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Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
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Page 62
Suggested Citation:"References." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
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61 References Anderson, Rob. Civil Integrated Management. Presented at the CIM Train- ing Expo, Florida, June 2012. DesignExpo2012/CIMPresentations/CIM%20Presentation%20%20 Jun%20%202012.pdf. BIM Task Group. BIS BIM Strategy Report. Prepared by BIM Industry Working Group, United Kingdom, 2011. http://www.bimtaskgroup. org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/BIS-BIM-strategy-Report.pdf. BIM Task Group, UK. Building Information Modeling (BIM) Task Group. Department for Business Innovation & Skills, United Kingdom, August, 2014. buildingSMART UK User Group. OPEN BIM Focus, Issue 2, August 30, 2014. html. Construction Industry Institute (CII) IR 272. Advanced Work Packag- ing: Design through Workface Execution, Version 3.0. 2013. https:// more.cfm. Construction Industry Council, Hong Kong. Final Draft Report of the Roadmap for BIM Strategic Implementation in Hong Kong’s Con- struction Industry. The Hong Kong Institute of Building Informa- tion Modelling, 2013. Construction Industry Council, UK. Building Information Model (BIM) Protocol. London, 2013a. php?f=the-bim-protocol.pdf. Construction Industry Council, UK. Best Practice Guide for Profes- sional Indemnity Insurance When Using Building Information Models. London, 2013b. practice-guide-for-professional-indemnity-insurance-when- using-bim.pdf. Dodge Data & Analytics. SmartMarket Report: The Business Value of BIM in Europe. Bedford, MA, 2010. Dodge Data & Analytics. SmartMarket Report: The Business Value of BIM for Infrastructure. Bedford, MA, 2012. Dodge Data & Analytics. SmartMarketReport: The Business Value of BIM for Construction in Major Global Markets: How Contractors around the World Are Driving Innovations with Building Informa- tion Modelling. Bedford, MA, 2014a. Dodge Data & Analytics. SmartMarket Report: The Business Value of BIM for Owners. Bedford, MA, 2014b. Business_Value_of_BIM_for_Owners_SMR_%282014%29.pdf. Farr, Cliff. MDOT E-Construction. Presented at the 2013 AASHTO Subcommittee on Construction Annual Meeting, August 14, 2013. e-Construction-Farr-CT.pdf. FHWA. Civil Integrated Management (CIM). U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2012. gov/files/technology/dv/CIM-Poster-04.12.pdf. FHWA. 3D, 4D, and 5D Engineered Models for Construction. U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2013. http://www.fhwa. FHWA. IC Spec At-a-Glance. The Transtec Group, Inc., Austin, TX, 2014a. FHWA. Conducting Quality Assurance When 3D Models Are Used to Design and Build a Transportation Construction Project. U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 2014b. http:// ConferenceHandbook.pdf. Government Construction Client Group. Building Information Mod- elling (BIM) Working Party Strategy Paper. 2011. http://www. Report.pdf. Guo, Fangyu, Yelda Turkan, Charles T. Jahren, and H. David Jeong. Civil Information Modeling Adoption by Iowa and Missouri DOT. In 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Build- ing Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. Hagar, Jim. Oregon Transportation Investment Act III Information Technology Benefit-Cost Evaluation Report. Oregon Department of Transportation, Salem, 2011. HWY/OTIA/docs/otiaiii_informationtechnologybenefitcost evaluation_report.pdf. Iowa Department of Transportation. Design Manual. Ames, 2014. http:// Massachusetts Department of Transportation. MassHighway GPS CORS Network Construction & Applications. National Geodetic Survey, Boston, 2013. basestation/MA_CORS%20Network%20Applications%20&%20 costs.pdf. O’Brien, William, Pierre Gau, Cameron Schmeits, Jean Goyat, and Nabeel Khwaja. Benefits of Three- and Four-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design Model Applications for Review of Constructability. In Trans- portation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2268, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2012, pp. 18–25. doi:10.3141/2268-03. Oregon Department of Transportation. Oregon DOT 3D Roadway Design. 2012. index.aspx. Olsen, Michael James. NCHRP Report 748: Guidelines for the Use of Mobile LIDAR in Transportation Applications. Transportation Research

62 Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2013. http:// fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Guidelines+for+the+Use+of+Mobile+LIDAR +in+Transportation+Applications&ots=59Q0-w0BMg&sig= F2DXauqgUP_hwcTFADUnm1wbNOc. Parve, Lance. CIM-Civil Integrated Management: Best Practices & Lessons Learned. Presented at the 3D Modeling Meeting, Waukesha, WI, August 23, 2012. 3d-modeling/Thursday_Meeting/Lance-Parve.pdf. Parve, Lance. Applications of 3D Models on the Construction Site. Presented at the FHWA Webinar Series: 3D Engineered Models, April 2, 2014. webinar04.pdf. Seng, L. Chuan. Singapore BIM Guide. Singapore, 2012. Singh, Ron. Engineering Automation: Key Concepts for a 25 Year Time Horizon. Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, Salem, 2008. Texas Department of Transportation. 3D Design and ProjectWise. Pre- sented at the Texas Department of Transportation Commission Presentation, Austin, September 18, 2014. pub/txdot/commission/2014/0918/3a-presentation.pdf. Vonderohe, Alan. Wisconsin Department of Transportation 3D Tech- nologies Implementation Plan. University of Wisconsin—Madison: Construction and Materials Support Center, 2013. http://cmsc.engr. Plan-2013-July-1.pdf. Yen, K., T. Lasky, and B. Ravani. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanning Applications for Highway Infrastruc- ture. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 2014. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000192. Zeiss, Geoff. Between the Poles. France’s National Project to Map Underground Utilities. May 29, 2014. geospatial/2014/05/frances-national-project-to-map-underground- utilities.html.

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Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report Get This Book
 Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report
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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 831: Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report provides background material on collecting, organizing, and managing information in digital formats about a highway or other transportation construction project.

The term civil integrated management (CIM) has been adopted in recent years to encompass an assortment of practices and tools entailing collection, organization, and management of information in digital formats about highway or other transportation construction projects, Transportation agencies may realize significant benefits from increased adoption of these practices, which may be useful when managing an asset’s initial planning phase through its in-service maintenance.

Volume 1, Guidebook can be applied by transportation agencies seeking to explore or expand the use of CIM practices.


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