National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972 (1972)

Chapter: Flame Propagation of Burning Solid Material With Moisture

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Suggested Citation:"Flame Propagation of Burning Solid Material With Moisture." National Research Council. 1972. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27408.
Page 19

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ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 247 Ying, Shuh-Jing (College of Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan) "Flame Propagation of Burning SoUd Matenal wi th Moisture," Fire Technology 7(3) , 243 (August 1971) Sections: D , G, I Subjects: Flame propagation theory. Burning solids. Moisture, effect on flame propagation; Evaporation and flame propagation. Theory of flame propagation Author'Sv Conclusions Based on this simple physical model, reasonable temperature distributions in the solid are obtained for different evaporation rates Maximum temperature occurs within the combustion region and the temperature decreases exponentially wi th the distance f rom the flame front Through this study, i t is clear that the flame propagation of a burning solid wi th moisture is governed by three parameters—dimensionless propagation speed a, evaporation coefficient /3, and combustion heat y A n exact solution of a can be obtained by the numerical method shown. Approximate solutions of a show that the propagation speed increases wi th the temperature difference in the combustion region and wi th the reciprocal of the dimensionless coordinate of maximum tem- perature, 1/f/ The evaporation process can always slow down the flame propaga- tion speed The flame wi l l completely stop to propagate at ^ = 4 [ ( < ? / - f l . ) / ( » . ! / ) ] " ' E . Suppression of Fires Atallah, S. , Kalelkar, A. S. and Hagopian, J . (A D Lit t le , Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts) "Evaluation of Auxiliary Agents and Systems for Aircraft Ground Fire Suppression—Phase I , " Final Technical Report ASD-TR-72-75 under Contract F 33-667-72-C-0422, Tri-Service System Program Officer for Air- craft Ground Fire Suppression, Wnght-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (1972) Sections: E, N Subjects: Fire extinguishment. Auxiliary fire fighting agents; Aircraft fires. Ground fire suppression, Auxiharv fire fighting systems Authors' Abstract This program was conducted wi th the ultimate objective of reducing the number and types of auxihary extinguishing agents and systems used for aircraft ground fire suppression at military airports

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