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Page 50
Suggested Citation:"BOOKSHELF." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
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Page 51
Suggested Citation:"BOOKSHELF." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
Page 51
Page 52
Suggested Citation:"BOOKSHELF." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
Page 52
Page 53
Suggested Citation:"BOOKSHELF." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
Page 53
Page 54
Suggested Citation:"BOOKSHELF." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
Page 54

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TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 50 YUL–MTL: Moving Landscapes Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec, Sylvain Paquette, and Patrick Marmen. Applied Research + Design Publishing, 2016; 261 pp.; $40; 978-1-94074-309-7. This volume describes the innovative approach to landscape infrastructure planning showcased in the YUL–MTL: Moving Land- scapes initiative, held in Montreal, Canada, in 2011. The design competition and workshop promoted collaborative efforts among 20 public agencies to rethink a 17-km stretch of gateway corridor between the downtown area and Montreal–Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport. Authors describe the process of developing a strategic vision for the area, examine the winning entries, and outline the next steps toward an “atlas of possibilities” for Montreal’s future. Delivering on Digital: The Innovators and Technologies That Are Transforming Government William D. Eggers. Rosetta Books, 2016; 208 pp.; $19.95; 978-0- 79534-751-1. The author explores governments worldwide that are harnessing digital tools to expand capabilities and become more efficient, from the adoption of RFID-based cards by San Francisco’s public transit system to Finnish lampposts equipped with fiber- optic and Wi-Fi capabilities. BOOK SHELF TRB PUBLICATIONS Transportation Systems Performance Measurement and Data: Summary of the 5th International Conference Conference Proceedings on the Web 18 This volume highlights a June 2015 conference and live webcast that convened representatives from public agencies, universities, and the private sector to address ways to develop, apply, and deliver per- formance measures to support transportation deci- sions. For more information, visit tions/Blurbs/174018.aspx. Automated and Connected Vehicles: Summary of the 9th University Transportation Centers Spotlight Conference Conference Proceedings on the Web 19 Part of a series of spotlight conferences funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, this November 2015 event showcased connected and automated vehicles research, testing, and deployment activities at the national, state, and local levels. For more information, visit tions/Blurbs/174288.aspx. The titles in this section are not TRB publications. To order, contact the publisher listed. The Long-Term Pavement Performance Program Federal Highway Administration, 2016; 306 pp.; FHWA-HRT-15- 049. This comprehensive volume documents the history and future of the Long-Term Pave- ment Performance (LTPP) Pro- gram, the largest pavement performance research program ever conducted. Over a period of more than 20 years, the studies have collected data from 2,000 in-service highway pavement test sections in the United States and Canada and have compiled the data. This database, the LTPP National Information Management System, includes information on environment, traffic, inventory, monitoring, maintenance, materials, and rehabilitation for each test section. FHWA oper- ates the studies and maintains a resource website at infrastructure/pavements/ltpp. TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:47 AM Page 50

