National Academies Press: OpenBook

BIM Beyond Design Guidebook (2020)

Chapter: Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements

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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 9 - BIM Implementation Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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92 Previous sections of the Guidebook have presented an overview of the BIM process, an evaluation of how BIM can address an airport’s specific organizational needs, and direction on how to build a business case to implement BIM. This section will address how to begin the design of a BIM program. The following elements should be established by an airport that wants to create an effective BIM program: • Standards—guidelines for the design of the BIM program that will maximize the inter­ operability of the BIM system with other, existing BIM systems and guidelines for the tools and processes that will provide the best path to reusability with future developments and innovations maximizing the longevity of the BIM system. • Execution plans—templates for managing the BIM process that define the roles, respon­ sibilities, BIM data and spatial requirements, process diagrams, and overall structure of the BIM program. • Data elements—options for the design of the data structure of the facility, systems, and assets within the BIM. The United States does not have a national BIM mandate that requires the use of BIM and does not require the adoption of a specific standard for BIM (such as the UK BIM Mandate). While each airport could completely customize its own BIM programs, adopting a standards­driven approach will greatly reduce the time and cost of developing those programs. Most BIM programs have been developed to manage BIM on a project basis for the planning, design, and construction of new or renovated facilities. The use of BIM for the entire facility life cycle (and particularly for O&M) is still not widespread. However, the project­oriented BIM stan­ dards and processes developed for design and construction can be adapted for use in O&M as well. 9.1 BIM Standards The United States does have a National BIM Standard, NBIMS­US V3, which was devel­ oped by NIBS. NIBS is a non­profit agency established in 1974 by the U.S. Congress with a mission to “unite the entire building community in advancing building science and tech­ nology.” NBIMS­US V3 is a consensus document that has been developed by representatives of private industry and public agencies to identify and provide solutions to “facilitate the effi­ cient life cycle management of the built environment supported by digital technology.” The end goal is to create a reliable and accurate process for the creation, maintenance, and manage­ ment of BIM data throughout the facility life cycle. The stated goals of NBIMS­US V3 are the following: • Reducing the TCO of the built environment and its impact on the natural environment via timely, accurate, reusable information for the management of a project through its life cycle. S E C T I O N 9 BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 93 • Enabling collaboration and information sharing among all shareholders via established products, methods, and information formats. • Prescribing information development and sharing via consensus documents that promote a consistent, common path forward when multiple divergent paths were once available. • Creating a standard expectation of BIM processes and deliverables, thus creating predictability and consistency in costs and outcomes. • Sharing information with software vendors, as well as other product and service providers, to build solutions that support the consensus agreements of practitioners. NBIMS­US V3 standards encompass the following elements: • Technology reference standards • Practice standards Although there are a variety of international standards, the core concepts described in this document will be the same. AAAE is in the process of developing a BIM standard for airports. 9.2 Technology Reference Standards BIM is composed of model elements that represent the spatial characteristics of a facility and the data structures that represent the underlying asset information. While the details of each technology reference standard are not necessary for this Guidebook, they are included as refer­ ence points for use in building an airport’s BIM requirements and capabilities. 9.2.1 ISO 16739 IFC 2x3 IFC is the underlying data schema that defines a neutral “exchange format” for BIM. An information exchange format is a standardized listing of what data need to be defined for each type of asset in a BIM. By creating a standard list with standardized names, an “information exchange” can facilitate the sharing of data between a BIM developed using one system and a BIM developed using different BIM­authoring and development tools. These include soft­ ware applications for energy analysis, BASs, and code compliance. BIM­authoring tools use IFC exports as the most interoperable information exchange export option. The most widely used form of IFC data is in the plain text STEP format; however, there is also an IFCXML format that conforms to the standards for XML encoding defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The IFCXML file sizes are larger and primarily used to exchange portions of the model. The benefit of XML is the wide range of existing web­based tools supporting XML data exchange. 9.2.2 Green Building Extensible Markup Language The Green Building Extensible Markup Language (gbXML) format was developed speci­ fically to support the exchange of BIM data with applications supporting architectural and engineering sustainability analysis such as energy utilization and HVAC load calculations. 9.2.3 OmniClass OmniClass is a classification system that was generated for the construction industry to organize asset data for electronic databases. Although it was developed for the construction industry, this classification system works equally well for the O&M phase of a facility’s life cycle. OmniClass has classifications at the facility level, system levels, and specific asset level. It also has classifications for other construction­related elements such as phasing, organizational

