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BIM Beyond Design Guidebook (2020)

Chapter: Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment

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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 2 - Pre-BIM Activities BIM Organizational Assessment." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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9 BIM is a process that can have a wide-ranging impact on how an organization collects, manages, maintains, and shares facility information. Because of this, any implementation of BIM should begin with a BIM organizational assessment that includes two parts: (1) a BIM needs assessment and (2) a BIM capabilities assessment. The BIM needs assessment includes all airport stakeholder groups and engages them in a discussion of the opportunities and challenges related to facility information at their airport. The BIM capabilities assessment gauges an airport’s readiness to implement BIM. With the data collected from these two efforts, a BIM program can be tailored to fit the unique characteristics of the airport and its operational and strategic goals. This section of the Guidebook will discuss how to perform the BIM organizational assessment. 2.1 Needs Assessment Process The first step in customizing an airport’s BIM program is to perform a needs assessment that identifies and prioritizes the facility information needs and challenges and aligns them with the features and benefits of BIM. A BIM needs assessment is designed to identify the following: • What facility information, and in what format, is required by each airport stakeholder group to perform its job function? • Why is this facility information required, and what are the alternatives? • Who is responsible for creating and maintaining this facility information? • Where is this facility information located, and how is it accessed? • What are the current obstacles and challenges related to acquiring and maintaining this facility information? What are some specific examples of actual issues the stakeholders have faced or are currently facing? When possible, quantify the number of hours these obstacles may be adding to their workload. • What are the opportunities to improve an airport stakeholder group’s job function with improved facility information? Identify specific examples of the type of facility information that would benefit existing or upcoming work. When possible, quantify the number of hours that would be saved if this facility information were easily available. The needs assessment process can be conducted with digital surveys, but a group inter- view process provides an opportunity to collect data from each stakeholder and to uncover valuable context at the same time. The group interview can also be done after analyzing digital survey results, but this will increase the amount of time spent completing the needs assessment effort. S E C T I O N 2 Pre-BIM Activities—BIM Organizational Assessment

10 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 2.2 Data Flow Diagrams After identification of the facility data needs and challenges, the next step in the needs assess- ment is to create a map of how facility data are currently collected, stored, maintained, and dis- tributed at the airport. A useful tool for this purpose is a data flow diagram (DFD). A DFD is a map of airport facility data sources and types that also shows consumers of those data across an organization. A DFD provides a graphical representation of the flow of data and is an excellent tool for visualizing information. SFO utilized this tool when it analyzed its data environment (see Figure 2-1). The diagram in Figure 2-1 shows how as-built documents are authored and distributed across stakeholder groups at SFO. The ellipse shapes in the diagram indicate internal stake- holders, while the central ellipse, labeled “D&C Library,” identifies storage location of facility design and construction data. The connecting lines indicate where data are shared between (flow to and from) stakeholder groups. For example, the “Tenants” group on the lower right side of the diagram receives information from “Revenue Development and Manage- ment,” which receives data from the aviation management (AVM) CAD Group. The design and construction library and networked server make the as-built facility plans available to the rest of the organization. “Project Management” acts as the gatekeeper to the external consultants working on projects at the airport and publishes updated as-built plans to the library. DFDs can also include many forms of data in addition to as-built plans, such as maintenance data, asset management data, condition data, safety and regulatory reports, O&M manuals, and incident reports. Each data source can show the data types and available formats so that the gaps in data availability can be identified. (One example of a gap in data availability is a stake- holder group that requires facility data but either does not have access to those data or can’t use the data in the form in which they are provided.) DFDs can be instrumental in getting each stakeholder group to think about airport facility data in a broader, more holistic manner. The process allows the groups to gain perspective on how the data they generate (whether through maintenance or financial reports) are used by other departments at the airport. Documenting how facility data are used at an airport is a vital element in building and maintaining the collaborative environment that BIM is designed to promote. 2.3 Prioritization The final step in the needs assessment is to prioritize the results. Prioritizing facility data needs can be difficult. Even if it were possible to precisely measure the ROI resulting from improved facility data collection, management, maintenance, and sharing, there are always non- monetary priorities that need to be considered for an airport as well. These non-monetary priorities include safety and security, regulatory requirements, customer satisfaction, and broader concerns such as impacts on the local and regional economy. As an alternative, the airport can take a consensus approach to determining the priority focus of improvements to facility data accuracy and accessibility. Measuring this consensus can be accomplished using a digital survey sent to a representative selection of members of each airport stakeholder group. If a more precise and structured approach is desired, an alternative would be to use a Delphi-driven methodology with the selected members of each airport stakeholder group as the panel of experts. The DFD process collects the sources of facility data. The next step is prioritizing the facility data types that each stakeholder group uses in the performance of its work by determining

