National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972 (1972)

Chapter: Proceedings of Conference of Hazard Evalustion and Risk Analysis Houston Texas August 18-19 1971 Committee on Hazardous Materials Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Nationa Research Council National Academy of Seicneces Washingt D D

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Suggested Citation:"Proceedings of Conference of Hazard Evalustion and Risk Analysis Houston Texas August 18-19 1971 Committee on Hazardous Materials Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Nationa Research Council National Academy of Seicneces Washingt D D." National Research Council. 1972. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27408.
Page 36

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264 F I R E R E S E A R C H MEETINGS Proceedings of Conference on Hazard Evaluation and Risk Analysis—Houston, Texas (August 18-19, 1971). These proceedings record papers on (1) hazard evaluation and (2) nsk analysis as they relate to hazardous matenals m transport Sponsored and conducted by the Committee on Hazardous Matenals of the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council with the support of the U S Coast Guard under Contract T O 13 (DOT-OS-00035) Contmts Benefit-Cost Studies in Socio-Technical Systems—Chauncey Starr, Dean, School of Engineenng and Apphed Science, Umversity of Califorma at Los Angeles Technology and Safety—^A Quahtativc View—Roy Reider, Safety Director, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Analytical Approaches to Risk Evaluation—Vernon Grose, Vice President, Tustin Institute of Technology Decision Risk Analysis Risk Theorj'—Jerome Selman, Member, Operations Research Group, U S Army Mumtions Command Decision Risk Analysis Problems in Practice—John Mihalasky, Assistant Chair- man, Graduate Courses, Newark College of Engmeermg Pyrotechmc Hazard Evaluation and Risk Concepts—W Paul Henderson, Chief, Engineenng Test and Evaluation Section, Edgewood Arsenal, U S Army The Environmental Risk Ansing from the Bulk Storage of Dangerous Chemicals— E H Siccama, Directorat-General van de Arbeid, The Netherlands The Geography and Ecology of the Houston Ship Channel-Galveston Bay Sys- tem—Roy W. Hann, Jr., Head of the Environmental Engineering Division, Texas A & M . Umversity The appendices include a statement by the Committee on Hazardous Materials and a list of conference participants Proceedings are available from the National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washmgton, D C , 20418 Proceedings of a Symposium on An Appraisal of Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Agents—^National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D C (Apnl 11-12, 1972) For a hsting of contents and a review of the articles, see Fire Research Abstracts and Reviews 14(1), 99-104 (1972) Proceedings are available from the National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D C , 20418

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