National Academies Press: OpenBook

BIM Beyond Design Guidebook (2020)

Chapter: Section 14 - Case Studies

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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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Suggested Citation:"Section 14 - Case Studies." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. BIM Beyond Design Guidebook. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/25840.
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124 This section presents 12 case studies from the following organizations: 1. Denver International Airport 2. San Francisco International Airport 3. Massachusetts Port Authority 4. Heathrow International Airport 5. John F. Kennedy International Airport 6. The Ohio State University 7. Western Michigan University 8. New York City Public Housing Authority 9. New York Presbyterian Hospital 10. Perth Children’s Hospital 11. New Royal Adelaide Hospital 12. Sydney Opera House 14.1 Denver International Airport: Hotel and Transit Center Post-Construction BIM DEN has standardized BIM for all new capital development projects. BIM is used throughout the asset life cycle from planning, design, and construction through O&M. The recent $544M hotel and transit center project was the first major project managed under the new BIM standards. IBM Maximo was selected as the asset management platform. DEN utilizes Maximo’s BIM integration capabilities to enhance work order management and planning, field data collection, and bulk asset creation/updates. DEN has generated a BIM architectural-level model for 95% of the airport terminal. Also, all future projects will have BIM requirements, which will incrementally add BIM detail to the model. BIM Uses DEN used BIM for the following: • Design and construction • Asset management • Asset creation/inventory • Warranty inspection • Maintenance planning • Condition assessments S E C T I O N 1 4 Case Studies

Case Studies 125 Pilot Project To leverage the airport’s investment in BIM to improve O&M, DEN deployed BIM 360 Field to perform quality inspections and manage warranty data on newly installed equipment. The initial goal was to have a common platform for all asset data collected in the field by contractors, but it quickly grew beyond that as a tool for enhancing internal O&M. All project data, including construction plans, specifications, and O&M manuals, were now available to all inspectors via BIM-enabled tablets. Business Case—ROI Costs included approximately $70,000/year in licensing fees for BIM mobile software applications and $50,000 in initial costs for training, tablets, and a central server for the BIM mobile software. DEN reported a payback on this investment in 18 months. This ROI was derived primarily from two categories of BIM benefits: (1) time savings and (2) improvement of data quality. Savings Details Savings from BIM were the following: • Virtual elimination of overtime hours for inspectors. Inspectors had been averaging 10 to 15 hours a week. • Improved data quality from inspections due to there being no transcription errors. • Reduced average time to close warranty issues. • Reduced rework time, as maintenance staff had access to the most current and accurate plans and data. • Fewer return trips, as staff could use BIM to assess the job-site and task requirements before visiting the site. • Dramatically lower printing costs, as inspectors and maintenance staff no longer needed to carry bundles of prints with them. • Savings in printing costs for plans of the hotel and transit center project that were enough to pay for the cost of DEN’s initial BIM mobile software licensing cost. • Accurate field data available to project managers. • Elimination of additional charges from contractors for using the contractor’s BIM mobile software. Governance DEN’s BIM program has had strong support from an executive-level champion. There was uncertainty about which department should have ownership of the BIM program. The Sustainability Department was eventually selected, based on its long-term life cycle view of the airport’s facilities and the role that BIM could play in supporting a collaborative approach to ALCM. Key Challenges Field inspectors were initially reluctant to adopt a new approach to performing their warranty and field inspections. Paper checklists were used to capture field data and notes. The data were

126 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook then manually entered into the CMMS back in their offices. This duplication of effort was time consuming and introduced the possibility of errors in data entry. Organizational resistance was quickly overcome by running a number of small pilot tests with selected inspectors using BIM-enabled tablets that allowed the inspectors to collect their data, notes, and photos in a format that could be directly uploaded to the CMMS. The tablets could also provide access to all of the building plans, O&M manuals, equipment specifications, and other facility documents. The use of tablets eliminated the need to carry around large printed sets of plans and the need for return trips to the office to collect additional data. The feedback from the initial BIM pilot project and the positive review of the field inspectors who participated soon had the rest of the inspectors requesting access to BIM via field tablets. Lessons Learned • Internal staff will adopt new technologies if the application enables them to perform their work more efficiently without adding unnecessary complexity. • Introducing BIM through selected trials can build the business case and organizational acceptance of BIM. • Initial capital investment in equipment and training had a rapid return in work order efficiency and accuracy. • The use of BIM supports green office and sustainability initiatives via dramatically reduced printing of construction plans and O&M documents. 14.2 San Francisco International Airport: Asset Creation SFO manages 13 million square feet of facility space and serves more than 56 million annual passengers who fly on 48 separate airlines. SFO has four terminals, more than 100 gates, and 604 separate structures. Total land use area is 5,200 acres. SFO began implementation of BIM in 2008 as part of its migration toward a more collabo- ra tive and cost-effective contracting approach using a progressive design-build (PDB) methodology. An initial PDB pilot program for the secure connector between Terminal 3 and the Inter national Terminal finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Additional PDB projects completed since then include Terminal 3 East, Terminal 2, and the new air traffic control tower. PDB creates a collaborative environment for the designer, contractor, subcontractors, and owner that can accelerate project delivery and lower costs. To achieve these benefits, effec- tive communication among team members is critical. BIM contributes to this by providing a shared collaboration platform for the facility from planning through project delivery and greatly accelerating the handover of facility data to the airport for O&M. Figure 14-1 shows how the BIM-supported life cycle project costs (area shaded below the curve) compare with the traditional approach (area shaded with dollar signs) that experiences facility data loss between each phase. The facility data loss is primarily due to the lack of support for collaboration in traditional contract models. BIM Uses BIM uses are the following: • Asset management • Rapid asset creation