94 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook management roles, tools, materials, and properties. Utilizing an OmniClass classification system in a CMMS will provide the best interoperability between the BIM and CMMS to support life cycle facility management services. 9.2.4 UniFormat OmniClass has worked to provide interoperability with other classification systems such as UniFormat and MasterFormat. UniFormat provides a classification system that is focused on just the physical parts of the facility (systems and assemblies). It does not include classifica­ tions for the non­asset data such as organizational roles and responsibilities. UniFormat is often utilized in cost­estimating applications based on its streamlined form. Although Uni­ Format cannot classify elements of the overall organization and process, its streamlined focus on specific assets can make it a good choice for many organizations. 9.2.5 National CAD Standard While BIM is a 3D modeling environment, the reality is that many airports will continue to utilize 2D plans as a primary source of facility data for their O&M workflows. NBIMS­US and the National CAD Standard (NCS) are standards that were developed and are maintained by NIBS. Although NBIMS­US supersedes some aspects of the NCS, most of the NCS requirements can be implemented with BIM processes and tools. Using NCS as a guide for 2D plan production can simplify the 3D­to­2D conversions, although this is not a requirement. 9.2.6 W3C XML W3C XML is a standard developed to facilitate the exchange of BIM data in an Internet­based environment. This standard may take on greater importance as mobile­based BIM applications find greater adoption in the industry. Several of the major BIM/GIS software vendors are looking at W3C­compliant systems for sharing data between platforms. 9.3 Practice Standards NBIMS­US V3 also provides guidance on planning for facility owners for three types of procedures: strategic planning, implementation planning, and procurement planning: 1. Strategic planning is focused on an organizational needs assessment and on creating a set of BIM goals that will address these strategic needs. 2. Implementation planning is focused on developing the details of how the organization will create, operate, and maintain BIM to meet its strategic goals. 3. Procurement planning is focused on how BIM can enhance the contracting process. Six core NBIMS “BIM planning elements” are listed below: 1. Strategy—defines the BIM goals and objectives, assesses change readiness, and considers management and resource support. 2. BIM uses—identifies the methods through which BIM will be implemented for gathering, generating, processing, communicating, and realizing information about the owner’s facilities. 3. Process—describes the means used to accomplish BIM goals and objectives through docu­ menting the current methods, designing new processes to leverage BIM, and developing transition plans. 4. Information—documents the information needs of the organization, including the model element breakdown, LOD, and facility data.

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 95 5. Infrastructure—determines the technology infrastructure to support BIM including computer software, hardware, networks, and physical workspaces. 6. Personnel—establishes the roles, responsibilities, education, and training of the active participants in the BIM processes established. 9.4 BIM Execution Plan Templates The “BIM Project Execution Plan” template developed by the CIC Research Program at Penn State still serves as the primary tool to manage BIM projects throughout the United States. A link to Version 2.0 of this template is included in Appendix G of the BIM Project Execution Planning Guide, Version 2.2:­matter/ appendix­g­bim­project­execution­plan­template/ (Messner et al., 2019). While a wide variety of other BIM execution plan templates exist (such as those developed by Stanford’s Center for Integrated Facility Engineering and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), the Penn State “BIM Project Execution Plan” template still serves as the starting point for most organizations in developing their systems. The “BIM Project Execution Plan” template is oriented toward managing construction projects, although the elements of the “BIM Project Execution Plan” can be adapted to execute BIM across an organization for O&M purposes. The elements of the “BIM Project Execution Plan” are described in the following. 9.4.1 Project Information This information includes data about the owner, the project, and the project phasing. For an organizational BIM development effort, the “project” would include the BIM strategy and anticipated timeline. 9.4.2 Roles/Responsibilities This element includes key leaders in the BIM development effort and their roles. This will enable stakeholders across the airport’s organization to identify who to contact about issues/ questions. 9.4.3 Project Goals/BIM Uses This is a prioritized list of the strategic/operational goals for the BIM implementation including information on how particular BIM uses will support achieving those goals (see Figures 9­1 and 9­2). A mapping of BIM uses by life cycle is included. BIM uses shown in Figure 9­2 are for illustration purposes only. 9.4.4 Organizational Staffing This element identifies new organizational roles required, existing roles that may require training, staffing levels, leaders, and location of staff. New roles might include BIM managers, PRIORITY (HIGH/ MED/ LOW) GOAL DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL BIM USES Source: “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template Figure 9-1. BIM project execution plan—project goals.

