National Academies Press: OpenBook

ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products (2023)

Chapter: Appendix C Product List for ISRG Review

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C Product List for ISRG Review." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C Product List for ISRG Review." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C Product List for ISRG Review." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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Suggested Citation:"Appendix C Product List for ISRG Review." National Research Council. 2023. ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27230.
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18 Appendix C – Product List for ISRG Review Policy and Planning Studies Product List Category: Air service development Airport capacity and delay Airport planning Airport system performance Capital investment planning Demand analysis and forecasting Emerging technologies Small airports and airport preservation Terminal planning and air cargo AIR SERVICE DEVELOPMENT Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-04 ACRP Research Report 26: Guidebook for Conducting Airport User Surveys ACRP 03-08 ACRP Research Report 18. Passenger Air Service Development Techniques ACRP 03-10 ACRP Research Report 31: Innovative Approaches to Addressing Aviation Capacity Issues in Coastal Mega-regions ACRP 03-26 ACRP Research Report 98: Understanding Airline and Passenger Choice in Multi-Airport Regions ACRP 03-29 ACRP Research Report 142: Effects of Airline Industry Changes on Small- and Non-Hub Airports ACRP 03-32 ACRP Research Report 163: Guidebook for Preparing and Using Airport Design Day Flight Schedules ACRP 03-35 ACRP Research Report 161: Guidelines for Improving Airport Services for International Customers ACRP 03-44 ACRP Research Report 218: Building and Maintaining Air Service Through Incentive Programs S03-15 ACRP Synthesis 97: How Airports Plan for Changing Aircraft Capacity AIRPORT CAPACITY AND DELAY Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-17 ACRP Research Report 79: Evaluating Airfield Capacity ACRP 03-20 ACRP Research Report 104: Defining and Measuring Aircraft Delay and Airport Capacity Thresholds ACRP 03-21 ACRP Research Report 85: Developing and Maintaining Support for Your Airport Capacity Project

19 AIRPORT PLANNING Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-01 ACRP Research Results Digest 10: Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Deployment for Airport Obstruction Surveys ACRP 03-03 ACRP Research Report 27: Enhancing Airport Land Use Compatibility, Volume 1: Land Use Fundamentals and Implementation Resources ACRP Research Report 27: Enhancing Airport Land Use Compatibility, Volume 2: Land Use Survey and Case Study Summaries ACRP 03-09 ACRP Research Report 20. Strategic Planning in the Airport Industry ACRP 03-13 ACRP Research Report 38: Understanding Airspace, Objects, and Their Effects on Airports ACRP 03-18 ACRP Research Report 93: Operational and Business Continuity Planning for Prolonged Airport Disruptions ACRP 03-23 ACRP Research Report 118: Integrating Aviation and Passenger Rail Planning ACRP 03-31 ACRP WebResource 1: Aligning Community Expectations with Airport Roles ACRP 03-37 ACRP Research Report 200: Using GIS for Collaborative Land Use Compatibility Planning Near Airports ACRP 03-38 ACRP Research Report 184: Executive Summary for the Guidebook on Understanding FAA Grant Assurance Obligations ACRP Web-Only Document 44: Understanding FAA Grant Assurance Obligations, Volume 1: Guidebook ACRP Web-Only Document 44: Understanding FAA Grant Assurance Obligations, Volume 2: Technical Appendices ACRP Web-Only Document 44: Understanding FAA Grant Assurance Obligations, Volume 3: Research Report ACRP Web-Only Document 44: Understanding FAA Grant Assurance Obligations, Volume 4: Summary of AIP Grant Assurance Requirements ACRP 03-43 ACRP Research Report 216: Guidebook for Assessing Collaborative Planning Efforts Among Airport and Public Planning Agencies ACRP 03-45 ACRP Research Report 222: Collecting and Sharing of Operations and Safety Data S03-02 ACRP Synthesis 5: Airport Ground Access Mode Choice Models S03-04 ACRP Synthesis 14: Airport System Planning Practices S03-07 ACRP Synthesis 59: Integrating Airport Geographic Information System Data with Public Agency GIS S03-11 ACRP Synthesis 84: Transportation Network Companies: Challenges and Opportunities for Airport Operators S03-12 ACRP Synthesis 83: Preparing Airports for Communicable Diseases on Arriving Flights AIRPORT SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-28 ACRP Research Report 132: The Role of U.S. Airports in the National Economy ACRP 03-39 ACRP Research Report 176: Generating Revenue from Commercial Development On or Adjacent to Airports ACRP 03-47 ACRP Research Report 225: Rethinking Airport Parking Facilities to Protect and Enhance Non-Aeronautical Revenues ACRP 03-41 ACRP Research Report 190: Common Performance Metrics for Airport Infrastructure and Operational Planning S03-03 ACRP Synthesis 7: Airport Economic Impact Methods and Models

