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Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Case Study Questions Format_V1." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 84
Page 85
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Case Study Questions Format_V1." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 85
Page 86
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Case Study Questions Format_V1." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 86
Page 87
Suggested Citation:"Appendix D - Case Study Questions Format_V1." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23690.
Page 87

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84 Case Study Questions Format_V1 A P P E N D I X D III. Introduction CIM is the terminology meant for transportation infrastructure projects and it encompasses a wide range of practices, methods, and technologies that assist in digital project delivery and asset management. This broad definition is broken down into main 3 categories with examples that include, but are not limited to: n-D modeling: 3-Dimensional (3D) Computer Aided Drafting and Design, 3D model for visualization, 4D/5D modeling, Advanced scheduling Sensing applications Surveying: LiDAR (static/mobile/terrestrial), aerial survey, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) / Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) based mapping for utilities/other materials Construction applications – 3D controls: GPS and model-based machine guidance for the construction cycle of pavements – clearing and grubbing, excavating, grading operations, paving, compacting and inspection. Specifically for CIM, this includes (but is not limited to) techniques such as Intelligent Compaction (IC), Stringless Paving etc. Mobile devices for onsite applications: Technologies that include (but are not limited to) smartphones, tablets and other devices Intelligent Transportation Systems: Applications that were deployed for traffic management and work-zone traffic control Information and data management Stakeholder collaboration/Project Team integration: Usage of communication tools processes and that assist in efficient transaction of required information at the right time (Ex: Weekly meetings through video-conferencing, Using Bentley ProjectWise) Digital Signatures: Usage of electronic signatures for various purposes throughout project life cycle Digital/Electronic Asset management: Includes practices for archival, update and maintenance of as-builts information Material Management systems: Usage of advanced technologies and online tools to track and manage materials and equipment to the site

85 Document management and quality management: Using ProjectWise, AASHTOWare SiteManager and other online tools for elements of project controls IV. Questions Topic 1: Organization, Contracts and Governance (Agency-level influences measurement) 1. Can you describe the implementation measures for CIM at organizational level? Vision and mission statements, goals, task teams Workforce training and motivation of the project functional groups (ask for specific PWFs also) Are there any initiatives for integrating ERP system with Project Controls and CIM tools? How? Significant Investment costs and benefits (ask for specific PWFs also) 2. What CIM technologies would you use on a “typical” project – New construction/renovation, roadways/bridges? (Explain typical) What not? Why? What do you plan to use in future and why? 3. Could you describe the standards/guidelines for CIM specific to your agency and projects? CIM tools covered and CIM tools not covered, any areas require improvement? Ability for customized application to projects 4. How have application of CIM technologies impacted your contractual/legal provisions? Defining software usage to avoid interoperability issues and information loss Ascertaining pertinent Federal/State agency laws impacting usage of digital intellectual property on the project Apportion of responsibilities for maintaining and updating models Ownership and copyright issues of 3D models Protection of collaborators on models. “Read-only” files. Access control. Disclaimer clauses Conflicts and dispute resolution mechanisms. (Ex: If discrepancies between 3D model and plan sets, priority?) Public information and disclosure issues Digital signatures and their utility on projects 5. Which project delivery method do you think is best suited for CIM? D-B, D-B-B, CM/GC. Why? Are you allowed to use collaborative methods like DB? 6. What are your performance objectives/goals specific to CIM at organizational level? Have you achieved them or in transition? 7. Are there any additional contractual/legal concerns about implementing CIM technologies that need to be addressed? Topic 2: CIM integration with the Project Work Functions (PWF) (Project-level influences measurement) PWF 0: General project characteristics 8. Can you describe the project’s characteristics? Project delivery method, Contract payment type, and primary driver for CIM implementation? Pilot project implementing CIM? Cost-driven or schedule-driven? (Any other unique features, if any) PWF 1: Planning and Surveying 9. (How) did you incorporate CIM tools in your planning and surveying process? Usage of LiDAR (type, processing of data, intended support for the project) Usage of GIS tools (Ex: UPlan) for ascertaining project impacts and making decisions Aerial imagery ( Purpose, source of information) GPS Technology (for Roadway Surface mapping? How did you manage vertical elevation issues?) 10. (How) did you incorporate CIM tools for identifying project scope and objectives? Risk assessment, preliminary estimate and schedule, technology and vendor selection/review, ROW acquisition planning