Case Studies 127 • Energy modeling and analysis • BIM-GIS integration • Design and construction Business Case—ROI BIM as part of a PDB facility development approach contributes ROI from direct cost savings and indirect cost savings from reduced construction schedules. A reduction in the construction schedule means the airport facilities are brought into service earlier. Post construction, the facilities must be handed over to SFO. The facility data handover process before BIM could take as long as a year because all asset data had to be manually entered into the CMMS and maintenance routines had to be established. As BIM was established, this post-construction handover time was reduced from a baseline of nearly a year to only a few months on each major project. The goal is to be able to perform this activity in less than a week. This will be enabled by the direct integration of BIM data into the CMMS. Accelerated facility data transfer enables facility management to more quickly integrate the facility with its work order management system to ensure full readiness and rapid response to outages during the initial facility shakedown period. Organizational Readiness Developing collaborative team environments as part of the PDB contracting approach (see Figure 14-2) required overcoming the existing working relationships of architects, engi- neers, contractors, and owners. SFO not only had to develop its internal organizational capa- bilities but also had to work to identify and develop contractors’ and local subcontractors’ capabilities to adopt a PDB approach. Pr oj ec t C os ts Source: Neumayr, 2015 Figure 14-1. SFO PDB and BIM.

128 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook SFO maintained consultants as long-term extensions of staff to support BIM development, provide training, and identify BIM uses. Key Challenges Key challenges were • Developing a pool of contractors and subcontractors who know how to use BIM. • Internal organizational development to use BIM. Lessons Learned Lessons learned included the following: • Establishing a trusted, collaborative environment promotes excellence in project outcomes. BIM as a collaboration tool can be a key. • Early stakeholder engagement builds high-performance teams. BIM can provide a platform for sharing data and collecting stakeholder input. • Metrics and measurements are key to improving the process. BIM data can be used to track collaboration effectiveness. 14.3 Massachusetts Port Authority: BIM Roadmap Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) owns and operates Boston Logan International Airport, which is located on 1,700 acres. The airport has four terminals that each have their ticketing, baggage claim, and ground transportation facilities. There are 94 gates with jet bridges and nine regional jet gates that serve more than 50 airlines. Massport also owns and operates L.G. Hanscom Field and the Worcester Regional Airport. Source: Neumayr, 2015 Figure 14-2. SFO PDB cost and time savings.

Case Studies 129 The Massport BIM Vision states: Massport will utilize BIM and related technologies to empower its staff and service providers to design and build outstanding structures, and then manage and sustain these facilities to Massport’s mission. As stewards of these digital assets, Massport will maintain BIM, GIS, and facility maintenance asset data to support strategic planning, sound decisions, sustainability, environmental responsiveness, and improved processes to add value to managing the building life cycle, and to aid Massport in better reinvestment of available funds based upon organizational missions and operational requirements. (Dr. Lucian Burdi, International Association of the AIA, contributed to this section.) Goals The goals are the following: • Lean BIM process development—reduces the cost of facility data management. • Normalized facility asset data integrated with BIM. • Integrated facility management platforms—life cycle planning and management. • Collecting maintenance data to implement predictive maintenance systems. BIM Process The Massport BIM development process, as presented in the Massport BIM standards, is outlined in Figure 14-3. The Massport process is designed to support lean management processes. The integrated BIM facility data environment directly supports data measurements that the value-stream mapping and optimization processes require. Massport’s BIM process is built wherever possible on industry standards including NBIMS, NCS, OmniClass, and UniFormat asset classification standards. BIM Uses BIM uses include the following: • Post-construction asset creation in the CMMS • Maintenance planning • Maintenance scheduling • Sustainability planning • Lean process optimization Business Case—ROI The business case was presented as a BIM roadmap that highlighted the short-term and long-term vision for BIM. A formal process for measuring a financial ROI for BIM was not developed. The BIM roadmap implementation has three phases: normalize, optimize, and institutionalize. The first step (see Figure 14-4) is to build the foundation for Massport to use BIM. The second step (see Figure 14-5) is optimizing the use of BIM to provide benefits to the airport stakeholders. The third step is to utilize BIM as part of a full suite of EAM tools and processes as the primary source of trusted facility data (see Figure 14-6).

130 BIM Beyond Design G uidebook Source: Massport Note: QTO = Quantity Take Offs Figure 14-3. BIM life cycle process map.

Case Studies 131 Applications include the following: • IWMS • CMMS • BAS • Energy usage simulation Organizational Readiness Massport created a Design Technology Integration Group to provide organizational support for developing BIM infrastructure, workflows, asset reporting, and data integration. Having a group solely focused on BIM and other emerging facility information innovations positions Massport to be able to maximize its use of BIM and its benefits. Source: Massport Figure 14-4. BIM roadmap phase 1.

