National Academies Press: OpenBook

Ocean Acoustics Education and Expertise (2024)

Chapter: Appendix E: Glossary

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Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: Glossary." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Ocean Acoustics Education and Expertise. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27337.
Page 238
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: Glossary." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Ocean Acoustics Education and Expertise. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27337.
Page 239
Suggested Citation:"Appendix E: Glossary." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Ocean Acoustics Education and Expertise. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27337.
Page 240

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Appendix E Glossary Acoustics: The science of sound, encompassing its production, transmission, and reception. Apprenticeship: Paid work experience and classroom instruction to develop skills and knowledge in a specific industry (the Apply and Analyze levels of Bloom’s taxonomy). Blue Economy: The sustainable use of ocean resources that benefits economic growth and ocean ecosystem health. Co-Op: Gain practical, hands-on experience while earning credits toward graduation (the Apply and Analyze levels of Bloom’s taxonomy) Digital Badges: Transferrable symbol used to verify attaining specific competencies. Experiential Learning: Specific activities and the opportunity to reflect on these activities (the Apply and Analyze levels of Bloom’s taxonomy). Formal Education: Content for all areas of applied acoustics, from the fundamentals (Remember, Understand in Bloom’s taxonomy) to more complex applications (Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create). Intersectionality: The ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination “intersect” to create unique dynamics and effects. Microcredentials: Short, competency-based training opportunities that allow a learner to demonstrate mastery in a particular area. Ocean Acoustics: The study of sound in the ocean and how it travels, interacts with, and is affected by its underwater surroundings. Professional Development: Programs offered for current members of the workforce and can include training, workshops, short courses, tutorials, experiential learning, webinars, and asynchronous online opportunities (all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, depending on the specific program and its objectives). Reciprocal/Reverse Internship: Practical experience and insights in a different setting (industry or academia) for professionals (the Apply, Analyze, and Evaluate levels of Bloom’s taxonomy). Short Course: Program such as industry-led training on equipment/software, or other discrete learning opportunities aimed at gaining a new skill or knowledge where participants earn a certificate or acknowledgement of completion, generally 1-2 weeks or less in length (the Remember, Understand, Apply, and Analyze levels of Bloom’s taxonomy). SOFAR Channel: Deep sound channel. Sonar: Sound Navigation and Ranging. 238 Prepublication Copy

Appendix E 239 Training: Program such as industry-led course on equipment/software, or other discrete learning opportunities aimed at gaining a new skill or knowledge where participants earn a certificate or acknowledgement of completion (the Apply level of Bloom’s taxonomy). Tutorial: Program such as industry-led training on equipment/software, or other discrete learning opportunities with small class sizes aimed at gaining a new skill or knowledge where participants earn a certificate or acknowledgement of completion (the Remember, Understand, Apply, and Analyze level of Bloom’s taxonomy). Workshop: A brief intensive education programs such as industry-led training on equipment/software, or other discrete learning opportunities aimed at gaining a new skill or knowledge where participants earn a certificate or acknowledgement of completion (the Remember, Understand, Apply, and Analyze level of Bloom’s taxonomy). Prepublication Copy

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Ocean Acoustics - the study of sound in the ocean, how it travels, interacts with, and is affected by its underwater surroundings - is a growing and critical field. Sound from both natural and human-generated sources can be an effective tool for probing the ocean environment. While the first applications of ocean acoustics began in the military, applications today encompass offshore energy production, national security, environmental monitoring, climate science, exploration and mapping, as well as fundamental ocean science.

Even as demand for ocean acoustics grows, workforce development is challenged by both the multidisciplinary nature of the field and its widely varying career paths. Ocean acoustics may be housed in a diversity of departments in higher education institutions, and career paths and trajectory of formal education can range from the vocational/associates' level through the doctorate level. This report examines the state of ocean acoustics education; assesses expected demand for acoustics expertise over the next decade; identifies competencies required across higher education and professional training programs; and presents strategies to raise the profile of careers in ocean acoustics. The report recommends a number of actions that federal agencies, industry, and academia can take to develop the expertise needed to meet current and future workforce demands.


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