National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972 (1972)

Chapter: Modeling Individual and Multiple Building Fires

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Suggested Citation:"Modeling Individual and Multiple Building Fires." National Research Council. 1972. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27408.
Page 33

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ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 261 Of those outside normal viewmg hours, at least two-thirds occurred m sets that were said to have been left plugged in In the one-in-four sample of reports ten rescues and mne non-fatal casualties were noted M. Model Studies and Scaling Laws Lee, B. T. (Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California) "Modehng Individual and Multiple Building Fires," FmaL Report to Defense Civil Pre- paredness Agency under Contract DAHC20-70-C-0219 Sections: M , D Subjects: Models; Structural fires, Predictabihty, Mass-fire dynamics, Smgle and multiple igmtions, Ceiling materials. Room contents. Blast effects; Array tests Author's Abstract Simple 1/16-scale structural fires, employing models fabricated from particle board, were used to assist m the predictability of mass-fire djmamics. Nme-unit array tests of simultaneously burning models were conducted as part of this program The rates of fire development for the outer eight and for the center models m the array bums were evaluated separately Models were also burned singly to evaluate the effects of the following parameters on the fire growth and spread m buildings (1) smgle and multiple igmtions within the buildmg, (2) combustible celling materials and room contents, and (3) structural damage from blast effects. N. Instrumentation and Fire Equipment Creeden, J . E . , Fristrom, R. M., and Grunfelder, C. (AppUed Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins Umversity, Silver Spnng, Maryland) and Weinberg, F . J . (Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London, England) "A Large-Area Differential Laser Interferometer for Fire Research," J Phys D: Appl Phys 5, 1063 (1972) Section: N Subjects: Interferometry, Laser interferometer; Fire research Authors' Abstract

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