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Suggested Citation:"Summary." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Highway Safety Manual Training Materials. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22784.
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S U M M A R Y The recent release of the AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) introduced a science- based safety assessment approach that can be used to help transportation professionals identify how to best enhance safety for their managed facilities. A key aspect for the success of the HSM is wide dissemination and comprehensive understanding of the techniques introduced in this important document. NCHRP initiated this outreach and training proj- ect prior to the publication of the HSM that included briefing activities as well as training materials with pilot workshops. The training materials developed for this project (NCHRP Project 17-38) are reviewed in this report; the companion CD-ROM (CRP-CD-106) in- cludes electronic training files. The training materials summarized in this report are intended as a broad overview of the HSM format and procedures. They are not intended to comprehensively cover all facets of the various procedures included in the HSM, but rather to introduce workshop partici- pants to the general content and methods that encompass the materials. Twelve informa- tional modules address the HSM structure and content and include information ranging from HSM development and safety fundamentals to network screening, safety effectiveness evaluation methods, crash prediction procedures, and candidate crash modification factors. In addition to presentation slides with speaker notes, the training materials also include participant handouts, interactive sample problems, smart spreadsheets, and similar sup- porting documents. Since the target audience for this training is transportation profession- als who are not required to have a vast knowledge of safety assessment procedures, the collection of training material includes basic introductory information as well as specific content for advanced procedures where appropriate. The report also briefly addresses the preferred expertise of the candidate instructors to enhance the learning experience for all involved parties. A common concern about the implementation of new procedures focused on safety is the potential for how these techniques and their presentation of results may be perceived. This report summarizes how instruction and documentation should use clear and concise language and how instructors should be cognizant of the way specific terms associated with safety can be perceived in the litigation context. Often, phrases and terms used to conve- niently describe transportation scenarios may have taken on connotations and implications far beyond their intended meaning. This report highlights example phrases that can be per- ceived incorrectly and also encourages instructors to impress upon their audience the need to express themselves in an objective, rather than subjective, manner. Highway Safety Manual Training Materials 1

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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 715: Highway Safety Manual Training Materials provides training materials to aid in implementing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Highway Safety Manual (HSM).

The training materials are designed to provide a broad overview of the HSM format and procedures.

The materials are included with the print version of NCHRP Report 715 in CD-ROM format. The training materials include presentation slides with speaker notes, participant handouts, interactive sample problems, smart spreadsheets, and similar supporting documents.

The CD-ROM is also available for download from TRB’s website as an ISO image. Links to the ISO image and instructions for burning a CD-ROM from an ISO image are provided below.

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