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National Research Council. 1972. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Chapters skim
Front Matter i-vii
Fire Testing of Electrical Cables and the Benefits of Fire-retardant Paints 4-4
Methods of Evaluating Fire-retardant Treatments for Wood Shingles 5-7
Relation Between Fire Load and Temperature at Tests of Concrete and Wood Partitions Accoding To Din 4102 8-10
Expanded Polystrene Linings for Domestic Buildings 11-11
Wooden Laboratory Cupboards for the Fire Protection of Solvents 12-12
Fire-retardant Treatments for Mine Timber 13-14
Another Approximation for Spatial Separation 15-15
A Preliminary Investigation of the Use of Focuesed Laser Beams for Minimum Ignition Energy Studies 16-16
Turbulent Burning Rate 17-17
Measurements of the Dynamics of Structural Fires 18-18
Flame Propagation of Burning Solid Material With Moisture 19-19
Performance of Metal Foam as a Flame Arrester When Fitted To Gas Explosion Relief Vents 20-20
Gas Burning Mechanicsm in a Fluidized Bed 21-21
Structure of Fluorine Supported Flames Ii-concentration Profiles for Flames of the Systems H2-f2 H2 f2 nh3 Nh3-f2 C2h2-f2 and C2h4-f2 22-22
The Fire Retardance Effectiveness of High Molecular Weight High Oxygen Containing Inorganic Additives in Cellulosic and Synthetic Materials 23-23
Radiation From an Ethyiene Diffusion Flams 24-24
Thermal Behavior of Carbohydrates 25-25
An Optical Study of Preignition Heat Release 26-26
Study on Injurious Properties of Combustion Products of Building Materials at Initial Stage of Fire 27-30
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Fire Victims 31-31
The Chemical Factors Contributing Ot Pulmonary Damage in Smoke Poisoning 32-32
Modeling Individual and Multiple Building Fires 33-33
Optical Method of Measuring the Concentration in Axisymmetic Gas Jets 34-34
Fire Research in Europe 35-35
Proceedings of Conference of Hazard Evalustion and Risk Analysis Houston Texas August 18-19 1971 Committee on Hazardous Materials Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Nationa Research Council National Academy of Seicneces Washingt D D 36-36
Soviet Abstract Journal Fire Protection 37-103

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