132 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook The Design Technology Integration Group BIM manager’s responsibilities, as stated in the Massport BIM Guidelines, include the following: • Help create specific BIM scopes of work on projects. • Provide BIM project support for Massport programs. • Support lean BIM. • Help project managers with BIM facilitation on projects. • Facilitate BIM project execution plan development on projects. • Ensure compliance with the BIM project execution plan template. • Facilitate model progression schedule showing BIM use and element LOD. • Review models for quality and conformity to Massachusetts Port Authority BIM standards at the handover. • Coordinate BIM, CMMS, and GIS integration. • Manage updates to Massport technologies within the Massport information infrastructure. • Review emerging technologies and standards for incorporation into Massport’s BIM program. Source: Massport Figure 14-5. BIM roadmap phase 2.

Case Studies 133 Key Challenges Key challenges are the following: • BIM is not internally developed, so facilities management–driven internal changes to the facility are not updated until the next project is bid that affects the area. Updating BIM to as-built conditions will be built into deliverables. • Development of internal organizational BIM capabilities. • Organizational acceptance for BIM-lean processes. Source: Massport Figure 14-6. BIM roadmap phase 3.

134 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Lessons Learned Lessons learned are the following: • Achieve early win at reasonable/low cost by revising contract and procurement require- ments to meet best-of-class BIM standards. • BIM implementation may take longer than expected; original 2018 goals were extended to 2020. • Organizational readiness must be a focus if the program is to achieve its goals. • Adopt standards whenever possible. • Develop a group with BIM as a primary responsibility in order to maintain a focus on BIM. 14.4 Heathrow International Airport: Terminal 5 The Heathrow International Airport is the second busiest airport in the world and imple- mented BIM during the 1980s for the Terminal 3 project. The infrastructure at Heathrow includes 72 miles of high-pressure fire mains, 45,000 manholes, and 81 miles of aviation fuel piping. The Terminal 5 development was expected to serve over 30 million annual passengers with 42 gates. It included intermodal rail facilities. At the time, the £4.3 terminal expansion was one of the most complex projects ever developed in Britain, involving over 50,000 people and over 100 separate contractors. Goals The goals included • Improved life cycle asset management. • Improved communication and collaboration across large and diverse airport stakeholder groups involved in the facility life cycle. • Common data environment to improve facility life cycle cost. BIM Process BIM has been a deliverable on all projects since 2003. A common language for delivering asset information in a defined structure was adopted in 2008 (Rhoades, 2015). “Heathrow Map Live” extended BIM visibility to the entire business in 2015. UK BIM Level 2, the United Kingdom’s mandated BIM design requirement, was achieved in 2016. British Airports Authority (now Heathrow Airports Holdings) created a framework agree- ment for the new Terminal 5 that aimed at creating a collaborative environment for the design and construction team and at establishing a common data environment that would support life cycle asset management. The British Airports Authority common data envi- ronment initiative was named AMA (Acquire and Maintain Assets) and streamlined the flow of information into its Maximo CMMS. Passenger and Baggage-Handling Load Balancing The Heathrow Airport Operations Center was designed to manage the flow of aircraft, vehicles, passengers, and baggage through the airport and provide real-time alerting when indicators were triggered due to performance issues. BIM is used as part of this model and simulates the flow of passengers through the terminals and the flow of baggage through the baggage-handling systems. Based on these simulations, Heathrow will stack aircraft landing sequences to load balance passengers from flights based on connections and number of bags. This information is shared between the airlines and the airport.

Case Studies 135 Asset Management and Infrastructure Data Organization Heathrow developed a comprehensive Common Language Mapping system that organized the airport facility infrastructure elements in a location-centric structure rather than using the historical-project-centric approach. The new common language standardized asset attribute data delivery and instituted a progressive handover of information throughout projects. This enabled the airport to better manage its equipment information requirements from contractors and reduced the time to commission new assets after project completion. The asset common language framework organized asset data into the following infrastruc- ture systems: moving planes systems, moving people systems, built environment (that impact passenger experience), security systems, safety systems, utility/environment systems, transpor- tation links, exposed structures, ancillary systems, and other systems. Root Cause Analysis In the Heathrow Terminal 5 project, metrics showed that the terminal had the highest level of escalator accidents in the entire terminal network. As Terminal 5 was the busiest terminal, this did not immediately stand out as unusual. When safety incidents were mapped in BIM, it was evident that just one escalator in Terminal 5 was the primary source of incidents. A site visit and observation identified a single billboard near the top of the escalator that was diverting attention. Removing the advertisement reduced the level of incidents to a baseline level. While this type of analysis could have been performed without BIM, it was performed much more rapidly with BIM and illustrates the efficiency of data visualization in problem- solving and planning. BIM Uses BIM uses are the following: • Design for operability • Design for maintainability • Maintenance planning and root cause analysis • Asset management • Space management • Asset inventory • Condition assessment Business Case—ROI No formal ROI analysis was performed. Organizational Readiness Heathrow developed two separate BIM groups: one that focused on the use of BIM for design and construction efficiency and another that focused on research and development to identify how BIM could be most effectively used throughout the facility life cycle. Key Challenges Key challenges include the following: • Difficulty in fully capturing Heathrow’s massive infrastructure in BIM. • Meeting the funding requirements to fully model Heathrow’s facilities.

