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Search results for "paved shoulder"

Viewing 1 - 100 of 236 results by relevance

Pavement Markings--Design and Typical Layout Details  (2006)

Design Guidelines for Mitigating Collisions with Trees and Utility Poles  (2022)

Impact of Shoulder Width and Median Width on Safety  (2009)

Developing Guidelines for Integrating Safety and Cost-Effectiveness into Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) Projects  (2021)

Guidelines for Integrating Safety and Cost-Effectiveness into Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (3R) Projects  (2021)

Guidelines for Treatments to Mitigate Opposite Direction Crashes  (2022)

Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Study Data: Roadway Departures on Rural Two-Lane Curves  (2014)

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Performance Functions  (2023)

Quantifying the Effects of Implements of Husbandry on Pavements  (2022)

Practical Highway Design Solutions  (2013)

Performance Criteria for Retroreflective Pavement Markers  (2022)

Evaluation of Data Needs, Crash Surrogates, and Analysis Methods to Address Lane Departure Research Questions Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data  (2011)

Naturalistic Driving Study: Development of the Roadway Information Database  (2014)

Roadway Measurement System Evaluation  (2011)

Alternate Strategies for Safety Improvement Investments  (2010)

The Effect of Vehicle Mix on Crash Frequency and Crash Severity  (2024)

Recommended Bicycle Lane Widths for Various Roadway Characteristics  (2014)

Evaluation of the 13 Controlling Criteria for Geometric Design  (2014)

Safety Performance of Part-Time Shoulder Use on Freeways, Volume 1: Informational Guide and Safety Evaluation Guidelines  (2021)

A Guide for Reducing Collisions Involving Bicycles  (2008)

Geometric Design Practices for Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation  (2011)

Design Guide for Low-Speed Multimodal Roadways  (2018)

Centerline Rumble Strips  (2005)

Median Cross-Section Design for Rural Divided Highways  (2014)

Field Test Results of the Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets  (2010)

Crash Reduction Factors for Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Improvements: State-of-Knowledge Report  (2005)

Maintenance Quality Assurance Field Inspection Practices  (2015)

Safe and Aesthetic Design of Urban Roadside Treatments  (2008)

Development and Application of Crash Severity Models for Highway Safety: User Guidelines  (2023)

Practice of Rumble Strips and Rumble Stripes  (2016)

A Guide for Reducing Collisions on Horizontal Curves  (2004)

A Guide for Addressing Collisions Involving Motorcycles  (2008)

Highway Safety Research Agenda: Infrastructure and Operations  (2013)

Guidelines for Guardrail Implementation  (2009)

Performance-Based Highway Maintenance and Operations Management  (2012)

Twin Trailer Trucks: Special Report 211  (1986)

Performance-Based Analysis of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets  (2014)

Crash Modification Factors in the Highway Safety Manual: Resources for Evaluation  (2023)

Selecting Ramp Design Speeds, Volume 2: Conduct of Research Report  (2021)

Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities  (2006)

Construction and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Under Traffic  (2018)

Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Urban and Suburban Arterials  (2008)

Recent Roadway Geometric Design Research for Improved Safety and Operations  (2012)

A Guide for Reducing Head-On Crashes on Freeways  (2008)

Design Guide for Addressing Nonrecurrent Congestion  (2014)

Speed Reduction Techniques for Rural High-to-Low Speed Transitions  (2011)

Design of Interchange Loop Ramps and Pavement/Shoulder Cross-Slope Breaks  (2017)

Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Highways  (2008)

Airfield Turf and Vegetation Management Practices  (2023)

Designing Safer Roads: Practices for Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation -- Special Report 214  (1987)

Impacts of Energy Developments on U.S. Roads and Bridges  (2015)

Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Along Existing Roads—ActiveTrans Priority Tool Guidebook  (2015)

Left-Turn Accommodations at Unsignalized Intersections  (2013)

Practices for Preventing Roadway Departures  (2018)

Design Guidelines for Horizontal Sightline Offsets  (2019)

Development of Levels of Service for the Interstate Highway System  (2010)

User’s Guide for Quantifying the Effects of Vehicle Mix on Crash Frequency and Crash Severity  (2024)

Highway Safety Manual User Guide  (2022)

A Guide for Reducing Crashes Involving Drowsy and Distracted Drivers  (2005)

Electrochemical Test Methods to Evaluate the Corrosion Potential of Earthen Materials  (2021)

Improved Test Methods and Practices for Characterizing Steel Corrosion Potential of Earthen Materials  (2020)

Development and Application of Crash Severity Models for Highway Safety: Conduct of Research Report  (2023)

Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets  (2008)

Posted Speed Limit Setting Procedure and Tool: User Guide  (2021)

Safe and Effective Temporary Traffic Control for Mobile Operations on Two-Lane Roadways  (2023)

Design of Construction Work Zones on High-Speed Highways  (2007)

A Performance-Based Highway Geometric Design Process  (2016)

Pavement Patching Practices  (2014)

Highway Safety Manual Data Needs Guide  (2008)

Trade-Off Considerations in Highway Geometric Design  (2011)

Integration of Analysis Methods and Development of Analysis Plan  (2012)

State Practices for Local Road Safety  (2016)

Airport Self-Inspection Practices  (2011)

Safety of U-Turns at Unsignalized Median Openings  (2004)

Measuring and Removing Dissolved Metals from Stormwater in Highly Urbanized Areas  (2014)

Practices for Balancing Safety Investments in a Comprehensive Safety Program  (2022)

Accident Modification Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS Improvements  (2008)

Identifying and Using Low-Cost and Quickly Implementable Ways to Address Freight-System Mobility Constraints  (2010)

Guide for Customer-Driven Benchmarking of Maintenance Activities  (2004)

Guidelines for Traversability of Roadside Slopes  (2019)

Safety Prediction Methodology and Analysis Tool for Freeways and Interchanges  (2021)

Safety Performance of Part-Time Shoulder Use on Freeways, Volume 2: Conduct of Research Report  (2021)

Roundabouts in the United States  (2007)

Design Practices for Rock Slopes and Rockfall Management  (2022)

Development of a Posted Speed Limit Setting Procedure and Tool  (2021)

A Guide for Implementing Bus on Shoulder (BOS) Systems  (2012)

Construction and Maintenance Practices for Permeable Friction Courses  (2009)

Estimating the Safety Effects of Work Zone Characteristics and Countermeasures: A Guidebook  (2018)

Guidebook for Successfully Assessing and Managing Risks for Airport Capital and Maintenance Projects  (2014)

Preventive Maintenance at General Aviation Airports Volume 2: Guidebook  (2015)

Design Guidance for High-Speed to Low-Speed Transitions Zones for Rural Highways  (2012)

Rural Transportation Issues: Research Roadmap  (2022)

Guidance for the Design and Application of Shoulder and Centerline Rumble Strips  (2009)

Liability Aspects of Bikeways  (2010)

Development of Safety Performance-Based Guidelines for the Roadside Design Guide  (2022)

Practices in One-Lane Traffic Control on a Two-Lane Rural Highway  (2018)

Median Intersection Design for Rural High-Speed Divided Highways  (2010)

Roadside Database Coding Manual  (2023)

Measuring Investments in Active Transportation When Accomplished as Part of Other Projects  (2022)