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BIM Beyond Design Guidebook (2020)

Chapter: Section 6 - BIM Implementation Scaling BIM Implementation

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Suggested Citation:"Section 6 - BIM Implementation Scaling BIM Implementation." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 6 - BIM Implementation Scaling BIM Implementation." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 6 - BIM Implementation Scaling BIM Implementation." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 6 - BIM Implementation Scaling BIM Implementation." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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71 This section will discuss the scalable aspects of BIM that need to be evaluated in the BIM roadmap and how these aspects might fit with the available resources and needs of smaller airports. While larger airports may have an existing CMMS and/or EAM system in place to fully leverage BIM data, smaller airports with several non-integrated and separate management systems may want to focus on a subset of high-value, lower-cost BIM uses. Every airport should take a phased approach to BIM implementation, to take advantage of lessons learned as the implementation progresses. For most airport organizations, the initial entry point into BIM will be through deliverables received from major new, or renovated, facility capital projects. Even in the absence of con- tractual owner requirements, many architects, engineers, and general contractors (GCs) have adopted BIM as a standard process because it saves them time and money in the project produc- tion process. The various scaling factors presented in Sections 6.1 through 6.5 will assist airports in determining how to develop a BIM implementation plan that is appropriate for their specific needs. Level 0 indicates the most basic integration, and Level 3 indicates the most advanced. Section 6.6 provides an example of how the following scaling factors can be used to identify BIM roadmap parameters for a small airport. 6.1 Life Cycle Scaling S E C T I O N 6 BIM Implementation— Scaling BIM Implementation Level Life Cycle Phase 0 Design and Construction: While design and construction BIM is quite complex, it is likely the first life cycle phase where airports will have the opportunity to receive BIM deliverables. 1 Planning: Reusing design and construction BIM to develop reduced LOD AIMs for financial planning, space planning, and property management requires the least effort. It also has immediate benefits, such as more accurate facility data available for planning purposes. Further, it provides a greatly enhanced platform for the initial conceptual planning of future facility renovations. 2 Maintenance: BIM for facility maintenance requires more integration effort but maximizes benefits. Such benefits are dependent upon developing AIRs and upon the greater involvement of maintenance staff in the early design and construction process to maximize design for maintainability. 3 Full Asset Life Cycle: This level represents developing BIM as part of a comprehensive, strategic facility asset management focus by established standards such as ANSI TCO or ISO 55000.

72 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 6.2 Facilities Included Level Facility Scope 0 Project Driven: BIM is managed on a project-by-project basis with the focus on reducing the cost and time required for new facility development. Project- driven BIM enhances collaboration with airport O&M staff early in the design process to maximize facility maintainability. 1 High-Priority Facilities: All major facilities are developed as a single AIM, not as separate and isolated BIM deliverables organized by capital project. 2 All Facilities: All facilities are integrated into one airport AIM. This includes many legacy facilities that will not have BIM deliverables from recent design and construction. Existing condition capture methods (such as laser data scanning and point cloud modeling) will be needed if accurate as-built plans are not available to create the BIM. 3 All Infrastructure: This level represents a single, comprehensive facility and site-civil infrastructure BIM. This is difficult to achieve with the software tools available today, but industry efforts currently in development are designed to improve BIM, GIS, and 3D site-civil design tools, which will make this level less costly to achieve in the future. 6.3 LOD Note: The LOD definitions used below are the same as those discussed in Section 5.5.2. Level Facility Model LOD 0 Spatial Model: This LOD, known as LOD 200, accurately captures floor layout plans, areas, volumes, and features (such as doors, windows, and ceilings). It is suitable for property/lease management, concepts of operations (e.g., disaster planning), and very basic energy analysis. It may include high-priority managed assets as part of a minimum level of BIM, or SlimBIM, approach to supporting maintenance scheduling enhancements, asset inventory, and condition assessment. 1 Asset Model: LOD 300 includes all spatial layouts and features, all managed assets, and asset data to support a CMMS/EAM/IWMS (integrated workplace management system) integration. 2 Design and Construction Model: LOD 350/400/500 provides the level of detail required for the coordination of construction activities. For new construction and renovation projects, airports will typically receive a BIM of LOD of 350 or 400 as a final project deliverable. LOD 500 is defined as the default standard for representing the “field-verified” BIM deliverable, but the exact meaning of this has not been well demonstrated and is difficult for owners to verify. The LOD 350/400 BIM can be maintained and developed into AIM- level BIM for future maintenance. Level Degree of Asset Integration 0 Stand Alone: The BIM is not integrated with any external CMMS/EAM or IWMS. The BIM can still provide an independent platform for detailed, coordinate-based, asset inventory to enhance the CMMS asset data. It can also be used as a planning tool for maintenance scheduling, sustainability, and asset condition. 1 CMMS/EAM Manual Integration: Information exchange between BIM and a CMMS and/or EAM system is a manual export and import process. Integration provides BIM detailed facilities data across all the CMMS/EAM applications. BIM also provides a process for rapid asset data creation after construction project delivery. 2 CMMS/EAM Integrated: Full integration provides real-time information exchange between BIM and CMMS/EAM platforms. Direct real-time integration eliminates the possibility that either platform has inaccurate data. Achieving direct integration may require a middleware software solution to synchronize the data in an automated fashion. Full integration may also allow users of the CMMS and/or EAM system to view all or portions of the graphical model, in addition to the facility asset data. 6.4 Asset Management