136 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • BIM and a common data environment can improve design and construction delivery on large, complex projects and can deliver life cycle asset management benefits. • The use of BIM for design for operability can eliminate future O&M costs related to congestion and poorly distributed passenger resources. 14.5 John F. Kennedy International Airport: Terminal 5 Redevelopment John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) is New York’s busiest airport and covers a total area of 4,930 acres. JFK is also the 22nd largest airport in the world and serves as the single largest international gateway airport in North America. In 2017, JFK processed over 59 million passengers, and 20 million of those passengers went through Terminal 5. Terminal 5 was a $550 million, 635,000 sf terminal developed as a hub for Jet Blue. Goals Goals include the following: • Improved life cycle asset management • Improved space management • Faster information exchanges and management • Higher process automation • Improved communication BIM Process BIM was utilized during the design of the terminal redevelopment to optimize passenger flows into and out of the terminal using passenger microsimulation. Before redevelopment of the space, consultants modeled design concepts in BIM and used those to model passenger behavior. The modeling tools leveraged the floor spaces, layouts, stairs, escalators, and security gates within the BIM to define the parameters of the simulation. Passenger behavior could be modeled to simulate the movements of different types of passengers. Business travelers would move through express lanes and carry few bags, while tourists would move through slower lines and carry more bags. Different balances of originat- ing passengers versus those on connecting flights could be modeled. The simulation allowed measurement of the congestion within the terminal. The results of the effort greatly impacted the redesign of the terminal; the design evolved from a central terminal with spokes to a triangular design with a long and curved drop-off/ pick-up space and ticketing in the center. Twenty-six gates align the other two sides of the triangle, organically funneling traffic to the airline gates. The simulation also drove the adoption of the Terminal 5 security checkpoint, which is 340 feet wide and has 20 checkpoint lanes. The furthest gate is only 5 minutes from the checkpoint. As an additional operational design element, BIM was used to model the acoustics in the terminal using a sound simulation software package to ensure that the loudspeaker system could be heard over normal crowd noise.

Case Studies 137 BIM Uses BIM was used to design for operations, which included passenger transit studies and acoustics modeling. Business Case—ROI There was no formal ROI analysis, but benefits of using the BIM process for redevelopment included • Reduced congestion that eliminates excessive wear caused by crowding. • Improved safety readiness in the event of emergencies. Organizational Readiness This BIM use did not require internal organization changes to realize ongoing benefits. The improved design of the terminal was a life cycle benefit. With little or no formal BIM training, O&M staff can participate in design for operations and sustainability through BIM’s visualization capabilities. Key Challenges Custom programming needed to be developed and required ongoing consultant support to maintain. Lessons Learned BIM can deliver benefits to an airport through improved design for operations and sustain- ability without any changes to O&M procedures, BIM infrastructure, or internal training. 14.6 The Ohio State University: Buckeye BIM Initiative The Ohio State University’s (OSU’s) main campus in Columbus, Ohio, is composed of 593 buildings. The capital investment budget for 2018 was $922 million and grew to $1.48 billion in 2019. The facilities include classrooms, research laboratories, hospitals and clinics, libraries, administrative offices, sports centers, and agricultural facilities. The Buckeye BIM initiative was formally kicked off in 2015 by the Facilities Information & Technology Services Department with a goal of developing BIM for more than 34 million sf of facility space. Goals Goals include the following: • Use BIM to reduce TCO. • Improve the speed of decision making and the quality of those decisions. • Develop a single source of truth for facility data. • Develop a collaborative environment for developing and maintaining accurate facility data. • Accelerate post-construction facility data handover and integration. • Improve design for sustainability and maintainability.

138 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook BIM Process Existing buildings were developed in BIM from 2D, CAD, as-built plans that were field verified for accuracy. Each building took approximately a week to field verify and audit. Newly constructed buildings, or major renovations, have BIM deliverable requirements that conform to the OSU building design standards. OSU is using COBie-formatted BIM asset data for integration with its Asset Information Management (AiM) System. The COBie workflow is shown in Figure 14-7. Attributes for each asset were captured in the COBie worksheet (detailed asset worksheet) as shown in Figure 14-8. IFC data were developed for integration with other building systems (i.e., the BAS and energy analysis programs). The initial effort used OSU architectural students to model the 53 buildings in the Wexner Medical Center and took a year to complete. Total student, consultant, and staff labor costs totaled $152,000. The measured rate of model development was approximately 900 sf/hour. Creating BIM for existing buildings (see Figure 14-9) focused on creating “representational models” versus “buildable models.” The base models (see Figure 14-10 for samples) included • Exterior (detail) • Walls/cubicles • Doors • Windows • Roof (basic) • Stairs (basic) Source: OSU Figure 14-7. COBie and asset workflow.

Case Studies 139 Source: OSU Figure 14-8. Asset worksheet. Source: OSU Figure 14-9. Existing building audit and BIM creation process.

140 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook • Plumbing fixtures (basic) • Columns/column grids • Floors • Ceiling (basic) • Conference and classroom furniture Additional selected modeling details included the following: • Mechanical equipment (non-building systems) • Fume hoods • Catwalks • Casework • Furniture • Plumbing fixtures (detail) Detailed system models for the routing of HVAC, electrical, and plumbing were not modeled as part of the BIM development for existing buildings, although these would be available for facilities delivered through new construction under the building design standards. BIM Uses BIM uses include the following: • Renovation planning • Space planning Source: OSU Figure 14-10. Rendering of OSU facilities.

