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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 73
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 78
Page 79
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 79
Page 80
Suggested Citation:"Appendix B - Project Survey Questionnaire." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 80

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73 Project Survey Questionnaire A P P E N D I X B The purpose of this survey is to document the methods and lessons learned from projects and agencies that implement digital project delivery and asset management methods in order to incorporate them as part of the NCHRP Project 10-96, “Guide for Civil Integrated Management (CIM) in the Departments of Transportation.” Definition of Civil Integrated Management (CIM) Although there are several terms that are used to describe the overall concept of digital project delivery and asset management such as CIM and building information modeling (BIM) for infrastructure, for the purpose of this survey we will define CIM as the term for transportation infrastructure projects that encompasses a wide range of practices, methods, and technologies that entail the collection, organization and management of information in a digital format. This broad definition is broken down into 4 main categories with examples that include, but are not limited to: 2D 2D Plan sets in the field during construc on 3D/nD 3D Visualiza on during construc on (e.g., isometric drawings, physical models, etc.) 3D CADD 4D Modeling Analysis (3D + schedule) 5D/nD Modeling Analysis (model based quan ty takeoff/model based cost es ma ng) Work Packaging So…ware/Advanced Scheduling Sensing3D/nD 3D Imaging (e.g., LiDAR, photogrammetry) Geographical Informa on Systems (GIS)

74 Global Posioning Systems (GPS) Intelligent Transportaon Systems (ITS) Field Sensors (e.g., RFID, ground penetrang radar, ultrasonics) Intelligent Compacon Automated Machine Guidance and Control (AMG) Ulity Engineering/Clash Detecon/Coordinaon Data Management Electronic archival and updang of plans Digital Asset Management Materials Management System (e.g., Spreadsheets and RFIDs) Mobile Digital Devices for onsite applicaons (tablets, smart phones, etc.) Data Connecvity Other than Cellular Towers Digital Signature Are there any additional projects within your agency, or the agency you work with, that you recommend we contact regarding their use of CIM? Project Name: Click here to enter text. Contact (Name/Email/Phone): Click here to enter text. Project Name: Click here to enter text. Contact (Name/Email/Phone): Click here to enter text. Project Name: Click here to enter text. Contact (Name/Email/Phone): Click here to enter text. Project Name: Click here to enter text. Contact (Name/Email/Phone): Click here to enter text.

75 I. RESPONDENT SPECIFIC QUESTIONS Name: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text. Agency/Company Name: Click here to enter text. Address: Click here to enter text. City: Click here to enter text. State: Click here to enter text. Zip: Click here to enter text. Phone: Click here to enter text. Fax: Click here to enter text. E-mail: Click here to enter text. 1. What is your primary area of work (check all that apply)? Design Construction Operations Maintenance Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. 2. What discipline do you work in (check all that apply)? Construction Planning and Programming Roadway Structures Utilities ROW Materials Drainage/Hydraulics Geology/Geotechnical Environmental Contracts & Estimates District/Region field personnel Executive Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. 3. How many years of experience do you have in the industry? Click here to enter text.

76 II. PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS If you are unsure or a specific question does not apply, please skip. a. PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Title: Click here to enter text. Project Location: Click here to enter text. Project and/or contract ID: Click here to enter text. 4. What was the project delivery method? Design Bid Build CM/GC Design Build Design Build Operate Maintain (agency retains ownership) Public Private Partnerships (P3)/Concession (outside party owns/operates for concession period) Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. 5. What is the type of project site? New Construction: Road Surface (e.g., lane expansion, new route, realignment) New Construction: Structure (e.g., bridge) Maintenance: (e.g., repaving and guardrail repair) Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. 6. What is the construcon contract payment type? Lump Sum Unit Price Time and Materials Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. 7. What is the size of the project in terms of contract value (Note: This excludes ROW acquision and O&M cost)? Click here to enter text. 8. Approximately what percentage of the project (as it relates to construcon cost only) are the design costs? Click here to enter text. 9. What was the primary driver(s) behind the deployment of CIM on this project? Owner/agency requirements Contractual requirement/incenves Contractor parcipaon/innovaon Project requirements/constraints Other, please describe: Click here to enter text.