96 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook BIM designers, and BIM IT technicians. Roles requiring training could include project managers, maintenance technicians and planners, airport planners, CAD/GIS technicians, and asset management support. (See Figure 9­3.) 9.4.5 Process Map Design The BIM process can be complex and will require input from a wide variety of stakeholders. The use of process maps (flowcharts) can be used to manage how BIM data are created, main­ tained, and used throughout the airport organization. Additional detail about building process maps can be found in Section 5. Figure 5­3 provides a BIM process map example. 9.4.6 Information Exchanges There are two types of information exchange worksheets. The first identifies what model elements are being produced and who is responsible for them. The second shows the model X PLAN X DESIGN X CONSTRUCT X OPERATE PROGRAMMING DESIGN AUTHORING SITE UTILIZATION PLANNING BUILDING MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING SITE ANALYSIS DESIGN REVIEWS CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM DESIGN BUILDING SYSTEM ANALYSIS 3D COORDINATION 3D COORDINATION ASSET MANAGEMENT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS DIGITAL FABRICATION SPACE MANAGEMENT / TRACKING LIGHTING ANALYSIS 3D CONTROL AND PLANNING DISASTER PLANNING ENERGY ANALYSIS RECORD MODELING RECORD MODELING MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OTHER ENG. ANALYSIS SUSTAINABILITY (LEED) EVALUATION CODE VALIDATION PHASE PLANNING (4D MODELING) PHASE PLANNING (4D MODELING) PHASE PLANNING (4D MODELING) PHASE PLANNING (4D MODELING) COST ESTIMATION COST ESTIMATION COST ESTIMATION COST ESTIMATION EXISTING CONDITIONS MODELING EXISTING CONDITIONS MODELING EXISTING CONDITIONS MODELING EXISTING CONDITIONS MODELING Source: “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template Figure 9-2. BIM project execution plan—BIM uses. BIM USE ORGANIZATION NUMBER OF TOTAL STAFF FOR BIM USE ESTIMATED WORKER HOURS LOCATION(S) LEAD CONTACT Maintenance Scheduling Aviation Maintenance 12 18,500 Airport Maintenance Supervisors Energy Analysis Sustainability 3 300 Airport Director of Asset Management Asset Inventory Finance 3 3,000 Airport-Admin Office Director of Finance Source: “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template Figure 9-3. BIM project execution plan—staffing plan.

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 97 progression by life cycle phase, from planning, design, construction, to O&M. If BIM is being developed for an existing facility that is not under construction, only the operations column would be needed to identify which facility elements would be modeled. Each item on the work­ sheets includes an information descriptor and responsible party, as shown in Figure 9­4. While the list of contributors under “Responsible Party” in Figure 9­4 was primarily devel­ oped for construction BIM, this list can be amended to include other airport stakeholder groups if BIM is being developed internally for existing facilities. For example, airport engi­ neering, survey, or maintenance management could be assigned tasks in developing the BIM model and asset data. The information ranking of A, B, and C (shown under “Information” in Figure 9­4) indicates the LOD ranking (A, B, or C) of each portion of the planned BIM. A numeric ranking from 100 to 500 is more typically used, where 500 represents the most detailed and complete data. The abbreviation “LOD” is used to represent both “level of development” and “level of detail,” but it is important to note that these are different things. “Level of development” designates the overall level of completeness of BIM spatial and facility data, whereas “level of detail” designates the level of graphical accuracy in model elements (in this Guidebook, LOD stands only for “level of development”). In evaluating a BIM, it is important to understand that the LOD is being assessed and not just the graphical level of detail. The “BIMForum 2018 Level of Development” is an excellent guide to understanding and implementing level­of­development standards. LOD is covered in greater detail as the BIM required data elements. 9.4.7 BIM Data Requirements This term includes all the facility data requirements. The Penn State CIC Research Program’s “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template does not provide a format for how this information should be presented, but this section is critical to successfully utilizing BIM during O&M and to integrating BIM with a CMMS and other data systems. Since there isn’t a standard template, each airport organization can develop standard method­ ology for defining BIM data requirements that match its asset management methodology, asset classification structure, and asset data dictionary. Alternatively, a standard BIM MVD, such as COBie, can be used to define the required data attributes. One advantage to using COBie is that many software vendors have integrated COBie data integration modules into their systems to facilitate the transfer of data from BIM into their systems. COBie is sometimes perceived as the standard BIM data format, but BIM does not require COBie­formatted data, and COBie does not require BIM. COBie data can be, and often are, supplied as a simple spread­ sheet of facility asset data. Source: Messner et al., 2019 Figure 9-4. BIM project execution plan—information exchange.