Case Studies 141 • Congestion analysis • Furniture layouts • Energy analysis • Asset management • Disaster planning • Wayfinding • Faculty recruitment • Donor recognition—sign and recognition designs • Automated model checking Organizational Readiness OSU used internal staff and students to develop the BIM for its existing facility infrastruc- ture, rather than outsourcing this effort to consultants. The use of internal staff and students not only reduced the cost, it also developed the internal BIM capabilities of the organization. The knowledge gained in developing the BIM has given the organization the depth of experi- ence to take BIM to the next step: integration of BIM into work processes around the university. OSU invested in training for staff and organized AEC town halls to further BIM training initiatives. Business Case—ROI OSU sees BIM as a measure to provide cost avoidance, rather than purely a measure for cost savings. Cost avoidance measures include the following: • Improved quality and speed of decision making. • Fewer owner-driven change orders based on the ability of staff to use new and renovated space to better visualize proposed designs. • Reduced number of trips to perform maintenance. • Reduced asset data handover time. • Reduced long-term energy costs from energy usage analysis. OSU used the benchmarks from a report prepared for the National Institute of Standards and Technology to project the ROI from its BIM facility development (Gallaher et al., 2004). In Figure 14-11, this calculation is shown for three of OSU’s buildings: the Chiller Plant, McCampbell Hall, and Kennedy Commons. Key Challenges Key challenges were the following: • Auditing as-built plans for accuracy before modeling was a challenge. Initially, field measure- ments were performed to verify data using handheld laser rangefinders. Audits could take 2 to 3 days per facility. Automated tools have reduced this time to less than 1 day. • The main campus is a large campus composed of many separate facilities and organizations. Many departments have separate IT and maintenance groups (e.g., OSU Hospital). • There has been no single linked BIM developed yet for the overall campus. Separate facility BIM, or small groups of linked facilities, must be managed and maintained. Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • Invest in up-front time getting the BIM standards and processes correct. As BIM is developed, changes become costlier and more difficult to implement.

142 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook • Invest in training, and partner with BIM organizations to leverage their experience and knowledge. • Pilot programs can help develop workable standards and create success stories that can be used to gain organizational acceptance. • Do not include assets in the facility BIM that you do not have the resources to maintain. • Leverage consultants where needed, but focus on developing internal capabilities. 14.7 Western Michigan University Western Michigan University (WMU) serves over 25,000 students and has more than 400 employees. The total campus size is 1,200 acres, and there are more than 8 million sf of managed facility space. WMU has created a BIM for all facilities on its campuses, and BIM is Source: OSU Figure 14-11. BIM ROI examples.

Case Studies 143 available to all skilled trades via wireless tablets. WMU was awarded the APPA’s “Effective and Innovative Practices Award” in 2015 for the processes it developed for “Building Information Modeling for Skilled Trades.” WMU was an early adopter of BIM and one of the first universities to model an entire university for facility management purposes. Goals Goals included the following: • Improved asset inventory and condition assessment • Support of a continuous condition assessment process • Asset life cycle cost analysis • Consolidated asset management that supports system-wide strategic and capital planning • Building management system (BMS) BIM integration BIM Process BIM for the WMU facilities was developed from new construction deliverables and from internal BIM development for existing buildings using student resources. Existing facility conditions were verified and updated by students from the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, who performed laser scanning of those facilities. This not only lowered the cost but also provided valuable experience for the students. WMU identified that the lack of a single source of easily accessible facility information contributed greatly to the time and labor required to complete maintenance work orders. Developing BIM for WMU’s existing facilities and making it available via field tablets greatly reduced the time to research work orders (see Figure 14-12) and eliminated most site initial visits required to collect data before work order completion. This not only saved time and cost but also contributed to improved customer satisfaction. The WMU AIRs are defined in the WMU BIM execution plan in “Section N, Building Infor- mation Model Requirements—Life Cycle BIM.” Each section of this BIM execution plan lists asset classification types and the asset data required for each. A few examples are listed below: • Air distribution systems: – Supply fans—make, model, serial number, motor HP, belt size and quantity, fan curve – Exhaust fans—make, model, serial number, HP, frame • Plumbing systems: – Meters—make, model, serial number, sequence of operations, O&M – Pressure relief valves—make, model, serial number, O&M • Architectural: – Roof system—manufacturer, type, and material information, green roof details – Exterior doors—make, model, glass details, revolving/motorized details, sealant BIM Uses BIM uses are the following: • Maintenance planning • Asset management • Asset inventory • Space planning • BIM field accessibility

144 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Business Case—ROI Use of BIM has resulted in • Reduction in time spent to complete work orders of 15%. • Reduction in preventive maintenance time of 6% to 9%. • Improvement in labor efficiency of 7%. Organizational Readiness From its inception, the WMU BIM initiative has experienced executive-level support from the facilities management (FM) department. Staff from WMU’s commissioning, IT, and data- base management departments have also been directly involved in BIM development. The university also has been able to leverage its student workforce to develop and maintain BIM resources. Key Challenges Key challenges include the following: • Developing initial BIM for a large campus. • Educating skilled trades on how BIM could benefit their work process. Source: WMU Figure 14-12. Asset information research time before BIM.

