National Academies Press: OpenBook

ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products (2023)

Chapter: Appendix B Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix B Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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13 Appendix B – Product Update Screening Spreadsheet Data Descriptions Name of the Datapoint Column Description Needed for Decision Tree (Y or N) Needed for Scoring (Y or N) Blank A Column intentionally left blank as a solid black column. N N Project B ACRP project number used to identify the project. N N Project Title C The ACRP Project Title that was used for the research project. N N Completed Date D The date the project was completed and finalized with ACRP. N N Effective Date E Date that the contract between ACRP and the consultant was official. N N Publication Title/Type F Publication title of the ACRP Report or Synthesis (Report/Synthesis number and title). N N Comments (Active Projects) G Identified expected completion dates for active projects, as well as pertinent information on progress/schedule of the on- going project. N N H N N Additional Resources I Additional software, models, webpages, workbooks, and tools that were made available with the final report for the individual project that were reviewed. N N Principal Investigator J The name of the Principal Investigator for the ACRP project. N N Stage K Stage of completion of the project being reviewed (Completed, Final, or Active). N N Publication Year L Year the report/synthesis was published. N N

14 Age Category (<5, 5-10, >10 years) M Identifying how much time has passed since publication as of the date of the review (Less than 5 years, 5 to 10 years, greater than 10 years). N N Tags (Project Team) N Identifies product within categories and topics as related subject areas. N N High Level Topic O The overarching high level subject matter of the research. N N Downloads (as of 10/18/22) P The amount of downloads of the specific report/synthesis as of October 18, 2022 from the ACRP website. N Y Download Tercile Q Categorization of downloads of a project/synthesis by volume against the product review list to determine product download frequency and categorized into thirds (Top, Middle, Bottom, and NA). N Y Is there an approved project anticipated for future publication on this specific topic? (Y/N) R Determining if a project is actively anticipated for future publication on the related project topic. Y N Approved Project Details (if Y) S Identification of the approved project number if an approved project is anticipated for future publication on the related project. N N Was there a significant regulatory change that rendered product obsolete? (Y/N) T Determining if a product has become obsolete due to regulatory change occurring after the publication date. Y N Regulatory Change Details (if Y) U Identification of the regulatory change which occurred after the publication date which rendered the product obsolete. N N Was there a significant technology and/or industry practice change that rendered product obsolete? (Y/N) V Determining if a product has become obsolete due to technology advancement occurring after the publication date. Y Y Technology / Industry Change Details (if Y) W Identification of the technology advancement which occurred after the publication date which rendered the product obsolete. N Y

15 Are there other more recent ACRP research products that address this topic area? (Y/N) X Determining if there has been additional ACRP topic area research conducted since the publication of the product. Y N ACRP Related Research Y Identification of the additional topic area research conducted since the publication of the product. N N Other Related Research (see additional worksheet) Z Additional research conducted across the industry on the products related topic. Y N Is this topic included as an idea on the ACRP Research Roadmap? (Y/N) AA Determination if the product topic has been included as an idea on the ACRP Research Roadmap. Y Y Was this topic included as a research idea in IdeaHub? (Y/N) AB Determination if the product topic has been included in a research idea within IdeaHub. Y Y IdeaHub / Problem Statement Details (if Y) AC Details of the problem statement identified within IdeaHub. N N Of national interest / significant regional interest/ hot topic? (Y/N) AD Determination of topic interest as it relates to industry conference presentations, industry publications, updated regulations, and topic discussions on industry information sharing sites. Y Y Interest Details (if Y) AE Identification of the topic interest presentations, publications, regulations or discussions which occurred post publication. N N Applicability (relative to other ACRP products in this field) AF Identification of product applicability as it relates to airports by type, to include: All, Commercial Service, Metropolitan Area, Coastal Region, Cargo Service, Small (GA and non-hub), and NPIAS Airports. N Y General Applicability AG Identification of the applicability of the product topic to airports across the nation, categorized into Broadly, Moderately, and Narrowly. N Y Comments (also note if product is an update of an existing product) AH Researchers comments on product related research. N N