98 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook MVD refers to the mapping of an asset data model to the IFC data model. A variety of MVDs exist, not just COBie, including the Coordination Model View, the Electrical System Information Exchange (SPARKie), the HVAC information exchange (HVACie), and the Water System information exchange (WSie). These systems have not been widely used but are available for use as standards or as a starting point for developing custom model views. Regardless of the asset model defined, it is important that the asset data model is defined early in the process to ensure that, when the BIM is authored, all the needed model attributes are included in the BIM. This effort can occur after the BIM is authored but performing this effort early on can prevent rework. The process of defining the required asset data often leads to developing a more precise definition of what needs to be included in the BIM. 9.4.8 Collaboration Strategy For design and construction projects, this defines how the architect, contractor, and sub­ contractors use BIM to improve collaboration. This portion of a BIM project execution plan defines who is involved at each stage and how frequently they update and review the BIM. The collaboration strategy for facility management–driven projects defines how the BIM is initially developed and who is involved in facility data acquisition, BIM authoring, and integra­ tion. It also defines which systems will be integrated and when. After BIM development, the collaboration strategy should include how BIM will be maintained and how frequently, who is responsible for maintaining the BIM, and how BIM accessibility is provided to the various airport stakeholders who can benefit from BIM. Performing a BIM needs assessment is an excellent opportunity to identify the collaboration framework for BIM at an airport. The BIM needs assessment process is described in more detail in Section 2. 9.4.9 Technology Needs This element defines what the technology infrastructure requirements are for the BIM program. Technology needs include software, hardware, tablets/mobile devices, network infrastructure, laser scanners, drones, augmented reality/virtual reality equipment, and other visualization devices. 9.4.10 Quality Control This defines the procedures for quality control of BIM development and maintenance, who is responsible, and with what frequency. Quality control is a critical element of the success of BIM as a collaborative operational tool. If shared data are seen to be inaccurate or dated, each airport stakeholder group may return to developing and maintaining its own facility data sources, eliminating the organizational benefits achieved through improved collaboration and communication. Figure 9­5 is a sample quality control table from the Penn State CIC Research Program’s “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template. The template also requires model accuracy and tolerance. It is important not only to define the tolerances, but also to have the capability to measure whether those tolerances are being met (through the use of laser scanning, photogrammetry, or other means of measurement). 9.4.11 Model Structure It is important to define the structure of the BIM before it is developed, since it will be time consuming to make changes after the BIM has been developed. The structure of the BIM defines what subsystems make up the overall BIM. Typically, the model structure would be

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 99 used to clearly distinguish between different facility systems such as the architectural, civil, structural, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical models. Additional structure can be defined by building, floors, functional areas, and areas of responsibility (such as tenant, airlines, and airport spaces). In some cases, this type of struc­ ture may already exist in the CMMS/asset management system, and this breakdown could be reflected in the BIM structure as well. The naming convention of the models should be consistent to enable ease of combining facility BIMs for O&M workflows. Figure 9­6 shows the proposed standard for the naming of the separate model types that will make up the overall combined model, known as a federated model. The model structure also includes the asset location coordinate system. While connecting BIM to a true coordinate system may not be necessary for a single facility BIM, it becomes increasingly important when developing a BIM composed of multiple facilities and linear civil infrastructure (such as utilities, runways, parking lots, and roadways). If the BIM is not developed using a common coordinate system, it will be difficult to combine the BIM into an overall BIM of the airport or to integrate that model with external data sources with coordinate CHECKS DEFINITION RESPONSIBLE PARTY SOFTWARE PROGRAM FREQUENCY VISUAL CHECK Ensure there are no unintended model components and the design intent has been followed INTERFERENCE CHECK Detect problems in the model where two building components are clashing (including soft and hard clashes) STANDARDS CHECK Ensure that the BIM and AEC CAD standards have been followed (fonts, dimensions, line styles, levels/layers, etc.) MODEL INTEGRITY CHECKS Describe the QC validation process used to ensure that the Project Facility Dataset has no undefined, incorrectly defined, or duplicated elements and that there is a reporting process for non-compliant elements and corrective action plans Source: “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template Figure 9-5. BIM project execution plan—QC plan. FILE NAMES FOR MODELS SHOULD BE FORMATTED AS: DISCIPLINE - PROJECT NUMBER – BUILDING NUMBER.XYZ ARCHITECTURAL MODEL ARCH- CIVIL MODEL CIVIL- MECHANICAL MODEL MECH- PLUMBING MODEL PLUMB- ELECTRICAL MODEL ELEC- STRUCTURAL MODEL STRUCT- ENERGY MODEL ENERGY- CONSTRUCTION MODEL CONST- COORDINATION MODEL COORD- Source: “BIM Project Execution Plan—Version 2.0” template Figure 9-6. BIM project execution plan—model structure.