Case Studies 145 Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • BIM can have an immediate impact on the cost of asset maintenance and can improve main- tenance labor efficiency. • Mobile access to BIM for skilled trades is a key to maximizing the benefits from BIM. 14.8 Public Housing Work Order and Condition Assessment Analysis A pilot study performed by CCI and Intellis was developed to demonstrate how BIM could be used to supplement the capital decision-making process and provide support for federal funding requests for facility repairs and improvements. Goals The goals included the following: • Use BIM to perform root cause analysis of work orders and condition deficiencies. • Use BIM to support capital planning and identify priorities. • Use BIM to reduce TCO. • Demonstrate BIM–CMMS integration benefits. BIM Process A housing authority had a database of 9 million work orders issued over 3 years and infrared imagery of the public housing facility rooftops that indicated the location of water infiltration and damage. The work order data identified each work order location by floor, apartment, and room number, but there was no linkage to floor plan layouts that could provide a coordinate-based location that could be used for spatial or root cause analysis. A “SlimBIM” was rapidly developed from the existing as-built plans (see Figure 14-13) for a public housing facility where work order data were available. This model only included basic architectural structures for purposes of mapping the location of maintenance issues and roof conditions. The work orders were exported from the IBM Maximo CMMS, and a custom script was developed to translate the floor-apartment-room location hierarchy into a coordinate-based location using the BIM as the master reference. A BIM project family was created that was Figure 14-13. Work order integrated BIM.

146 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook a point-based object that could be placed in the BIM without clashing with any actual BIM architectural objects. The infrared imagery was overlaid on the rooftop of the building (see Figure 14-14), and the color sampling script translated the infrared photo imagery into a mosaic of tiles (each with a color value representing the average color value over the sampled area). Spatial analysis was then performed between the areas of greatest water infiltration on the rooftop and water- related work orders in the building. The spatial analysis highlighted a strong correlation between these defects and vertical spaces located below the areas of roof damage (see Figure 14-15). The spatial analysis can be used to illustrate the linkage between the work order data and the associated cost. This analysis can also be used as input into the capital spending budgets to set priorities and to quantify potential future cost avoidance to justify federal grant dollars for repairs. To demonstrate another potential benefit, asset condition data were color-coded into selected portions of the BIM to demonstrate how the model could be used as a planning tool to visually assess the condition of asset types within each public housing facility (see Fig- ure 14-16). BIM could also assist in the prioritization of repairs that would provide the greatest benefit to the tenants. Figure 14-14. Building heat map. Spatial correlation of critical roof deficiencies Figure 14-15. Work order spatial correlation.

Case Studies 147 Future potential applications of this approach include the following: • 4D analysis of work orders over time to identify key indicators of trending failures based on past historical maintenance events. These indicators can be used to provide early warning of potential high-cost and imminent asset failures. • With the inclusion of a statistically significant data pool, a data sciences AI-driven interface could be developed to greatly increase the accuracy of predicting future asset failures, as well as improve the response to existing failures. BIM Uses BMI uses include the following: • Capital planning • BIM authoring (SlimBIM) • Maintenance planning • Condition assessment • Automated model checking Business Case—ROI No detailed ROI analysis was performed. Financial benefits included improved utilization of capital dollars to minimize long-term facility TCO and to maximize the quality of life of the tenants. Figure 14-16. Condition assessment mapping.

148 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook Organizational Readiness The owner did not have internal BIM skills and capabilities and relied on consultants and contractors to deliver actionable data generated from BIM. Key Challenges Key challenges included the following: • A very large portfolio of facilities managed • Verifying as-built data • Collecting asset condition data Lessons Learned Lessons learned included the following: • A low-cost SlimBIM approach for rapid BIM facility creation can be used to achieve financial benefits from BIM with little up-front investment. • Automating CMMS–BIM integration can greatly reduce the level of effort in using BIM data. 14.9 New York Presbyterian Hospital New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) is composed of seven separate medical campuses including the Columbia University Medical Center, Weill Cornell Medical Center, Allen Hospital, Lawrence Hospital, Lower Manhattan Hospital, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital, and Westchester Division. The hospital network serves more than 2 million patients annually. NYP manages more than 10 million sf of facility space and over 100,000 infrastructure assets. BIM was implemented as part of an asset management improvement effort that was designed to consolidate the asset inventory and management system to allow NYP to align and optimize asset utilization for operations, condition assessment, capital, and strategic planning. Goals Goals include the following: • Improved asset inventory and condition assessment • Support of a continuous condition assessment process • Asset life cycle cost analysis • Consolidated asset management that supports system-wide strategic and capital planning • BMS BIM Integration BIM Process NYP developed “FM-AM-05 BIM/CAD Guidelines” that document its FM and asset management (AM) BIM requirements throughout the facility life cycle. All assets are barcoded through design-construction and renovation, and barcode data are included in the BIM and included in any 2D plans generated from the BIM. NYP maintains full copyright and license for all BIMs delivered through new design and construction projects and provides BIM to contractors on new projects. The existing condition

