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Suggested Citation:"TRB HIGHLIGHTS." National Research Council. 2016. May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27883.
Page 48

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TR N EW S 30 3 M AY –J UN E 20 16 48 Nine TRB volunteer leaders have been designated as National Associates for their contributions to TRB and to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The National Associates, a lifetime honor, recognizes extraordinary service contributions to the organization. u Vice Admiral James Card, Maritime Consultant u James Crites, Executive Vice President of Operations, Dallas–Fort Worth International Airport u Thomas Kazmierowski, Senior Consultant, Golder Associates, Inc. u Hani Mahmassani, William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation and Director, Northwestern University Trans - portation Center u Sue McNeil, Professor, University of Delaware u Lance Neumann, Chairman, Cambridge Systematics, Inc. u Brian Taylor, Professor and Chair of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles u Thomas Wakeman, Research Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology u Johanna Zmud, Director, Texas A&M Transportation Institute Washington, D.C., Office TRB HIGHLIGHTS TRB Volunteers Named National Associates PERFORMANCE-BASED REGULATIONS—Peter Bjerager of the international certification group DNV GL participates in a panel discussion at a meeting of the Committee on Performance-Based Safety Regulation, April 14–15 at the National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, D.C. Managed by the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education and TRB, the study compares prescriptive- and performance-based forms of safety regulation and identifies opportunities and challenges to facilitate a performance- based regulatory approach in such high-hazard industries as offshore oil and gas, pipelines, and other modes of transportation. 100 Years of Commercial Aviation In January 2015, the TRB Aviation Group asked several of its emer- itus members to review key events in the industry’s history and to look toward the future of aviation, as the commercial aviation industry celebrates its 100th anniversary. Their insights and obser- vations are now part of a podcast that can be accessed at The podcast highlights what these experts think about key industry issues as aviation moves into the next century of flight. The July–August 2016 issue of TR News will explore commercial aviation. Emeritus members of TRB Aviation Group committees gathered at the 2015 TRB Annual Meeting to reflect on industry milestones and challenges. P H O TO : R ISD O N P H O TO G R A PH Y IDENTIFYING RESEARCH NEEDS— National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Director Christopher Hedges guides the spring meeting of the AASHTO Standing Committee on Research on March 17 at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Keck Center in Washington, D.C. The committee leads efforts to pinpoint research needs, define research emphasis areas, apply findings, solicit and assess research problem statements, and provide program oversight for NCHRP. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMS NEWS TRN_303.e$S_TRN_303 7/1/16 11:46 AM Page 48

May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services Get This Book
 May-June 2016: The Bus Rennaissance - Intercity Travel, Bus Rapid Transit, Technology Advances, Rural Services
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The full edition of the May–June 2016 issue of the TR News is now available. This edition explores bus transportation in the United States. Articles include the intercity bus renaissance and curbside long-distance services; the myths, history, status, and future of bus rapid transit, with a case study of a newly launched service; technology-enabled bus services; the state of rural bus transit; transformative trends in bus transit data; the impacts of real-time transit information on riders’ satisfaction; a summary of a new TRB policy study on interregional travel; and more.


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