100 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook translations. Ideally, the BIM should be tied to a world coordinate system for maximum inter­ operability with external databases and to optimize BIM and GIS integration; however, nothing in the BIM standards requires this. The “model structure” component also identifies the relevant BIM and CAD standards adopted by the airport. 9.4.12 Project Deliverables Although this element is oriented toward the project deliverables associated with a construc­ tion project, it can also be used to define the phased deliverables in developing a BIM of existing facilities and the BIM infrastructure/integration efforts needed to support O&M BIM uses across an airport. 9.4.13 Delivery Strategy As with previous elements, this one has a focus on the contract and team selection for new construction/renovation projects. However, it can be used to define the overall BIM implementation strategy by designating which activities are performed using internal resources, which activities require external consultants, and what the criteria are for identifying and selecting external consultants. For long­term BIM implementation development efforts, this element can also include the option of training and developing internal staff with the skills needed to perform future phases of the BIM program. 9.5 Required Data Elements The BIMForum, which is the U.S. chapter of buildingSMART International, has a detailed LOD specification that includes examples of graphical level of detail for various facility asset types and a listing of recommended baseline asset attributes that should be included in a facility BIM. Defining the required data elements within an airport’s BIM should be a collaborative effort that involves airport stakeholders who utilize facility data across the entire asset life cycle. In the absence of quality input from the potential users of BIM at the airport, it is very easy to over­specify the requirements and inflate the costs to a level where a business case is diffi­ cult to make. Without quality input from each airport stakeholder group, it would also be easy to under­specify the BIM requirements and end up with a system that is not usable by the end users. Using the BIMForum (or other open standard) as a starting point to involve airport stakeholders in a collaborative effort to define the BIM LOD requirements necessary to support their job functions will be the most cost­effective and thorough approach. 9.5.1 BIMForum 2018 LOD Attribute Definitions The BIMForum standards include a LOD specification spreadsheet that identifies asset attributes for a wide variety of asset types. The attributes are identified as “baseline” attributes that all assets of classification should incorporate and “additional” attributes that an orga­ nization may incorporate. The following is an excerpt of the LOD definitions from the BIM­ Forum (BIMForum, 2018): LOD 100 The Model Element may be graphically represented in the Model with a symbol or other generic representation, but it does not satisfy the requirements for LOD 200. Information related to the Model Element (i.e., cost per square foot, the tonnage of HVAC, etc.) can be derived from other Model Elements. BIMForum Interpretation: LOD 100 elements are not geometric representations. Examples are information attached to other model elements or symbols showing the existence of a component but not