Case Studies 149 BIM, however, is shared on the basis of the contractor assuming “sole risk” for its accuracy. These contractors are instructed not to rely upon the BIM for accurate coordinates. NYP maintains a master BIM of the entire facility. On completion of new construction and renovation projects, a conformance BIM must be delivered that is used to update the master BIM. NYP’s internal BIM support staff handles this integration task, including connecting any MEP elements in the project BIM to the NYP master BIM. NYP also maintains a BIM library of approved BIM asset models. The asset data classification schema is UniFormat 2010, and NYP provides an asset inven- tory matrix that defines the delivery standards. Each asset type in the asset matrix indicates the barcoding requirements, whether the asset is inventoried, the modeling precision, and to which system the asset belongs. NYP developed its BIM-authoring plug-in for designers to use when authoring BIM for NYP facilities. The plug-in facilitates the importing of barcode data into the BIM, manages the room and space number inventory, organizes rooms by NYP system type, and assists in naming ductwork systems within the correct parent equipment name. BIM Uses BIM uses include the following: • Capital planning • Space planning • Asset management • Condition assessment • Asset inventory • Maintenance planning • BMS integration Business Case—ROI No detailed ROI analysis was performed. Financial benefits include the following: • Improved capital planning, asset inventory, and condition assessment tracking • Improved energy utilization and sustainability for new facilities and facility renovations Organizational Readiness NYP has invested in internal BIM staff to maintain the master BIM and integrate new BIM submittals from contractors. Key Challenges A key challenge has been consolidating facility asset management systems from seven separate facilities. Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • Developing a well-defined asset information matrix and BIM libraries improves BIM deliver- ables for facility asset management BIM uses. • Linking assets in BIM with assets in the CMMS using barcode data.

150 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook 14.10 Perth Children’s Hospital Perth Children’s Hospital is a $1.2 billion hospital designed and constructed as part of a public-private partnership between Western Australia and a private contractor. BIM for FM was a key deliverable. The public-private partnership nature of the contract provided incentive for the contractor to design the facility to minimize O&M costs. Goals Goals are the following: • Improved life cycle asset management • Improved space management • Faster information exchanges and management • Higher process automation • Improved communication BIM Process The design and construction process required that a “whole of life” report be generated that detailed expected life of materials, replacement schedules, estimated costs, replacement strategies and expected disruptions, energy costs over 30 years, and estimated maintenance costs over 20 years. AM-related benefits include asset management labor utilization, improved cost accounting, improved data and information management, and improved programming/scheduling. Asset information was delivered as COBie data with UniFormat classification. The following were metrics suggested to measure the benefits from BIM on the project: • Milestone BIM-related deliverables (number of drawings delivered on time) • Number of work hours • Number of resources needed by tasks • Program compliance • Smart clash reports • Asset management element audit • Asset management/smart handheld device interface audit • Data accuracy • Energy use (watts per square meter) versus modeled energy use and savings across life cycle • Amount of rework • Number of drawings made in a period of time versus traditional projects • Costs associated with registering, validating, and responding to RFIs • Number of RFIs • Number and time required for resolution of issues register • Saved time in preparing documents for handover and commissioning • Surveys and other qualitative assessments • Error rate (number of site surveys) • Cost of design versus the traditional process • Using elements of BIM in furniture, fixtures, and equipment through document manage- ment system; volumes, locations, equipment time, re-siting and placing, equipment and space management Avatar walk-throughs were used to model patient and doctor traffic through the facility and to improve equipment and furniture layouts to optimize movements of nurses and patients in hospital rooms, labs, and testing facilities.

Case Studies 151 The model was used to export data into a solar, wind, and thermal analysis software tool to determine best options for shading, facades, and building orientation. In this case, baseline metrics were available to demonstrate that this resulted in the effort taking several hours versus several days in previous projects. BIM Uses BIM uses include the following: • ALCM (whole life report) • Building management system integration • Maintenance planning and work order management • Design for sustainability—solar, wind, acoustic, and thermal analysis • Design for operations—virtual walk-throughs Business Case—ROI No formal ROI analysis was performed for life cycle FM benefits. Post-construction benefits included improved asset depreciation calculations, more precise asset management budgeting, and improved forecast LCC for individual assets. Organizational Readiness Ongoing BIM training will be required to receive full benefits from BIM for FM purposes. Key Challenges Key challenges included the following: • Lack of BIM-experienced subcontractors involved in the project • Value of BIM limited due to lack of trust in the BIM data • Higher contractor costs due to BIM inexperience • Hardware and software infrastructure • For information exchanges, AIRs had not been defined • Lack of standards Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • Owners need to engage the design team early in the process to ensure that facility manage- ment and operability issues are fully addressed. • Asset information standards must be developed that define the data structure, asset classifica- tions, standard libraries, life cycle phased requirements, and interoperability standards. 14.11 New Royal Adelaide Hospital: BIM O&M The New Royal Adelaide Hospital (nRAH) is the largest BIM project completed in Australia, with a total cost of $1.85 billion. It was opened in September of 2017. The hospital is 260,000 sf and provides 800 patient beds. The project had a tight schedule that included 2 years of design and 2 years of construction. Prefabrication was optimized with 4.5-meter corridor modules being built and tested offsite to support accelerated construction goals.