Source: SFO Note: AVM = aviation management; D&C = design and construction: GC = general contractor Figure 2-1. SFO DFD.

12 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook how important they are relative to other types of facility data the group requires. Examples of types of facility data utilized by airports include the following: • As-built plans • O&M manuals • Maintenance history and warranty data • Emergency procedures • Asset inventory • Asset condition • Asset valuation • Financial and capital planning data • Facility floor layout plans • Survey data • Geotechnical data • Underground utility locations • Project management data 2.3.1 Digital Survey Method of Prioritization Digital surveys are easy to distribute and take less time for respondents than attending a formal meeting. Industry studies have shown that survey length has the most influence in increasing response rates. A study published by the Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (Saleh and Bista, 2017) showed that 91% of respondents said that a survey duration of less than 15 minutes would increase their likelihood of responding. (For a survey internal to an organization, where there is the ability to follow up personally, a response rate approaching 100% should be achievable. Internal distribution makes the use of digital surveys more attractive than it might be otherwise.) One accepted survey approach uses the Likert scale (named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likert) to rate the importance of each data type to the stakeholders. In this survey approach, respondents are asked to rank each type of facility data on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, with 1 indicating the highest mission criticality and 5 indicating little to no importance. Responses are collected and averaged across all airport stakeholder groups to calculate an average criticality across all groups. An example of the results of such a survey is provided in Figure 2-2. The numbers shown in Figure 2-2 are not meant to indicate what should be expected by any given airport. The departments listed in the top row are found at typical airports; for an airport using this survey approach, this list should be customized to reflect its organizational structure. The rankings produced by a survey are not enough, by themselves, to set the overall priori- ties for using BIM to improve collection, management, maintenance, and sharing of facility data. However, the rankings will provide valuable information for decision making. For example, a consensus showing that accurate and accessible property layouts (i.e., facility floor plans) are critical to a wide range of airport stakeholder groups can be used to build the business case for creating the initial architectural BIM of the terminal and associated airport structures. As noted earlier, other, non-monetary strategic factors prioritized by the airport may influence the final rankings. Such factors include the need for improved disaster planning or sustainability analysis. 2.3.2 Delphi Method of Prioritization The costs of collecting and maintaining different types of facility data also need to be con- sidered. While these costs may not be tracked as a separate cost center, or be easily measurable, there may be a consensus that some types of data are costlier to collect than others. For example, an effort to collect the data to map all underground utility infrastructure would generally be more expensive than laser scanning and modeling airport terminal space. The Delphi method is better for this type of consensus-driven ranking.

Pre-BIM Activities—BIM Organizational Assessment 13 The Delphi method is a more structured approach than the digital survey approach just discussed. It uses a panel of experts to respond to questionnaires, similar to a digital survey. However, in the Delphi method, a facilitator provides feedback to each panel member on how the rest of the panel responded and why (without attribution to any particular panelist). Panel members may revise their responses after receiving this information, and the process repeats until an adequate level of consensus has been achieved. Studies have shown this tech- nique is highly effective at getting panelists’ responses to converge if the process begins with a panel knowledgeable about the subject matter. This approach could be used to develop a more authoritative consensus on the cost to collect and maintain different types of facility data that, in turn, could be used to create a weighted cost average. In the case of airport facility data, it is unlikely that there could be a more knowledgeable panel of experts than the airport stakeholders using the data daily. Because the Delphi method involves a facilitated discussion, the skills and knowledge of the facilitator are also an important factor. The ideal facilitator is someone who has a broad knowledge of airport operations and is well respected by the airport organization. An alternative is a professional outside facilitator who would be viewed as impartial. Note: ARFF = Airport Rescue and Firefighting Figure 2-2. Facility information prioritization example.

