National Academies Press: OpenBook

History of Nike-X power plant program (1970)

Chapter: Ground-motion and Soil-structure Interaction

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Suggested Citation:"Ground-motion and Soil-structure Interaction." National Research Council. 1970. History of Nike-X power plant program. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27173.
Page 40

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GROUND-MOTION AND SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION The finite-element method was recommended f o r defining the stiffness of complex st r u c t u r a l systems. Modal superposition based on response-spectra techniques could greatly overestimate the t o t a l maximum response. For materials stressed beyond the elas t i c l i m i t , the mode superposition method would be i n v a l i d . For such pr a c t i c a l nonlinear systems, a di r e c t numerical integra- t i o n of the dynamic equations of equilibrium was recommended. The subject analysis and test of nonlinear structures must be constantly updated because of current developments. Complete transient analyses f o r specific ground-motion time hi s t o r i e s could y i e l d s t r u c t u r a l cost savings by replacing over-conservative design factors. There should be no doubt that the solutions obtained f o r the ABM system apply, i n p r i n c i p l e , to other hardened power plants and other hardened structures. In terms of seismic design (earth- quake e f f e c t s ) , the solutions f o r s t r u c t u r a l response to nuclear- weapon ground shock also apply to conventional (nuclear) power plants. The test machines and techniques developed f o r validating ABM equipment against strength f a i l u r e s and malfunction are immediately applicable to earthquake-proof te s t i n g . The same i s true with regard to designing equipment packages to withstand truck or railroad shipment. -40-

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