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BIM Beyond Design Guidebook (2020)

Chapter: Section 1 - Introduction

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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 1 - Introduction." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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1 Introduction Building information modeling (BIM) has transformed the design and construction industry over the last decade. It is now emerging as a key component to enhancing an asset life cycle management approach for many organizations. BIM supports a collaborative environment for documenting, analyzing, and sharing facility information across an entire organization. BIM not only reduces costs but also improves performance and operational readiness. For air- port managers who oversee highly complex and mission-critical environments, implementing BIM can be a key strategic component that enables them to meet the needs of their airport’s future growth in a cost-effective manner. This Guidebook gives airport owners the basic knowledge required to implement successfully and maximize their benefits from BIM. It instructs airports and their consultants on best practices for implementing BIM in a life cycle management environment. The guidance focuses on BIM after construction, but the design and construction benefits are included in the discussion of the overall facility life cycle business case. Industry standards and best practices for life cycle BIM are still in the process of being developed. In areas where best practices have not yet been defined, this Guidebook presents options for leveraging approaches developed for the design and construc- tion process and from available international standards. Where established best practices for life cycle BIM have not yet been established, this Guidebook provides academic references for life cycle BIM implementation, standards, and uses that airports can adopt to design their BIM strategies. In the research conducted for this Guidebook, more than 60 airports responded to a survey that examined their current and planned use of BIM. Follow-up interviews were performed with some airports that indicated that they were utilizing or had immediate plans to utilize BIM as a life cycle tool beyond design and construction. These included Denver International Airport (DEN), San Francisco International Airport (SFO), the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), Dallas–Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport). Although the specific imple- mentation details of each airport differed, a common thread was the growing amounts and types of information required to manage airports and the siloed nature of this information across management stakeholder groups. 1.1 Why BIM? Airports are implementing BIM to improve their asset information management and the reliability and life cycle maintenance of their infrastructure. They are also implementing BIM to enhance the ability of the organization to communicate and collaborate. The complexity of airport management has grown dramatically in recent years, with increased security requirements, a focus on sustainability, increased competition, new technologies, S E C T I O N 1

2 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook and traffic growth. The continued growth of air traffic and service expectations of passengers, tenants, and airlines will demand increasing sophistication in airport information management. There are a number of innovations that will require airports to achieve a far greater level of information integration and interoperability than currently exists. These innovations include Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data that will collect and report performance information in real time across the entire airport, predictive maintenance systems that will all but eliminate unplanned outages, sensor-based baggage handling, smart parking systems, security system enhancements, and artificial intelligence–based decision support systems. BIM can play an integral role in the evolution of airport information management by pro- viding the three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment required for these progressive infor- mation systems to understand the location, context, and system connectivity of managed assets. Without BIM, assets are only entries in a database. With BIM, the operation of these assets can be simulated to augment airport planning, maintenance, and operations. 1.2 What Is BIM? The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) defines BIM as a “digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility” that is a “shared knowledge resource” that provides a “reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle.” The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), which manages all federal public buildings, defines BIM as a “data rich, object-based, intelligent, and parametric digital representation of the facility.” There are three primary characteristics of BIM: (1) visualization; (2) asset data; and (3) the intelligent, program- matic interface. 1.2.1 Visualization BIM documents a facility in three dimensions rather than in two dimensions. Humans experience the world in three dimensions. While most facility owners can read traditional two-dimensional (2D) building plans, the conversion of 3D real-world data into 2D plans is imperfect. The 2D-to-3D translation adds time and cost to finding and extracting the as-built facility information managers require. It also greatly increases the possibility of errors in the plans or misinterpretation of the plans. Most airports have entire computer-aided design (CAD) manuals defining the standards for graphical representation of 3D facility data as 2D as-built drawings. Figure 1-1 illustrates a model of a piece of mechanical equipment visualized in three dimensions. This 3D object model can be placed into a 3D facility model (Figure 1-2) to document its geospatial location (coordinates), its placement in the context of other surrounding equipment, and how it is connected as a system. A 3D real-world view of as-built documentation can help facility operators find the data they require more quickly and with fewer errors. 1.2.2 Data Rich/Knowledge Resource BIM provides more than just a 3D version of CAD; it also integrates the 3D model with asset data (see Figure 1-3) to provide a complete facility data environment. Unlike 3D CAD (where a 3D representation of a wall, door, or backup generator represents only the physical size, shape, and location of these objects), BIM draws on an intelligent facility database to represent assets more fully. Asset data include not only asset attributes such as the insulating value of Figure 1-1. 3D object.