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 101 its shape, size, or precise location. Any information derived from LOD 100 elements must be considered approximate. LOD 200 The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a generic system, object, or assembly with approximate quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non­graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. BIMForum interpretation: At this LOD, elements are generic placeholders. They may be recognizable as the components they represent, or they may be volumes for space reservation. Any information derived from LOD 200 elements must be considered approximate. LOD 300 The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object, or assembly regarding quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation. Non­graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. BIMForum interpretation: The quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation of the element as designed can be measured directly from the model without referring to non­modeled information such as notes or dimension call­outs. The location of the element is accurately located within the defined project coordinate system. LOD 350 The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object, or assembly regarding quantity, size, shape, location, orientation, and interfaces with other building systems. Non­graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. BIMForum interpretation: Parts necessary for coordination of the element with nearby or attached elements are modeled. These parts will include such items as supports and connections. The quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation of the element as designed can be measured directly from the model without referring to non­modeled information such as notes or dimension call­outs. LOD 400 The Model Element is graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object, or assembly regarding size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation with detailing fabrication, assembly, and instal­ lation information. Non­graphic information may also be attached to the Model Element. BIMForum interpretation: An LOD 400 element is modeled at sufficient detail and accuracy for fabrication of the represented component. The quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation of the element as designed can be measured directly from the model without referring to non­modeled information (such as notes or dimension call­outs). LOD 500 [NOT USED] The Model Element is a field­verified representation regarding size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non­graphic information may also be attached to the Model Elements. BIMForum interpretation: Since LOD 500 relates to field verification and is not an indication of progression to a higher level of model element geometry or non­graphic information, this Specification does not define or illustrate it. An example of the LOD progression for an Exterior Wall (Cold­Form Metal Framing) is shown in Figure 9­7a and Figure 9­7b for purposes of illustration. This example is from Level of Development (LOD) Specification Part 1 & Commentary: For Building Information Models and Data; Version 2018 (BIMForum, 2018). 9.5.2 Attribute Spreadsheet Example An example of an attribute spreadsheet for the exterior wall is shown in Figure 9­8. Note that the first seven items are identified as the “baseline” attributes. These include construc­ tion, material skin/finish, material substrate/structure, insulation material, wall type, thermal resistance, and thermal transmittance. Additional attributes for this asset type include target LOD (the LOD desired) and current LOD. This is an example of an attribute that would

102 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook be updated during design and installation. Other attributes include wind load capacity, fire rating, impact resistance, UV resistance, sound transmission, and air infiltration. The last attri­ butes, if included, could enable engineering analysis of a facility with regard to fire protection, wind resistance, noise studies, resistance to solar radiation, and security ratings. While these attributes are not required, they can increase the value of the BIM regarding operational analysis capabilities after the facility BIM has been created. 9.5.3 National Building Specification BIM Object Element Matrix Another example of an asset data matrix is one established in Australia as part of its National Building Specification (NATSPEC) BIM standards. Looking at the NATSPEC object for the exterior wall from the last example shows a slightly different organization of data, which is more IFC­centric. The attributes are also organized by LOD, so it is easier to see how the attribute data evolve in parallel with the graphical attributes. Note that the entire NATSPEC asset data matrix has not been reproduced herein; selected portions from LOD 100–500 follow: • LOD 100 Conceptual—the exterior wall basic dimensions and conceptual cost. • LOD 200 Approximate geometry—adds position requirements, LEED items, and program­ ming requirements for glazing, fire rating, room, and building type. • LOD 300 Precise geometry—adds coordinate data to the position, manufacturer, wall specifications such as exterior and interior finishes, molding, and core type. Also adds assembly base costing, energy analysis values, sustainable materials types, and code compliance specifications. This phase also adds the facilities asset management system descriptors. Source: BIMForum, 2018. © 2018 Project Modeling LLC (graphic reproduced with permission) Figure 9-7a. LOD 200 and 300 examples.

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 103 Source: BIMForum, 2018. © 2018 Project Modeling LLC (graphic reproduced with permission) Figure 9-7b. LOD 350 and 400 examples. • LOD 400 Fabrication—this level adds the as­installed data for warranties, model and serial numbers, spare parts, expected life, certifications, and replacement costs. Typically, many of the required O&M data do not get populated during design and construction until this LOD phase. • LOD 500 As­built—this LOD adds a field­measured GIS and GPS (global positioning system) tag/position, asset condition, defects, recorded actual costs, and LEED documentation. 9.5.4 COBie Data The COBie format standardizes delivery of information about scheduled products and equipment. Before beginning operations of a new facility, maintenance, operations, and asset management system data in COBie format may be imported without rekeying. Over 30 commercial software programs, including software for designers and facility managers, have been tested for their ability to export and/or import COBie data. BIM software may simplify the initial creation of COBie data. However, the majority of COBie information, such as manufacturer, model number, and preventive maintenance schedules, is created in the traditional construction administration process.

