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Tabletop and Full-Scale Emergency Exercises for General Aviation, Non-Hub, and Small Hub Airports (2016)

Chapter: Appendix F - Table Top Drill Scenario: Hurricane (JAX)

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Page 85
Suggested Citation:"Appendix F - Table Top Drill Scenario: Hurricane (JAX) ." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Tabletop and Full-Scale Emergency Exercises for General Aviation, Non-Hub, and Small Hub Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23584.
Page 85

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85 APPENDIX F Table Top Drill Scenario: Hurricane (JAX) JAX Table Top Exercise Scenario—Hurricane The National Hurricane Center is warning this afternoon that Hurricane Zulu has strengthened into a dangerous Category 3 storm and it is tracking toward Duval County. Models indicate possible landfall over the region as early as Monday morning. But forecasters are not sure if the storm will strengthen or weaken over the next couple of days. The Governor is not taking chances. He has ordered the evacuation of all citizens and tourists within 10 miles of the coast, meaning that approximately 85,000 homes will be displaced. Local highways are already jammed with traffic, and some gas stations have already run out of gas. The Hurricane Center is warning that if Zulu strengthens to Category 4 or 5, many homes and build- ings will be damaged or destroyed. Mobile homes are especially vulnerable, they could be completely destroyed. Any building that is unsound could collapse. With the storm surge and rains, there could be major damage to lower floors of all buildings located up to 15 feet above sea level and within 500 yards of the shoreline. Again the Governor has ordered a mandatory evacuation for everyone within 10 miles of the coast. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Appendix G - Table Top Drill Scenario: Family Assistance (RSW) »
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ACRP Synthesis 72: Tabletop and Full-Scale Emergency Exercises for General Aviation, Non-Hub, and Small Hub Airports provides small airports with the tools and practices needed to practice emergency response. The report provides sample exercise tools and plans, a checklist of effective practices for tabletop and full-scale emergency exercises, and a road map for developing an effective exercise program.


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