Introduction 3 Figure 1-3. 3D object with data. Figure 1-2. 3D facility model.

4 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook a window, but also the specific manufacturer, warranty data, installation date, maintenance schedules, and other data required for asset management. These asset data combine to create a data-rich facility model that can be used by airport staff for planning and analysis on-site (via tablets and other mobile devices) or from desktops. 1.2.3 Intelligent/Programmatic BIM provides a 3D, data-rich facility model in a digital environment, which extends access to the model’s capabilities. External systems and programs can query and interact with BIM, which is not possible with a 2D building plan. This intelligent interface provides a platform that simulates the operations of the facility. Energy analysis tools can extract facility floor plans, volumes, and attributes related to walls, doors, and window insulation to predict energy utilization. Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMSs) can interact and share data with BIM to enhance maintenance planning and fault analysis. Each asset in the BIM not only has 3D graphical elements for visualization, but also has attributes that can be customized to capture other important attributes. These include the asset manufacturer, model number, serial number, links to operations and maintenance (O&M) manuals and original manufacturer’s specification sheets, installation date, warranty date, and work order history. The ability to integrate BIM with other systems (see Figure 1-4) enables the sharing of BIM facility data in the format that each airport stakeholder group requires. It also provides a means for each group to share facility data that they are responsible for by updating the data in BIM. 1.3 The Value of BIM to Airport Operators The current standard for facility data handover after construction is a set of 2D record plans, equipment specifications, O&M manuals, and possibly commissioning reports. Many airports have experienced, or will experience, BIM during design and construction because architects, Figure 1-4. Data types integrated with BIM.

Introduction 5 engineers, and contractors have been adopting BIM over the last decade (even when it is not required by the contract). BIM is at the forefront of a transformation of the construction industry. It enables the development of advanced construction logistics and workflow sequencing, cost estimating, value engineering, and automated construction. There has already been much written about the use of BIM for the design and construction portions of the facility life cycle, and there are many resources available to airports that wish to create standards for development of their capital projects. ACRP Synthesis 70: Building Information Modeling for Airports provides a broad overview of BIM practices at airports that is primarily focused on the design and construction phases (McCuen and Pittenger, 2016). This Guidebook will primarily focus on how to utilize BIM after construction to enhance life cycle asset management. The use of BIM in this manner is fundamentally different from the use of BIM solely for design and construction. Life cycle BIM is about developing an ongoing process of asset creation, maintenance, and renewal. As such, BIM affects not only an airport’s facility information infrastructure, but also the way various airport stakeholder groups interact, communicate, and collaborate. Life cycle BIM not only requires technology changes; it also requires cultural changes. Airports face different challenges based on their size and location. Some are focused on how to best manage the projected growth of airline traffic over the next few decades. These airports are in the process of expanding facilities, adding runways, or completely rebuilding aging terminals and infrastructure. Other airports are focused on how to reduce their costs to make their rates and charges more competitive for airlines. In some cases, airports may be strategically improving facilities and services as a means of economic development, serving as a gateway to promote regional growth. Regardless of the challenges faced, airports must find a way to fund improvements. BIM can be used to deliver benefits that reduce both capital and operational spending: • Capital expenses. BIM can reduce the time and cost involved in designing and constructing new facilities. BIM can also enhance capital planning by providing more accurate and complete facility asset data. • Operational expenses. BIM can lower the operational and maintenance costs of airport facilities through improved maintenance planning, asset management, and collaboration between the airport and its key stakeholder groups (airlines, tenants, and others). BIM can also promote the design of sustainable facilities. 1.4 Strategic Asset Management BIM can be a key component in providing a facility information platform that is accessible across an organization. If an airport is considering using BIM for something besides design and construction, the airport is likely doing so as part of an overall effort to improve asset management. While detailed implementation of strategic asset management is beyond the scope of this Guidebook, the relationship of BIM with industry initiatives such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and the International Standards Organization (ISO)-55000 Standards for Asset Management will be discussed. An airport can benefit from the guidance herein without being committed to implementing these standards. The discussions of these standards will, however, enhance understanding of how BIM could be implemented as part of an airport’s longer-term strategic asset management initiatives.