104 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Although COBie information is already part of traditional construction handover docu­ ments, contractors may consider COBie to be something new. It is not. COBie is simply an inter nationally recognized way to organize existing handover information. To obtain a quality COBie deliverable, COBie requirements must be correctly specified and enforced. The COBie standard was published in 2015 in NBIMS­US V3 by the NIBS. COBie training is available from the University of Florida’s COBie Academy. The United States Institute for Building Documentation has formed a subcommittee to develop a COBie certification process. A separate COBie Commentary published by Bill East (see Figure 9­9, for example) provides recommenda­ tions for COBie asset attributes and data types. 9.6 International Standards Several efforts have been designed to establish and mandate the use of BIM standards in various countries to improve construction productivity and reduce costs. Following is a descrip­ tion of these BIM standards initiatives that are being undertaken at a national level. They are included here as examples that have been developed to address post­construction BIM life cycle requirements. 9.6.1 United Kingdom The UK is currently the most progressive country in establishing nationwide BIM standards and goals and has developed some initial standards to support BIM in operations as well as construction. The UK Government Construction Strategy was developed to require a fully BIMForum LOD Specification 2018 Part II B – Ext. Wall Baseline Additional Attribute Data Type Units - Imp. Units - Metric Option Examples Construction Text framed, unit masonry, panelized, EIFS, etc. Material - Skin Text tiles, composite, sheet metal, etc. Material - Substrate Text corrugated metal, plywood, composite panels, etc. Material - Insulation Text Wall Type Text Thermal Resistance Number h·ft2·°F/Btu (R) m2oC/W (R) Thermal Transmittance Number Btu/(h·ft2·°F/Btu (U) W/(m2oC) (U) Target LOD Text 100, 200, 300, 350, 400 Current LOD Text 100, 200, 300, 350, 400 Wind Load Capacity (drag) Number psf Pa Wind Load Capacity (pressure) Number psf Pa Fire Rating Text options: [UL label - A,B,C,D,E,S] Impact resistance Text options:[T/F, class] UV Resistance Text options:[T/F, class] Air Infiltration Text options:[T/F, class] Sound Transmission This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License Part 1 - Attribute Description Source: BIMForum, 2018. © 2018 Project Modeling LLC (graphic reproduced with permission) Figure 9-8. Attribute worksheet example.

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 105 collaborative BIM on all centrally procured public projects. The goal was to mandate a mini­ mum BIM “Level 2” by 2016, with the goal of achieving a 20% construction cost reduction from pre­mandate construction costs. The UK BIM levels are defined as the following: • Level 0 BIM—2D CAD drafting • Level 1 BIM—3D/2D CAD with electronic data sharing • Level 2 BIM—(current target) collaborative BIM with IFC or COBie data • Level 3 BIM—(future) BIM and open standards for data sharing, contracting, and management The UK’s BIM standards are developed first as PASs and then, after a period of review, are evaluated as to whether they should be formalized as British Standards. The BSI manages this process and currently has published the following standards: • PAS 1192-2: 2013 Specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using building information modeling. • PAS 1192-3: 2014 Specification for information management for the operational phase of assets using building information modeling (BIM). • PAS 1192-4: 2014 Collaborative production of information. This standard describes the employer’s information exchange requirements using COBie. • PAS 1192-5: 2015 Specification for security­minded building information modeling, digital built environments, and smart asset management. 9.6.2 Australia Australia, like the UK, has been very progressive in mandating the use of BIM to improve construction productivity and facility life cycle asset management. AUS­SPEC defines the Heading Typical Unit Name AHU-TypeXX-Space#-01 Type AHU-TypeXX Specification Section (as identified in client’s contract) Location (Space Name) Current Amps Voltage Volts Frequency Hz Fan Flow – Maximum L/s Fan Flow – Nominal L/s Fan Outside Flow L/s Fan Ext Pressure Drop kPa Fan Motor Power kW Fan Speed RPM Fan Sound Level dB Coil Flow L/s Coil Velocity m/min Coil Capacity W EnteringAirTempDB C EnteringAirTempWB C LeavingAirTempDB C LeavingAirTempWB C Entering Water Temp C Leaving Water Temp C Chilled Water Rate L/s Runout Inlet Size Mm Runout Outlet Size Mm Coil Air Pressure Drop Pa Coil Water Pressure Drop kPa Source: Bill East, COBie Commentary Figure 9-9. COBie asset specifications.