BIM Implementation—Scaling BIM Implementation 73 6.5 Data Accessibility Level The Degree of Data Accessibility 0 Archive Server: BIM is only available as an archived file that can be viewed on a limited number of workstations that have access to the native BIM- authoring software tools. 2D plans derived from the BIM are part of the engineering archive and are managed independently, just like any other project documentation. 1 Network Server: BIM is available from a networked server to all airport stakeholders. Each group maintains local copies used for their purposes. 2 Enterprise Server: A BIM server platform makes a centrally maintained BIM available to all airport stakeholder groups. Modifications and updates to the BIM are shared by all BIM users. 3 Mobile/Cloud-Based Server: BIM is available via mobile applications to staff working in the field, greatly enhancing the ability of field staff to access current and accurate facility data. 6.6 Small Airport Scalability Smaller airports can benefit from the use of BIM by using the scaling factors noted above to design a BIM program that meets their requirements. While large airports may be imple- menting BIM with a focus on enabling growth demands and the corresponding capital devel- opment, smaller airports may be more focused on using BIM to reduce operational costs. Large airports will have BIM delivered for significant portions of their facilities as part of the capital cost of new development, while smaller airports will need to fund BIM for their existing facilities from their operational budgets. Following is an example of what BIM implementation might look like at a small airport, based on the scaling factors previously discussed. Level Life Cycle Scaling Small Airport Features 1 Life Cycle—Planning Small airports can benefit from the planning level AIM for space planning, maintenance scheduling to enhance preventive maintenance, and reduced cost of asset inventory. If they do not have large facility capital projects, they will need to build their AIM from scratch, unlike larger airports that can scale down capital project construction LOD BIM. 1 Facilities Included — High-Priority Facilities Small airports may not have projects being delivered as BIM. If they develop BIM directly from as-built conditions, they would not have existing BIM files that required merging. 0 LOD—Spatial Model An LOD 200 AIM would support basic space, maintenance, and asset management BIM uses that would have the greatest potential impact on reducing operational expenses. 0 Asset Management— Stand Alone BIM will be used as a stand-alone system, with the primary user interface being the native BIM-authoring software that was used to develop BIM. Some manual exports to other systems may be developed to reduce data migration costs. 1 Data Accessibility— Network Server A small airport will not develop BIM unless it has a specific use in mind, so BIM will never just be archived to a storage server. It is possible that BIM would be stored on a single workstation that could be accessed remotely by other users when needed.

74 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 6.7 Other Small Airport Implementation Considerations 6.7.1 Outsourcing BIM While the research team has recommended investing in building internal capabilities for airports to lower costs and to strengthen the organizational adoption of BIM, for smaller airports outsourcing BIM may be a better adoption. Large and medium airports will likely have sufficient work to justify one or more full-time dedicated BIM support staff. Small airports may not be able to justify a full-time staff member to support BIM, making it more economical to hire trained and experienced consultants to use on an as-needed basis. 6.7.2 Open-Source BIM Tools Small airports may want to evaluate the use of open-source BIM tools to lower the cost of airport stakeholder groups accessing the BIM. Open-source BIM tools that utilize the BIM IFC data format are rapidly making advancements in their ability to modify, maintain, and analyze BIM. While these tools still lack many of the high-level capabilities of commercial BIM-authoring platforms, they can provide a great deal of functionality at little or no cost. 6.8 Summary There are several BIM scaling factors to consider when designing a BIM roadmap or imple- mentation plan. These are high-level factors that define the overall scope and desired function- ality of an airport’s BIM program and that will dictate the framework for the detailed standards and processes that must be developed. These factors include the overall life cycle support focus for the BIM, the facilities that will be covered, their LOD, the level of BIM integra- tion, and the level of accessibility required. These scaling factors will also facilitate the design of a long-term BIM roadmap that manages the evolution of BIM at an airport through the BIM scaling factors. Such a roadmap will guide BIM development at an airport over several years and enable BIM capabilities to develop over a managed timeline. While large airports that are managing many large capital projects have primarily been the early adopters of BIM, small airports can also benefit from BIM by scaling their programs to meet their opera- tional needs. Section 6 Checklist 1. Determine life cycle phase scaling factor. 2. Determine facilities to include in the BIM. 3. Determine facility model LOD. 4. Determine degree of asset integration. 5. Determine degree of data accessibility. 6. For small airports, determine life cycle scaling benefits for use of BIM.

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The complexity of airport management has grown dramatically in recent years, with increased security requirements, a focus on sustainability, increased competition, new technologies, and traffic growth.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 214: BIM Beyond Design Guidebook gives airport owners the basic knowledge required to manage this complexity through building information modeling (BIM), a practice that has transformed the design and construction industry over the last decade and is now emerging as a key component to enhancing an asset life cycle management approach for many organizations.


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