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Suggested Citation:"C A L E N D A R." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
Page 45

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Additional information on TRB meetings, including calls for abstracts, meeting registration, and hotel reservations, is available at Telephone 202-334-2934, fax 202-334-2003, or e-mail *TRB is cosponsor of the meeting. C A L E N D A R July 6–7 3rd International Conference on Access Management* Pretoria, South Africa 6–13 Chan Wui and Yunyin Rising Star Workshop for Early Career Professionals (invitation only) 10–12 11th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management Minneapolis, Minnesota 11 Geological Modeling: Methods and Methodologies Colorado Springs, Colorado 16–18 International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials Xi’an, China 17–20 55th Annual Workshop on Transportation Law Washington, D.C. 17–20 Transportation-Related Environmental Analysis, Ecology and Historic and Archeological Preservation Summer Conference Salt Lake City, Utah 19–21 Automated Vehicles Symposium 2016* San Francisco, California 24–27 Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration Committee Summer Conference Missoula, Montana 25–27 GeoChina 2016 International Conference* Shandong, China 26–29 Resource Conservation and Recovery Summer Conference Asheville, North Carolina August 4–5 Transportation Planning and Air Quality Conference Minneapolis, Minnesota 8–10 Istanbul Bridge Conference* Istanbul, Turkey 9–11 2016 Summerail Conference* Council Bluffs, Iowa; Omaha, Nebraska 14–17 Use of Scenario Planning in Transportation Planning Portland, Oregon 16 2016 Innovations in Transportation Conference: Are You Ready for the Future?* Ames, Iowa September 4–7 3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics* Guimarães, Portugal 12–14 15th National Tools of the Trade Charleston, South Carolina 13–15 21st-Century Waterways: The Changing Tide of Harbor Safety—16th Biennial Harbor Safety Committee Conference Portland, Oregon 19–21 5th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing* San Jose, Costa Rica 25–29 8th World Congress on Joints, Bearings, and Seismic Systems for Concrete Structures* Atlanta, Georgia 26–28 International Conference on Demand-Responsive Transportation Breckenridge, Colorado October 2–5 22nd National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Asheville, North Carolina 5–7 European Transport Conference* Barcelona, Spain 31– Partners in Research Nov. 1 Symposium Detroit, Michigan December 1–2 10th University Transportation Center Spotlight Conference: Bicycles and Pedestrians Washington, D.C. January 2017 8–12 TRB 96th Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. For information, visit TRB Meetings TR N EW S 303 M AY–JUN E 2016 45 TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:46 AM Page 45

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May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services Get This Book
 May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services
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The full edition of the May–June 2016 issue of the TR News is now available. This edition explores bus transportation in the United States. Articles include the intercity bus renaissance and curbside long-distance services; the myths, history, status, and future of bus rapid transit, with a case study of a newly launched service; technology-enabled bus services; the state of rural bus transit; transformative trends in bus transit data; the impacts of real-time transit information on riders’ satisfaction; a summary of a new TRB policy study on interregional travel; and more.


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