that is used, developed, compiled, or col- lected for analysis conducted in connection with the HSM may be protected under federal law (23 USC 409). The HSM is neither intended to be, nor does it establish, a legal stan- dard of care for users or professionals as to the information it contains. No standard of conduct or duty toward the public is created or imposed by the publication and use or nonuse of the HSM. Workshop Format The workshop content outlined in this report was intend- ed to be used for a 2- to 3-day workshop. The 12 instructional modules support lecture, guided discussion, questions, and interactive exercise learning techniques. Since interactive problems are included and encouraged, the maximum class size should be approximately 30 to 35 participants. The con- tent that is included on the CD-ROM and summarized in Appendix A includes ancillary files such as evaluation forms, attendance forms, an example agenda, and a name tent. In addition, the content includes an instructor guide, partici- pant guide, electronic presentation files, and spreadsheets developed to help enhance user understanding. Ideally, the most effective training would be customized to the particular agency. Many agencies have one or more individuals who are proactive safety advocates. If the instruc- tors can identify one of these individuals and encourage his or her participation in the workshop, this contribution will substantially enhance the learning experience as the safety advocate can provide specific implementation information unique to the agency. During the workshop, instruction will be enhanced if cop- ies of the HSM are readily available so that participants can actively refer to the manual. Similarly, if the instructor can create an opportunity for participants to work example prob- lems manually as well as with a computer, this will further the learning experience. Key Technical Messages At the conclusion of the workshop, the attendees should be provided an opportunity to reflect on the content of the HSM and how information provided in the manual can directly apply to their daily transportation safety assessment activities. Though the training sessions are likely to be tailored to individual audience needs, it is important that the training convey several key technical messages. These messages are summarized as follows: • Crash rate should no longer be used as a primary metric of safety. • In many instances, the total number of crashes can be reduced, but the focus should be on the reduction of seri- ous injury or fatal crashes where possible. • The terms “predicted” and “expected” crashes have spe- cific meanings and should not be used interchangeably. • CMFs should be used only when their base conditions are applicable to the candidate analysis scenario. • Information acquired to perform safety assessments is legally protected. • The HSM provides safety analysis tools and is not a required document or standard. C h a p t e r 5 Summary

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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 715: Highway Safety Manual Training Materials provides training materials to aid in implementing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Highway Safety Manual (HSM).

The training materials are designed to provide a broad overview of the HSM format and procedures.

The materials are included with the print version of NCHRP Report 715 in CD-ROM format. The training materials include presentation slides with speaker notes, participant handouts, interactive sample problems, smart spreadsheets, and similar supporting documents.

The CD-ROM is also available for download from TRB’s website as an ISO image. Links to the ISO image and instructions for burning a CD-ROM from an ISO image are provided below.

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