152 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook A Single Point of Truth nRAH (SPOTNIC) platform was developed to provide a collaboration tool that links the 3D model with QA and document management systems to provide a common facility data platform that can be accessed in real time by all team members. SPOTNIC can be accessed in the field using tablets. The project developed facility management models to support O&M functions after project delivery. The facility had a design goal of 30% for improved efficiency over the existing Royal Adelaide Hospital. Innovative aspects of the facility design that have been optimized for operations and main- tainability include the following: • The operational design was optimized to group critical care areas to reduce response time. The emergency department is located below the intensive care unit, trauma centers, and pathology centers with lifts connecting them for rapid transport. • Automated guided vehicles deliver medications, meals, linens, and other supplies along designated corridors with embedded sensors. • The automated pharmacy utilizes robots to manage inventory by expiration date and manage delivery to 74 dispensing stations via pneumatic tubes. • Electronic asset tagging tracks all assets down to wheelchairs and blankets to optimize asset utilization. Goals Goals include the following: • Design for operations and maintainability • Design for sustainability • Accelerated fast-track facility delivery • Optimized prefabrication • Increased collaboration across 200+ contractors/subcontractors • Automated facility data handover • Facility management models to support O&M BIM Process The project utilized the Australian BIM NATSPEC. Employing a public-private partnership project delivery method, the team was able to utilize BIM to maximize design for operations and maintainability considerations. BIM Uses BIM uses include the following: • Design and construction • Design for operations • Design for maintainability • Energy usage analysis • Facility management model development • CMMS integration Business Case—ROI No formal business case or ROI study was performed for this facility.

Case Studies 153 Organizational Readiness A facility management firm, Spotless, was involved early in the process. The project is a public-private partnership that will manage the project for the next 30 years. The public- private partnership project approach optimizes the ability of new capital projects to incorporate ALCM considerations early in the process. Key Challenges A key challenge was developing subcontractor BIM capabilities for such a large project, since the pool of experienced BIM contractors was limited. Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • Assess the regional BIM capabilities of contractors and subcontractors on large projects and build sufficient training and education time into the schedule to develop subcontractor skills. • Leverage public-private partnership, or similar project delivery contract models, to maxi- mize the ability to integrate architects, engineers, contractors, and owners to design for operations and maintainability. 14.12 Sydney Opera House The Sydney Opera House was completed in 1973 after 14 years of construction. The roof consists of over 1 million roof tiles that define the building’s uniquely recognizable design. BIM was implemented as part of the ongoing facility renovation efforts and included a life cycle BIM implementation (BIM4FM). Goals Goals include the following: • Improved life cycle asset management • Improved communication and collaboration across large and diverse stakeholder groups • Common data environment to improve facility life cycle cost BIM Process Digital facility modeling at the Sydney Opera House was implemented using BIM as a national case for the use of BIM in FM in Australia. An open standards approach, using IFC data formats, was utilized to ensure maximum interoperability with existing and future systems. The case study goals were to examine the following: • The reusability of BIM for FM purposes • BIM as an integrated information model for facility management • Extensibility of BIM to cope with specific business needs • Commercial facility management software using standardized BIM • The ability to add intelligence to the models Assets were classified as anything worth more than $5,000. This included approximately 7,500 elements classified into 14 functional zones. The zones determined the level of detail for the BIM model elements based on the frequency of use. Annual asset audits are required.

154 BIM Beyond Design Guidebook The building is composed of 7 theaters, 37 plant rooms, 12 lifts, and over 1,000 rooms. The building was designed with a lifespan of 250 years. CAD plans were digitized in the 1980s, but the sequence of minor and major projects over the last three decades has made them less usable. Also, the design of the opera house is difficult to represent in 2D CAD. A benchmarking system (the Building Presentation Index) was created, which can be automatically derived from the BIM. Laser scanning was utilized to digitally capture the as-built condition of the opera house. A total of 800 scans and 56,000 digital photos were used to create the model. Vehicle Access and Passenger Safety was the first full BIM project. It delivered BIM FM work products with an asset database tied directly to BIM. The “BIM4FM” process was developed to create a web-based FM interface to link BIM to engineering, maintenance, and building control systems. This is a 7-year effort to align all building management systems with BIM. A review of the project identified lessons learned that were categorized as defined expec- tations, in-house standards, hardware and software requirements, education, and disruptive culture: • Defined expectations lessons learned included prioritizing needs, conducting workshops, and analyzing results. • In-house standards lessons learned included creating BIM execution plans, model manage- ment plans, O&M guidelines, and contract language. • Hardware and software lessons learned included properly scaling the system capabilities, capacity, and interoperability. • Education lessons learned included providing ongoing training, management support, and proper expectations for the skill sets required to support the BIM4FM program. • The disruptive change element included breaking down organizational silos and developing a collaborative environment, providing sufficient time for organizational adoption, and focusing on the cultural changes required. BIM Uses BIM uses include the following: • Asset management • Asset inventory • Annual condition assessment • Building management system integration Business Case—ROI No formal ROI analysis was performed for life cycle FM benefits. The annual asset inventory and condition assessment was performed with a reduced cost. Organizational Readiness The organizational structure was not changed, but BIM improved the coordination and communication between departments to achieve long-term goals.

Case Studies 155 Key Challenges Key challenges included the following: • Complexity of the facility • Accuracy of as-built facility plans Lessons Learned Lessons learned include the following: • Set manageable expectations and goals for the BIM FM program. • Take a long-term view for developing BIM and its capabilities over time.

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The complexity of airport management has grown dramatically in recent years, with increased security requirements, a focus on sustainability, increased competition, new technologies, and traffic growth.

The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 214: BIM Beyond Design Guidebook gives airport owners the basic knowledge required to manage this complexity through building information modeling (BIM), a practice that has transformed the design and construction industry over the last decade and is now emerging as a key component to enhancing an asset life cycle management approach for many organizations.


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