86 PWF 2: Bidding and Contracting 11. (How) was CIM used during bidding and contracting process? What Reference Information Documents (RID) survey information provided to contractor (pre-bid and post-bid)? Were online tools used (Ex: ProjectWise) for sharing this information? 3-D model provided? PWF 3: Design 12. (How) was 3D technology used during design process? 3D “Design” or “3D” modeling? Input data for the 3D model - Project Development Surveys, Existing as-built database (2D/3D) Process: Software and hardware used? Exchange format and Deliverables? How is the level of detail (LOD) defined and followed? - Accuracy level? Modeling detail (2D/3D)? Any other CIM tools used during design phase (Ex: GIS)? 13. (How) was CIM applied in bridge design? Type of bridge – Steel/Concrete? Fabrication process involved? Were bridges designed/modeled in 3D? Software used? LOD? How was integration done with roadway model? In a common software platform? (How) was the construction model generated and used for 4D/5D? 14. (How) did CIM assist in review and approval processes? Design reviews: Who participates (engineering, construction, safety, quality…)? Which communication tools do you use? Are they 3D- or 2D-based? Is it done in conjunction with constructability analysis? How was the approval and review done for shop drawings? Did you use online tools/electronic signatures? PWF 4: Utility Coordination and management 15. (How) did CIM assist in collecting, organizing and managing utilit y data? Data collection process: Use of RFID, GIS, GPR, EMI, etc. to collect utility data? (How) did you share information with utility companies? Data organization and integration process with project information: Locational accuracy, current way of storage (Ex: UCM, SQL database, GIS based database etc.) Were they modeled in 3-D for the project? Was it used for clash detection? PWF 5: Construction 16. (How) was nD modeling used to plan for construction and traffic management? 4D modeling: How was the process of attaching schedule activities to model elements (automated, semi- automated or manual)? Issues of LOD between model and schedule? Software tools used? Deliverables? 5D modeling: What is the need? Software tools used? Deliverables? (How) was traffic analysis done? Was microsimulation performed – how was traffic data collected? Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for traffic management? What tools and why? How did you communicate Traffic Control measures to public? Used social media, 3D models? 17. (How) did CIM impact materials and equipment procurement for construction? Tracking, QA/QC records, supply to the site? Did you use advanced software tools/equipment for this? 18. (How) was CIM used during construction of roadways? Automated Machine Guidance (AMG): How Construction Quality Control was performed – rovers-based, Virtual Reference Station System, actual vs design model, design tolerance? Operators training? (How) were Intelligent Compaction and/or Stringless Concrete Paving used? Mobile devices and applications: Which communication tools do you use for field work, QA/QC checks, daily work report? What were formats of file used in the field (Ex: 2D plans, 3D pdfs, 3D models)? 19. (How) was CIM used during construction of bridges and major other structures? Understanding construction sequences? Any field automation activities? PWF 6: Project Controls and Project Management 20. (How) did CIM impact functions of project controls? Estimating and budgeting, scheduling

87 How do you determine quantities for contractor payments? Did you use advanced tools for this (SiteManager)? Forecasting and change management: RFIs, Change order generation and approval process. Advanced tools used for the purpose? (Ex: ProjectWise) (How) Did you use advanced work packaging tools (Ex: Bentley ConstructSim) for scheduling your work? PWF 7: Operations and Maintenance 21. (How) do you manage asset information? Technologies and tools used (Ex: LiDAR) How do you archive and update the as-built data? Is the process digital/electronic/paper-based? What can you say regarding the utility of as-built information for new project development? Is your asset management database integrated with GIS or cloud-based systems (Ex: UPlan)? If yes, are you frequently updating it? Topic – 3: Other Factors (External influences measurement) 22. (How) do you think there are any other external factors influencing CIM apart from agency and project-level issues discussed Vendor-side inadequacies for software and hardware? Other Management and policy issues? Topic- 4: CIM Lessons learned and best practices (Qualitative indicators of performance) 23. What are lessons learned through CIM usage on projects? Deployment of specific technologies, contractual requirements, workforce training etc. (How) do you manage the lessons learned database and share the knowledge for CIM? 24. In your opinion. Designate the CIM technologies to “Conventional”, “advanced” and “Innovative” practice level (Please refer to Page 1 for list of CIM technologies). (Why?) (Note: o Conventional – Well-established techniques that are used in industries quite common. Guidelines/specs for implementation are thoroughly documented o Advanced - Sophisticated technologies used in most of the contemporary highway projects. Guidelines/specs are available. o Innovative – Emerging technologies. Guidelines/specs. are not available in public) 25. Are there any other specific benefits or challenges to application of CIM on projects? Topic – 5: CIM Performance goals and measurements (Quantitative indicators of performance) 26. (How) do you assess performance measures specific to CIM for projects? Cost, schedule, productivity, safety, quality, construction inspection, change management, reduced claims, worker satisfaction, any other measures? For this project, how did you compare overall benefits to investment for CIM? Results can be based on qualitative/quantitative ideas

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TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 831: Civil Integrated Management (CIM) for Departments of Transportation, Volume 2: Research Report provides background material on collecting, organizing, and managing information in digital formats about a highway or other transportation construction project.

The term civil integrated management (CIM) has been adopted in recent years to encompass an assortment of practices and tools entailing collection, organization, and management of information in digital formats about highway or other transportation construction projects, Transportation agencies may realize significant benefits from increased adoption of these practices, which may be useful when managing an asset’s initial planning phase through its in-service maintenance.

Volume 1, Guidebook can be applied by transportation agencies seeking to explore or expand the use of CIM practices.


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