106 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Australian government system for life cycle asset management used for all public facilities. NATSPEC has developed the Australian BIM standards and specifications in widest use. The NATSPEC National BIM Guide is a collection of BIM standards and templates that includes the following: • BIM Guide and Project BIM Brief—fulfills a role similar to the BIM project execution plans. • BIM Reference Schedule—a list of suggested BIM standards and resources. • BIM Object/Element Matrix—mapping of BIM objects/elements and their standardized properties organized by UniFormat/OmniClass classifications and expected LOD at each life cycle phase of BIM development. 9.6.3 Finland BIM standards have been developed in Finland with the assistance of buildingSMART Finland. Finland’s standards currently consist of the following: • Common BIM Requirements (COBIM) Yleiset Tietomalli Vaatimukset (YTV) 2012 that define life cycle BIM standards (including facility management uses). The BIM uses defined in the COBIM include support for facility management, space management, energy and environmental management, maintenance budgeting, long­term planning, and performance monitoring. • Common InfraBIM YIV 2015 that establish BIM standards for infrastructure projects. • Intramodel Data Exchange that defines an open standard for exchange of infrastructure data based on Land Extensible Markup Language (LandXML) standards. 9.6.4 Singapore The Singapore Building and Construction Authority is developing BIM standards and processes to improve productivity and the level of BIM integration across disciplines in the facility life cycle. The “Singapore BIM Guide Version 2.0” establishes the national BIM standards. The “BIM Essential Guides” provide a series of best practices for BIM focused on key roles, responsibilities, and activities. These include the following: • BIM Essential Guide for Adoption in an Organization • BIM Essential Guide for BIM Execution Plan • BIM Essential Guide for Architectural Consultants • BIM Essential Guide of Collaborative Virtual Design and Construction • BIM for DfMA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) Essential Guide • BIM Essential Guide for C&S Consultants • BIM Essential Guide for MEP Consultants • BIM Essential Guide for Contractors • BIM Essential Guide for Building Performance Analysis • BIM Essential Guide for Land Surveyors The Building and Construction Authority also offers BIM training and certification programs to develop the local workforce’s BIM capabilities and expertise. 9.7 Summary While implementing BIM does not require compliance with national or international stan­ dards, complying with these standards will reduce the long­term cost and increase the long­ term value of BIM. Establishing BIM standards enables the airport to leverage existing tools, resources, and workforce to the maximum possible extent. In the United States, NBIMS­US V3

BIM Implementation—Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements 107 presents a comprehensive framework of standards, processes, and tools to support a BIM life cycle management approach that is focused on optimizing asset life. While many of these standards and resources were developed initially with a focus on design and construction processes, they are adaptable to supporting the full asset life cycle. Creating a BIM execution plan will provide a mechanism to define and measure BIM deliverables from consultants, contractors, and internal BIM resources. There are a wide variety of BIM execution templates available that airports can use as a starting point for their own. One of the best known is the “BIM Project Execution Plan” developed by the Penn State CIC Research Program. LOD is a key standard for designing and measuring the completeness of a BIM program and encompasses both the level of graphical detail and the level of completeness of asset data. The BIMForum publishes a specification that can act as a basic guide for what kind of asset data should be collected. Australia’s NATSPEC standards are another example of a BIM asset data specification. COBie provides a standard framework for facility equipment data that enables inter operability with other management systems that conform to COBie data requirements. COBie supports the exchange of facility equipment information, but not for fixed assets (such as walls and floors). Before developing a BIM program, an airport should develop an asset data model as part of a collaborative BIM needs assessment. A standard data model (such as COBie) should be the starting point and should be customized as needed to preserve as much interoperability with standards­based systems as possible. This will allow the airport to achieve the maximum use and cost­effectiveness of its BIM program. Section 9 Checklist 1. Establish BIM standards. 2. Create a BIM execution plan template. 3. Determine the data structure of the facility, systems, and assets within the BIM.

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The complexity of airport management has grown dramatically in recent years, with increased security requirements, a focus on sustainability, increased competition, new technologies, and traffic growth.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 214: BIM Beyond Design Guidebook gives airport owners the basic knowledge required to manage this complexity through building information modeling (BIM), a practice that has transformed the design and construction industry over the last decade and is now emerging as a key component to enhancing an asset life cycle management approach for many organizations.


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