National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972 (1972)

Chapter: Fire Research in Europe

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Suggested Citation:"Fire Research in Europe." National Research Council. 1972. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27408.
Page 35

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ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 263 The results to date suggest that the iiear-infrared system is a significant im- provement over the unaided eye for the observation of fire and the fire environment This fully portable system is convement for use on most fires, no coohng of the sensor is required I t uses components that are commercially available and relatively low in cost The television-type imaging and recordmg system is centered around a silicon vidicon The background contrast is a function of the aspect angle of the sensor and angle of incidence of the incident radiation The effects of aspect angle and polarization are controllable Satisfactory results were achieved in tests with a prototype, and further re- search IS now underway Areas of improvement and refinement include optimizing the spectral response of the receiver, including the silicon vidicon, and improving polarization techmques, refractive optics, zoom capabibty, scanmng format, methods of use, and physical configuration A suitable VHF transmitter can be included m the system design if the operation application of the system justifies the need In addition, further measurements are needed to provide quantitative information on smoke attenuation of radiant energy in forest fires and the spectral characteristics of the emitted energy that can be attributed to the non-equihbnum electron excitation that occurs in the flames O. Miscellaneous Lawson, D. I . (Joint Fire Research Station, Boreham Wood, Herts, England) "Fire Research in Europe," Fire Research Note No 924, Joint Fire Research Organization (1971) Section: 0 Subjects: Fire research, European; Laboratory; Review Author's Abstract This IS a summary of rephes to a questionnaire sent out to fire research labora- tones inquinng as to their distnbution of interest and effort and facihties The information has been catalogued PERIODICALS BOOKS

Next: Proceedings of Conference of Hazard Evalustion and Risk Analysis Houston Texas August 18-19 1971 Committee on Hazardous Materials Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Nationa Research Council National Academy of Seicneces Washingt D D »
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