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ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products (2023)

Chapter: Chapter 2 Review and Prioritization

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Suggested Citation:"Chapter 2 Review and Prioritization." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
Page 11

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11 Chapter 2 – Review and Prioritization Following the meeting on March 8, the project panel met again without the research team on March 9 to review all the results and select the projects to be updated. The panel deliberated and ended up selecting the following products for updates; ACRP Research Report 98: Understanding Airline and Passenger Choice in Multi-Airport Regions, ACRP Research Report 132: The Role of U.S. Airports in the National Economy, ACRP Research Report 142: Effects of Airline Industry Changes on Small- and Non- Hub Airports, and ACRP Research Report 161: Guidelines for Improving Airport Services for International Customers. All updates should include and/or address the following issues: • A review and analysis through the lens of enhanced diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and sustainability/resiliency initiatives, • The changing economy, work force, and travel demands, • Addressing the need for flexibility and adaption to address constantly changing demand for airport services and facilities, • Updates should reflect relevant literature published since the original research was done. Additionally, funds were made available to the ACRP synthesis panel for an update to ACRP Synthesis 2: Airport Aviation Activity Forecasting. An RFP was developed and was posted following the publishing of this publication.

Next: Appendix A Product Update Screening Spreadsheet »
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TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has provided more than $169 million in funding for 690 research projects since its inception in 2005. In those 20 years, publications and products have undoubtedly gone out-of-date. In FY2021, the ACRP Oversight Committee, along with ACRP staff, recognized the need to review past products and make updates where appropriate.

ACRP Web-Only Document 55: ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products, from ACRP, reviews past products and make updates to them where appropriate.

Supplemental to the document is Appendix A – Product Update Screening Spreadsheet.


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