6 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 1.5 Leveraging Future Innovations The data-rich facility model that BIM provides will enable airports to benefit from other existing and emerging innovations that will redefine the facility management industry over the next decade. These innovations include IoT real-time data acquisition that supports building automation systems (BASs) and predictive maintenance systems, root cause analysis and decision-making support based on artificial intelligence (AI), and automated construction that will dramatically reduce the cost of new facilities. These leading-edge technologies require accurate and complete facility data, which can be provided by BIM. BIM will reduce the future cost of building and managing airport facilities. It will also position airports to leverage facility management innovations that will emerge over the next few decades. The ability to rapidly adopt these innovations will enable airports to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex service environment. The opportunity cost of not utilizing BIM over the next decade will mean forgoing the potential facility life cycle cost savings that could enhance an airport’s competitive profile. Areas of enhancement include lower landing fees, lower cost per enplaned passenger, and improved service quality for airport passengers. 1.6 Using This Guidebook This Guidebook will provide airports with an overview of BIM fundamentals and a process for implementing BIM and optimizing benefits received from BIM. The guidance is focused on BIM processes and standards and will not provide instruction on using specific commercial BIM tools. 1.6.1 Guidebook Content and Organization The Guidebook is structured according to BIM development stages, as shown in Table 1-1. A checklist is provided at the end of Sections 2 through 12 to provide guidance for the key activities suggested in each section. 1.6.2 Pre-BIM Activities Sections 2 through 4 cover the activities involved in evaluating BIM for use at an airport. This evaluation includes performing an assessment to identify the needs and challenges related Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment (Section 2) Preparing the Organization and Stakeholders for Implementation (Section 3) Financial Analysis (Section 4) BIM Implementation BIM Process (Section 5) Scaling BIM Implementation (Section 6) Technical Architecture (Section 7) Integration of BIM with Existing Systems (Section 8) Standards, Execution Plans, Required Data Elements (Section 9) BIM Controls Governance (Section 10) Progress Metrics (Section 11) Legal and Liability Issues (Section 12) Table 1-1. BIM development stages and Guidebook structure.

Introduction 7 to facility data management and the opportunities for BIM to provide benefit in that regard. Pre-BIM activities also include financial analysis to develop the business case for imple- menting a BIM program and measurement of the organization’s capabilities and readiness to implement BIM and leverage its benefits. 1.6.3 BIM Implementation Sections 5 through 9 describe the steps required to implement a BIM program. These include having the technical architecture required to implement and maintain BIM, outlining the BIM process, scaling BIM to meet existing and future needs, adhering to BIM standards to provide a basis for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC), and preparing an organization to adopt BIM. Although BIM requires new technologies, it is primarily a process innovation that can require significant organizational and individual role changes. 1.6.4 BIM Controls Sections 10 through 12 describe the requirements for measurement and creating a system of continuous improvement to ensure BIM delivers the expected benefits. These sections also include guidance on the establishment of progress metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs); BIM governance, including how BIM responsibilities are distributed across the orga- nization; and the design and construction contractual framework to control legal and liability issues arising from BIM. 1.6.5 Guidebook Flowchart The flowchart in Figure 1-5 represents the recommended approach to planning, imple- menting, and managing BIM at an airport. It is possible to take a more ad hoc approach to implementing BIM. However, the approach presented is recommended to ensure that the BIM program implemented fits an airport’s organizational needs and capabilities and optimizes the potential benefits. Many airports interviewed as a part of this research did not perform a detailed evaluation of return on investment (ROI) of BIM as part of their business case. They imple- mented BIM with an a priori belief that it would be beneficial to their organization’s performance. The options provided in this Guidebook serve as a menu of actions from which an individual airport can select based on its particular needs. Figure 1-5 illustrates the process for developing and maintaining a facility BIM that meets the needs and requirements identified as part of an airport’s formal, or informal, needs assessment.

8 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Figure 1-5. BIM development flowchart.

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The complexity of airport management has grown dramatically in recent years, with increased security requirements, a focus on sustainability, increased competition, new technologies, and traffic growth.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 214: BIM Beyond Design Guidebook gives airport owners the basic knowledge required to manage this complexity through building information modeling (BIM), a practice that has transformed the design and construction industry over the last decade and is now emerging as a key component to enhancing an asset life cycle management approach for many organizations.


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