14 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 2.3.3 BIM Roadmap Once an airport has prioritized its mission-critical facility data types, the next step is to orga- nize the improvement of collection, management, maintenance, and sharing of the data as part of a BIM roadmap. The BIM roadmap is a phased implementation plan in which the most mission- critical and least costly facility data needs are prioritized, and the least important and most costly ones are deferred to later phases of the implementation plan. If an airport decides not to develop a comprehensive business case, a BIM roadmap can serve as an organization’s guide to the long- term vision and anticipated benefits of BIM. For example, developing a comprehensive, minimal “Level of Development” (LOD) dataset for an entire airport terminal can be done at a relatively low cost. It can be immediately shared to develop accurate property maps for tenant lease management, emergency response plans, incident reporting systems, and project management tools that show current and planned projects. Detailed capital project as-built plans for CMMS integration and maintenance planning could be included in a later phase of a BIM roadmap, and creating an integrated facility and site-civil model might be scheduled to occur in subsequent phases based on cost and complexity. Examples of BIM roadmaps are included in Appendix D. 2.4 BIM and Asset Management Strategy An additional aspect of the overall airport BIM needs assessment should be how BIM can support airport strategic asset management initiatives. If BIM is being evaluated as a tool for improving asset life cycle management, then implementing BIM as part of an overall restruc- turing of a standards-based strategic asset management methodology should be evaluated. The standards would be ANSI TCO and ISO 55000. BIM can play an important role in adopting one or both of these standards. 2.4.1 ISO 55000 Standard for Asset Management The recognized standard for asset management is ISO 55000. ISO 55000 is a three-part standard composed of ISO 55000 (overview, principles, terminology), ISO 55001 (asset manage- ment system requirements), and ISO 55002 (additional guidance). This international standard addresses the management of a broad range of assets (not only physical assets) for the ulti- mate purpose of deriving the greatest value or ROI. The standard applies to all organizations and all industries. It embraces continuous improvement and prescribes methods for realizing maximum value from assets. Preceding ISO 55000 was Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 55, published by the British Standards Institution (BSI). Still in use today, especially by firms that have achieved certifica- tion in the standard, PAS 55 focuses more narrowly on physical assets and not on the more transformative management systems that are the basis of ISO 55000. PAS 55 is the basis for British BIM Levels 1, 2, and 3, which define the “Digital Built Britain” mandates for the imple- mentation of BIM (to reduce the cost of construction and facility management in Britain). As discussed previously, ISO 55000 addresses the organization as a whole to establish manage- ment systems that deliver maximum value and touch all aspects of business operations. ISO 55000 is broken down into 6 groups and 39 subject areas, as depicted in Figure 2-3. Another consideration for the relationship of BIM with ISO 55000 is life cycle value realization, which involves balancing of costs and benefits to optimize the life cycle

Pre-BIM Activities—BIM Organizational Assessment 15 Source: Institute of Asset Management, 2015 Figure 2-3. Organization of ISO 55000. About ISO and ANSI ISO is an independent, international, non-governmental body with a membership of 161 national standards bodies. Among the 161 member standards bodies are • ANSI, which coordinates the development of voluntary consensus standards in the United States, and • BSI, established by the United Kingdom (UK) to promote trade (by developing common industrial standards), reduce waste (by simplifying production and distribution), and protect the consumer (through the use of licensed marks to identify conformity to standards). Through its members, ISO brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based standards that support innovation and provide solutions to contemporary global challenges. Conformance to ISO standards ensures that products and services are safe, reliable, and of high quality and are considered strategic business tools that reduce cost by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity.