20 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLANNING Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-19 ACRP Web-Only Document 22: Passenger Value of Time, Benefit-Cost Analysis and Airport Capital Investment Decisions, Volume 1: Guidebook for Valuing User Time Savings in Airport Capital Investment Decision Analysis ACRP Web-Only Document 22: Passenger Value of Time, Benefit-Cost Analysis and Airport Capital Investment Decisions, Volume 2: Final Report ACRP Web-Only Document 22: Passenger Value of Time, Benefit-Cost Analysis and Airport Capital Investment Decisions, Volume 3: Appendices ACRP 03-46 ACRP Research Report 227: Evaluating and Implementing Airport Privatization and Public-Private Partnerships S03-05 ACRP Synthesis 13: Effective Practices for Preparing Airport Improvement Program Benefit-Cost Analysis DEMAND ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-12 ACRP Research Report 82: Preparing Peak Period and Operational Profiles—Guidebook ACRP 03-15 ACRP Research Report 48: Impact of Jet Fuel Price Uncertainty on Airport Planning and Development ACRP 03-22 ACRP Research Report 76: Addressing Uncertainty about Future Airport Activity Levels in Airport Decision Making ACRP 03-36 ACRP Research Report 194: Using Disaggregated Socioeconomic Data in Air Passenger Demand Studies ACRP 03-40 ACRP Research Report 204: Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile ACRP Web-Only Document 38: Technical Appendix to Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile S03-01 ACRP Synthesis 2: Airport Aviation Activity Forecasting EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-30 ACRP Research Report 144: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) at Airports: A Primer ACRP 03-33 ACRP Research Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume 5: Airport Planning and Development ACRP 03-34 ACRP Research Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume 1: Understanding the Airport’s Role in Performance-Based Navigation: Resource Guide ACRP WebResource 5: Tools and Case Studies for NextGen for Airports ACRP 03-42 ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 1: Managing and Engaging Stakeholders on UAS in the Vicinity of Airports ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 2: Incorporating UAS into Airport Infrastructure—Planning Guidebook ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 3: Potential Use of UAS by Airport Operators ACRP Web-Only Document 42: Toolkits and Resource Library for Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems

21 ACRP 03-48 ACRP Research Report 219: Advanced Ground Vehicle Technologies for Airside Operations ACRP 03-51 ACRP Research Report 236: Preparing Your Airport for Electric Aircraft and Hydrogen Technologies (Feb 2022) ACRP 03-55 ACRP Research Report 233: Airport Biometrics: A Primer (Oct 2021) S03-14 ACRP Synthesis 98: Simulation Options for Airport Planning SMALL AIRPORTS AND AIRPORT PRESERVATION Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-11 ACRP Research Report 44: A Guidebook for the Preservation of Public-Use Airports ACRP 03-25 ACRP Research Report 90: Impact of Regulatory Compliance Costs on Small Airports ACRP Web-Only Document 15: Data Supporting the Impact of Regulatory Compliance Costs on Small Airports, Volume 1: Appendices to ACRP Report 90 ACRP Web-Only Document 15: Data Supporting the Impact of Regulatory Compliance Costs on Small Airports, Volume 2: Technical Appendices to ACRP Report 90 ACRP 03-27 ACRP Research Report 129: Evaluating Methods for Counting Aircraft Operations at Non-Towered Airports S03-08 ACRP Synthesis 55: Backcountry Airstrip Preservation S03-10 ACRP Synthesis 61: Practices in Preserving and Developing Public-Use Seaplane Bases TERMINAL PLANNING AND AIR CARGO Project Publication Title / Type ACRP 03-02 ACRP Research Report 23: Airport Passenger-Related Processing Rates Guidebook ACRP 03-05 ACRP Research Report 55: Passenger Level of Service and Spatial Planning for Airport Terminals ACRP 03-06 ACRP Research Report 37: Guidebook for Planning and Implementing Automated People Mover Systems at Airports ACRP 03-07 ACRP Research Report 37A: Guidebook for Measuring Performance of Automated People Mover Systems at Airports ACRP 03-14 ACRP Research Report 67: Airport Passenger Conveyance Systems Planning Guidebook ACRP 03-16 ACRP Web-Only Document 20: Estimating the Economic Impact of Air Cargo Operations at Airports, Part 1: User’s Guidebook ACRP Web-Only Document 20: Estimating the Economic Impact of Air Cargo Operations at Airports, Part 2: Research Report ACRP 03-24 ACRP Research Report 143: Guidebook for Air Cargo Facility Planning and Development ACRP Web-Only Document 24: Air Cargo Facility Planning and Development—Final Report S03-09 ACRP Synthesis 62: Cell Phone Lots at Airports S03-13 ACRP Synthesis 80: Estimating Truck Trip Generation for Airport Air Cargo Activity

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TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) has provided more than $169 million in funding for 690 research projects since its inception in 2005. In those 20 years, publications and products have undoubtedly gone out-of-date. In FY2021, the ACRP Oversight Committee, along with ACRP staff, recognized the need to review past products and make updates where appropriate.

ACRP Web-Only Document 55: ACRP Product Update: Prioritization of Policy and Planning Products, from ACRP, reviews past products and make updates to them where appropriate.

Supplemental to the document is Appendix A – Product Update Screening Spreadsheet.


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