16 Decision Tree Outcome (no update or consider update) AI Identification of the result of utilization of the decision tree to determine if “no update” was required or “Consider update” in the future. N N Prioritization Score AJ A prioritization score was generated based on the scores provided to the questions in columns AL through AR. N N Blank AK Column used as a separation to the calculations from the data collected. N N Is Topic Identified on an ACRP Research Roadmap? Column AA: Y=1,N=0 AL Determination if the product topic was identified on the ACRP Research Roadmap (Column AA)and given a score of "1" if "Yes" and "0" if "No". N Y How integral is the obsolete or missing content to the integrity/usefulness of the product? Column: V Y=1, N=0 (if Y manually judge score off of Column W notes 1, marginally, 2 moderately, 3 is integral) AM Determination if there was significant changes to technology (Column V) within the industry that affected the usefulness of the product by giving it a score of "0" if "No", or rated by the researcher based on Column W details - "1" if "Marginally", "2" if "Moderately", and "3" if "Integral". N Y Has a research idea to update this product (or specific subject) been submitted in IdeaHub, Column AB: Y=1,N=0 AN Determination if the product topic was identified as a research idea in IdeaHub (Column AB) and given a score of "1" if "Yes" and "0" if "No". N Y Is there interest in the original publication (demonstrated by number of downloads compared to other products in same research field)? Column Q: Top=3,Middle=2, Bottom=1, NA=0 AO Determination if there was significant interest in the product determined by the number of downloads compared to other topics through the tercile determination (Column Q) and giving a score of "3" if in the "Top" tercile, "2" if in the Middle" tercile, and "1" if in the "bottom" tercile. N Y

17 How urgent is the need for an updated product to the industry (i.e., is this a hot topic? Is information needed for compliance with new regulations, to respond to a crisis, etc.)? Column AD: Y = 1, N=0…If 1 then use discretion for 1,2, or 3 manually. AP Determination as to the urgency for an update to the product based on national interest (Column AD). A score of "0" if "No", or rated by the researcher based on Column AC comment details as related to urgency - "1" if low, "2" if moderate, and "3" if high. N Y How broadly applicable will the updated product be (compared to the other products recommended for update)? Column: AG Broadly=3,Moderately=2,Narrowly=1 AQ Determination of how far industry wide the product will reach based on Column AG findings. A score of "3" if found to be "Broadly" applicable to airports, "2" if "Moderately" applicable, and "1" if only "Narrowly" applicable to select airports. N Y How complex or costly are the required updates? (This will populate once cost estimate is added into Column AT) AR Determination of complexity or cost to update the product was achieved through scoring the time required and cost estimates with (Column AT) a score of "3" if the cost estimate was less than $50,000, "2" if cost estimate was greater than $50,000 but less than $100,000, and "1" if greater than or equal to $100,000 to update the product. N Y Original Budget AS The original budget of the product when contracted with ACRP to complete. N N Cost Estimate to Update AT Determination of the cost estimate to update the product based on hours (Column AU) multiplied by $195 per hour for research to be completed. N Y Hours to Update AU Determination of the estimated hours to complete an update of the product. N Y Summarized Comments from ISRG AV Summarized comments received from the ISRG on the product. N Y

Next: Appendix C Product List for ISRG Review »
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TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has provided more than $169 million in funding for 690 research projects since its inception in 2005. In those 20 years, publications and products have undoubtedly gone out-of-date. In FY2021, the ACRP Oversight Committee, along with ACRP staff, recognized the need to review past products and make updates where appropriate.

ACRP Web-Only Document 55: ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products, from ACRP, reviews past products and make updates to them where appropriate.

Supplemental to the document is Appendix A – Product Update Screening Spreadsheet.


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