16 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook TCO Framework Element Ai rfi el d O pe ra tio ns Ai r S er vi ce AR FF Ca rg o Co nc es si on s En er gy M an ag em en t En vi ro nm en ta l Fi na nc ia l Fu el G en er al A vi ati on G ra nt s Hu m an R es ou rc es In fo rm ati on T ec hn ol og y Le ga l M ai nt en an ce Pa rk in g Pl an ni ng /C on st ru cti on Po lic e/ Se cu rit y Pr op er tie s/ Co nt ra ct s Pu bl ic A ffa irs Sa fe ty /R is k M an ag em en t Se rv ic e Q ua lit y Te rm in al O pe ra tio ns Initial Cost Planning & Programing Acquisition Design Construction/Site Development Commissioning Operations and Maintenance Lease or Rental Maintenance Operations Overhead and Administration Utilities Utilities Renewal Replacement Programmatic Upgrades Improvement/Enhancement End of Useful/Functional Life Sale/Adaptive Reuse Resale Value/Salvage Value Removal Site Restoration/Remediation Deconstruction/Recycling Source: CCI; ANSI TCO; and Hazel et al., 2011 Figure 2-4. Airport organizational unit and ANSI TCO element focus. costing (LCC) and the value obtained from assets. LCC is also referred to as TCO, which is the subject of ANSI Standard APPA 1000-1 Total Cost of Ownership for Facilities Asset Management (TCO)—Part 1: Key Principles. This standard identifies BIM, and specifically “openBIM,” as a foundational tool for establishing TCO and achieving life cycle value real- ization. The goal of each is to facilitate the optimum mix of benefits and life cycle costs to maximize ROI. 2.4.2 ANSI Standard APPA 1000-1 TCO The ANSI Standard APPA 1000-1 TCO framework includes 18 cost elements classified across 5 life cycle phases. Figure 2-4 shows how the 18 cost elements map to the airport functions defined in ACRP Report 19A (Hazel et al., 2011). The table shown in Figure 2-4 is intended only as an example; airport organizations may define these responsibilities differently. 2.4.3 BIM for Life Cycle Value Realization or TCO A key element needed for life cycle value realization, or TCO, is the ability to share accurate information about assets digitally across stakeholder groups without manual

Pre-BIM Activities—BIM Organizational Assessment 17 data re-entry. BIM supports the development of this and other asset management building blocks by offering • Accurate coordinate-based asset data. • Integration and accessibility capabilities via digital interfaces with a wide variety of CMMSs, accounting systems, and project management systems. • Complete system or portfolio views of how assets are connected/related, along with interdependencies. Many parallels exist among ISO 55000, TCO, and BIM: • Their effectiveness is dependent on well-defined standards for use. • They require enterprise-wide attention to achieve the greatest value. • They are most effectively implemented when viewed as management systems. • They facilitate continuous improvement through the development of processes that connect assets to business value propositions. • They are being embraced by both private and public entities outside of the United States (including the UK, Australia, and Canada). • Requirements for ISO 55000 practices and BIM are increasingly included in public infra- structure requests for qualifications (RFQs)/requests for proposals (RFPs) within the United States, including those involving airports and airport infrastructure. To ensure the success of ISO 55000, TCO, and BIM programs, adoption of these programs should be approached as an organizational change initiative that will significantly impact the culture, leadership, and communications of an organization. Table 2-1 compares TCO requirements with BIM-enabling functions. Table 2-1. Comparison of TCO requirements with BIM-enabling functions. (continued on next page) TCO Requirements BIM-Enabling Functions Managed Assets shall be identified for inclusion in TCO analysis. Such assets apply to land parcels, facilities, structures, infrastructure, and equipment. While BIM provides the most direct support for facilities, integration with 3D civil and geographic information system (GIS) data can be performed. Emerging tools are being developed to make this easier. A detailed Asset Inventory shall be the basis for tracking costs and performance across the asset life cycle and upon which decisions are made. A BIM coordinate-based asset inventory enables an accurate and verifiable asset inventory. A fixed asset shall use a Global Location Hierarchy using Global Unique Identifiers. Location is a key element to differentiate similar assets from other assets. BIM provides a coordinate-based asset location that fully supports geospatial coordinate systems and Global Unique Identifiers. All assets shall be organized using an Asset Classification standard, which enables the use and ease of access to asset information. It also provides consistency for comparison and benchmarking of assets across the portfolio. BIM based on the Industry Foundation Class (IFC) schema can be adapted to formal asset classification schemas using model view definitions (MVDs) such as COBie. Asset Costing requires that all costs associated with facility assets are captured at regular intervals to support life cycle decision making. 5D BIM provides costing support for TCO. A continuous process of Asset Inspection aligns asset condition with the allocation of resources. BIM coordinate-based asset location reduces the amount of time required for routine asset inventory and condition assessment. Asset Performance provides the metrics to improve resource allocation and strategic decision making. BIM can be integrated with building automation systems (BASs) to collect real-time asset performance data and support root cause analyses.