TR N EW S 303 M AY–JUN E 2016 51 Guidebook on Alternative Quality Management Systems for Highway Construction NCHRP Report 808 This volume guides readers through the process of developing a quality management system that is both responsive to specific project needs and broad enough to be replicated with adaptations as needed for future projects of similar scope, complexity, and delivery schedules. 2015; 96 pp.; TRB affiliates, $45.75; nonaffiliates, $61. Subscriber categories: administration and man- agement, construction. Environmental Performance Measures for State Departments of Transportation NCHRP Report 809 Identified in this volume are environmental per- formance measures that may be integrated into a transportation agency’s performance management program. A spreadsheet-based tool assists agencies in implementing the measures. 2015; 148 pp.; TRB affiliates, $53.25; nonaffiliates, $71. Subscriber categories: administration and man- agement, environment. Consideration of Preservation in Pavement Design and Analysis Procedures NCHRP Report 810 This report explores the effects of preservation on pavement performance and service life and describes three approaches for considering these effects in pavement design and analysis. 2015; 68 pp.; TRB affiliates, $41.25; nonaffiliates, $55. Subscriber categories: maintenance and preserva- tion, pavements. Current Practices to Set and Monitor DBE Goals on Design–Build Projects and Other Alternative Project Delivery Methods NCHRP Synthesis 481 This overview synthesizes current practices and challenges that state DOTs face as they apply and monitor the Federal Disadvantaged Business Enter- prises (DBE) program goals to design–build and other alternative delivery projects. 2015; 128 pp.; TRB affiliates, $50.25; nonaffiliates, $67. Subscriber categories: highways, law, policy, society. Work Zone Speed Management NCHRP Synthesis 482 This synthesis documents the current state of practice for work zone speed management, includ- ing data, procedures, techniques, and technical issues related to observing and comparing work zone speeds. 2015; 137 pp.; TRB affiliates, $50.25; nonaffiliates, $67. Subscriber categories: construction, highways, operations and traffic management, safety and human factors. Guidebook on Best Practices for Airport Cybersecurity ACRP Report 140 This report offers information about reducing or mitigating inherent risks of cyberattacks on tech- nology-based systems. Also included with the print version is a CD-ROM with multimedia material. 2015; 162 pp.; TRB affiliates, $60.75; nonaffiliates, $81. Subscriber categories: aviation, data and infor- mation technology. Renewable Energy as an Airport Revenue Source ACRP Report 141 Authors present research on challenges for air- ports that are considering renewable energy as a source of revenue: geography and terrain, infra- structure, real estate, energy costs, public policy, reg- ulatory and compliance requirements, tax credits, sponsor assurances, and more. 2015; 212 pp.; TRB affiliates, $59.25; nonaffiliates, $79. Subscriber categories: aviation, energy, finance. Airside Snow Removal Practices for Small Airports with Limited Budgets ACRP Synthesis 67 This synthesis explores challenges and successful strategies used by operators at small airports to coor- dinate and conduct snow removal operations under budget constraints. 2015; 100 pp.; TRB affiliates, $45.75; nonaffiliates, $61. Subscriber categories: aviation, maintenance and preservation. Strategies for Maintaining Air Service ACRP Synthesis 68 Practices that smaller airports use to maintain air service are presented in this volume. 2015; 52 pp.; TRB affiliates, $36; nonaffiliates, $48. Subscriber categories: aviation, administration and management. BOOK SHELF TRB PUBLICATIONS (continued) To order TRB titles described in Bookshelf, visit the TRB online Bookstore at www.TRB. org/bookstore/ or contact the Business Office at 202-334-3213. TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:47 AM Page 51

TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 52 Labor–Management Partnerships for Public Transportation: Vol. 1, Toolkit; and Vol. 2, Final Report TCRP Report 181 This two-volume report provides resources for public transportation managers and labor union leaders to establish, manage, and improve labor–management partnerships. 2015; 32 pp; Vol. 1, 22 pp.; TRB affiliates, $32.25; nonaffiliates, $43.Vol. 2, 92 pp.; TRB affiliates, $45.75; nonaffiliates, $61. Subscriber categories: public trans- portation, administration and management. A Guide to Building and Retaining Workforce Capacity for the Railroad Industry NCRRP Report 2 This report presents competency models, describes workforce requirements for the passenger and freight railroad industry, and presents a strategy for improving employee retention and enhancing educational programs to attract new employees to the industry. 2015; 244 pp.; TRB affiliates, $60.75; nonaffiliates, $81. Subscriber categories: education and training, policy, railroads. Network Modeling 2015, Volumes 1–2 Transportation Research Record 2497 and 2498 Authors present research on data mining and pat- tern matching for dynamic origin–destination demand estimation, urban travel time reliability analysis with consumer GPS data, Lagrangian relax- ation solutions to ready-mixed concrete dispatching problems, and other topics. 2015; Vol. 1, 144 pp.; TRB affiliates, $50.25; nonaffiliates, $67. Vol. 2, 108 pp.; TRB affiliates, $55.50; nonaffiliates, $74. Subscriber category: plan- ning and forecasting. Planning 2015, Volumes 1–2 Transportation Research Record 2499 and 2500 Among the topics explored in these volumes are high-performance public involvement, enhancing the visitor experience at Zion National Park in Utah through improved transportation, traffic generated by mixed-use developments, and the prediction of congestion states from basic safety messages by using big-data graph analytics. 2015; Vol. 1, 64 pp.; TRB affiliates, $38.25; nonaffil- iates, $51. Vol. 2, 148 pp.; TRB affiliates, $53.25; nonaffiliates, $71. Subscriber category: planning and forecasting. Aviation 2015 Transportation Research Record 2501 Workload-based capacity for air traffic manage- ment, the interrelationship between airport enplane- ments and accessibility, and the economic impact of a lightning strike–induced air traffic control tower out- age are among the topics presented in this volume. 2015; 92 pp.; TRB affiliates, $45.75; nonaffiliates, $61. Subscriber category: aviation. Environment and Energy 2015 Transportation Research Record 2502 Examined in this volume is research on driver response to hydrogen fuel cell buses, the effect of improved fuel efficiency on fuel tax revenue and greenhouse gas emissions, predictors of electric vehi- cle charging behavior, and more. 2015; 153 pp.; TRB affiliates, $53.25; nonaffiliates, $71. Subscriber categories: environment, energy. Air Quality Transportation Research Record 2503 Papers in this volume address real-time emissions modeling with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency MOVES, an analysis of vehicles’ daily fuel consumption frontiers with long-term controller area network data, and more. 2015; 172 pp.; TRB affiliates, $57.75; nonaffiliates, $77. Subscriber categories: environment, energy. Construction Transportation Research Record 2504 Authors present research on such topics as per- formance-based warranty contracts for pavement markings, trends in quality management approaches to design–build transportation projects, and con- cepts to enhance specification and inspection of cur- ing effectiveness in concrete pavement design and construction. 2015; 176 pp.; TRB affiliates, $57.75; nonaffiliates, $77. Subscriber categories: construction, pavements, bridges and other structures. BOOK SHELF TRB PUBLICATIONS (continued) The TRR Journal Online website provides electronic access to the full text of approximately 15,000 peer- reviewed papers that have been published as part of the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR Journal) series since 1996. The site includes the latest in search tech- nologies and is updated as new TRR Journal papers become available. To explore the TRR Online service, visit TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:47 AM Page 52