77 10. Was CIM required in the procurement and/or contract documents? Yes No 11. If CIM was ulized during design, was this informaon shared with the contractor? Yes No 12. In what project phases were CIM technologies deployed (include future planned uses and check all that apply)? Planning Design Procurement Construction Operations Maintenance 13. Was there a specific requirement for data handover at the end of the project or at specific milestones? Yes No 14. Were guidelines and specs for implemenng CIM techniques incorporated in the Project Execuon Plan? Yes Check all that apply: Defining what software/technologies will be used Defining who will own/manage the data Describing how the technologies will be deployed Developing specifications for level of detail Determining how the data will be archived Determining what training will be provided if any Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. No b. TECHNOLOGIES USED 15. Was model informaon (e.g., exisng model/LiDAR point cloud data) provided to contractor pre bid? Yes No a. If yes, was it provided “for informaon only?” Yes No

78 16. Please characterize the level of data integra on implemented on the project: limited use of data integration; most work performed in traditional silos; work processes are document centric (paper or electronic) moderate use of data integration; certain groups/processes benefit from data sharing; work processes are a mix of document and digital based extensive use of data integration; most groups/processes benefit from shared data; work processes are data centric 17. Which technologies were u lized throughout the project (check all that apply)? 2D 2D Plan sets in the field during construction Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. 3D/nD 3D Visualization during construction (e.g., isometric drawings, physical models, etc.) 3D CADD 4D Modeling Analysis (3D + schedule) 5D/nD Modeling Analysis (model-based quantity takeoff/model-based cost estimating) Work Packaging Software/Advanced Scheduling Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. Sensing 3D Imaging (e.g., LiDAR, photogrammetry) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Field Sensors (e.g., RFID, ground penetrating radar, ultrasonics) Intelligent Compaction Automated Machine Guidance and Control (AMG) Utility Engineering/Clash Detection/Coordination Other, please describe: Click here to enter text. Data Management Electronic archival and updating of plans Digital Asset Management Materials Management System (e.g., Spreadsheets and RFIDs) Mobile Digital Devices for onsite applications (tablets, smart phones, etc.) Data Connectivity Other than Cellular Towers Digital Signatures Other, please describe: Click here to enter text.

79 18. For the technologies used based on the previous ques on please check the box under the specified categories, for each stage of the project work process they are u lized (check all that apply): For Design, please list disciplines: Click here to enter text. Planning and Program- ming Survey and Mapping Environ- mental Assessments Design Bidding & Procure- ment Construc- tion Manage- ment of Traffic/ Traffic Safety Maintenance & Operations 2D 3D/nD Sensing Data Manage- ment

80 c. PROJECT PERFORMANCEMEASURES 19. Project Qualitative Assessments—For each of the following categories, rank 1 through 10 (1 no change from traditional project methods, 10 being great with no improvement possible) regarding how much CIM improved the quality of this area of your project. a. Project Costs: Choose an item. b. Project Schedule: Choose an item. c. Construction Safety: Choose an item. d. Quality and Frequency of Communication: Choose an item. e. Avoidance of change orders and/or RFIs: Choose an item. f. Other performance goals (Please name goals): Choose an item. 20. Have you ever done an internal analysis of the benefits/ROI of using any of the technologies previously discussed? Yes Please describe: Click here to enter text. No III. IMPLEMENTATION AND BEST PRACTICES 21. What are lessons learned (if any) with respect to contractual requirements related to CIM? Click here to enter text. 22. In your view, what are the primary benefits derived from the u‡liza‡on of CIM related technologies and methods? Click here to enter text. 23. What are the primary challenges to the u‡liza‡on and implementa‡on of CIM? Click here to enter text. 24. If there was a guide for implementa‡on, what do you think should be included? Click here to enter text.

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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 831: Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report provides background material on collecting, organizing, and managing information in digital formats about a highway or other transportation construction project.

The term civil integrated management (CIM) has been adopted in recent years to encompass an assortment of practices and tools entailing collection, organization, and management of information in digital formats about highway or other transportation construction projects, Transportation agencies may realize significant benefits from increased adoption of these practices, which may be useful when managing an asset’s initial planning phase through its in-service maintenance.

Volume 1, Guidebook can be applied by transportation agencies seeking to explore or expand the use of CIM practices.


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