18 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 2.5 Summary Although airports share similar challenges, there is not a standard model for how airport organizations are structured or operated. A BIM organizational assessment process consist- ing of a needs assessment and a capabilities assessment will aid airports in identifying and prioritizing their needs for the improved accuracy and accessibility of facility data that BIM can provide. BIM capability assessment tools can be used to measure the organizational readiness of the airport to successfully implement an effective BIM program. Organizational develop- ment strategies can be integrated into the BIM implementation plan to address any areas identified as needing further development. Organizing priorities and capabilities requirements into a BIM road- map (phasing plan) can communicate and guide the long-term vision for BIM throughout an airport’s organization. BIM is often implemented as part of a shift to an overall asset life cycle management (ALCM) strategy, such as those defined by the ANSI TCO or the ISO 55000 standards. For this reason, BIM standards should be developed with an ALCM perspective. Section 2 Checklist 1. Perform a BIM needs assessment. 2. Develop a DFD and prioritize facility data sources. 3. Perform a BIM capabilities assessment. 4. Develop a BIM roadmap. Table 2-1. (Continued). TCO Requirements BIM-Enabling Functions Asset Decisions are enabled by TCO analysis by supporting the efficient and effective use of assets to achieve goals and objectives. This requires clearly defined decision-making objectives and methodologies to manage risk and resources. BIM provides the complete facility view that can be used to simulate operational activities to analyze how well the facility layout and assets align with the facility function (strategic asset management plan). Asset Annual Funding identifies an annual asset expense budget and actual asset expenses for the life of an asset. BIM can support the analysis of asset performance and condition for input into spending decisions. An Asset Comprehensive Plan provides a total view of assets by identifying and tracking current conditions, future growth, maintenance, and space needs. It is a key output for resource allocation decision making. BIM provides location and context (how the asset is integrated with other systems), which are critical data to developing these plans. Asset Information Sharing results in (a) the greatest efficiencies and effectiveness in the use of resources and (b) accuracy in data use. Sharing of asset data enhances transparency and improves trust in resource allocation and other decision- making processes. Sharing of core data, as needed, will also alleviate duplication of efforts and produce the greatest possible ROI. BIM provides collaboration as a key feature. Timely and meaningful Asset Reporting ensures that accurate information about assets is available to decision makers at strategic, tactical, and operating levels. This will satisfy organizational needs for effective planning, efficient resource management, risk management resiliency, continuous improvement, and the greatest ROI. BIM drives collaboration and a single view of facility data. Note: COBie = Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

Next: Section 3 - Pre-BIM Activities Preparing the Organization and Stakeholders for Implementation »
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The complexity of airport management has grown dramatically in recent years, with increased security requirements, a focus on sustainability, increased competition, new technologies, and traffic growth.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 214: BIM Beyond Design Guidebook gives airport owners the basic knowledge required to manage this complexity through building information modeling (BIM), a practice that has transformed the design and construction industry over the last decade and is now emerging as a key component to enhancing an asset life cycle management approach for many organizations.


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