TR News welcomes the submission of manuscripts for possible publication in the categories listed below. All manuscripts sub- mitted are subject to review by the Editorial Board and other reviewers to determine suitability for TR News; authors will be advised of acceptance of articles with or without revision. All manuscripts accepted for publication are subject to editing for conciseness and appropriate language and style. Authors receive a copy of the edited manuscript for review. Original art- work is returned only on request. FEATURES are timely articles of interest to transportation pro- fessionals, including administrators, planners, researchers, and practitioners in government, academia, and industry. Articles are encouraged on innovations and state-of-the-art practices per- taining to transportation research and development in all modes (highways and bridges, public transit, aviation, rail, marine, and others, such as pipelines, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.) and in all subject areas (planning and administration, design, materials and construction, facility maintenance, traffic control, safety, security, logistics, geology, law, environmental concerns, energy, etc.). Manuscripts should be no longer than 3,000 words (12 double-spaced, typed pages). Authors also should provide charts or tables and high-quality photographic images with corre- sponding captions (see Submission Requirements). Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a summary or outline of a pro- posed article for preliminary review. RESEARCH PAYS OFF highlights research projects, studies, demonstrations, and improved methods or processes that provide innovative, cost-effective solutions to important t rans portation-related problems in all modes, whether they pertain to improved transport of people and goods or provi- sion of better facilities and equipment that permits such trans- port. Articles should describe cases in which the application of project findings has resulted in benefits to transportation agencies or to the public, or in which substantial benefits are expected. Articles (approximately 750 to 1,000 words) should delineate the problem, research, and benefits, and be accom- panied by one or two illustrations that may improve a reader’s understanding of the article. NEWS BRIEFS are short (100- to 750-word) items of inter- est and usually are not attributed to an author. They may be either text or photographs or a combination of both. Line drawings, charts, or tables may be used where appropriate. Articles may be related to construction, administration, plan- ning, design, operations, maintenance, research, legal matters, or applications of special interest. Articles involving brand names or names of manufacturers may be determined to be inappropriate; however, no endorsement by TRB is implied when such information appears. Foreign news articles should describe projects or methods that have universal instead of local application. POINT OF VIEW is an occasional series of authored opin- ions on current transportation issues. Articles (1,000 to 2,000 words) may be submitted with appropriate, high-qual- ity illustrations, and are subject to review and editing. BOOKSHELF announces publications in the transportation field. Abstracts (100 to 200 words) should include title, author, publisher, address at which publication may be obtained, num- ber of pages, price, and ISBN. Publishers are invited to submit copies of new publications for announcement. LETTERS provide readers with the opportunity to com- ment on the information and views expressed in published articles, TRB activities, or transportation matters in gen eral. All letters must be signed and contain constructive comments. Letters may be edited for style and space considerations. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Manuscripts submitted for possible publication in TR News and any correspondence on editorial matters should be sent to the Director, Publica- tions Office, Transportation Research Board, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Was hington, DC 20001, telephone 202-334-2972, or e-mail u All manuscripts should be supplied in 12-point type, double-spaced, in Microsoft Word, on a CD or as an e-mail attachment. u Submit original artwork if possible. Glossy, high-qual- ity black-and-white photo graphs, color photographs, and slides are acceptable. Digital continuous -tone images must be submitted as TIFF or JPEG files and must be at least 3 in. by 5 in. with a resolution of 300 dpi. A caption should be supplied for each graphic element. u Use the units of measurement from the research described and provide conversions in parentheses, as appro- priate. The International System of Units (SI), the updated version of the metric system, is preferred. In the text, the SI units should be followed, when appropriate, by the U.S. customary equivalent units in parentheses. In figures and tables, the base unit conversions should be provided in a footnote. NOTE: Authors are responsible for the authenticity of their articles and for obtaining written permissions from pub - lishers or persons who own the copyright to any previously published or copyrighted material used in the articles. I N F O R M A T I O N F O R C O N T R I B U T O R S T O TR NEWS TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:47 AM Page C3

TRN303 The Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR) has long been recognized as one of the leading sources for scholarly research and practical papers on all aspects of trans- portation. Papers published in the TRR have undergone rigorous peer review refereed by TRB technical committees. TRR Online builds on the publication’s reputation for high-quality papers and extends the journal’s reach, increasing access to a wealth of information. The ser- vice offers electronic access to the full text of more than 15,000 peer-reviewed papers published in the TRR series since 1996 and is updated as new papers become available. The TRR Online service allows all visitors to locate papers of interest and to review the abstracts. Access to the full papers is available to TRR Online subscribers and to employees of TRB sponsors. Other users may purchase complete individual papers. To search abstracts, visit You’ll also find more information about the TRR Online service, subscriptions, and pricing. Or you can call the TRB Bookstore at 202-334-3213; e-mail Transportation Research Record Practical, Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed—Accessible! Try it today— Access Full Papers Online! TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:47 AM Page C4

May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services Get This Book
 May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services
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The full edition of the May–June 2016 issue of the TR News is now available. This edition explores bus transportation in the United States. Articles include the intercity bus renaissance and curbside long-distance services; the myths, history, status, and future of bus rapid transit, with a case study of a newly launched service; technology-enabled bus services; the state of rural bus transit; transformative trends in bus transit data; the impacts of real-time transit information on riders’ satisfaction; a summary of a new TRB policy study on interregional travel; and more.


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