National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972 (1972)

Chapter: Fire Testing of Electrical Cables and the Benefits of Fire-retardant Paints

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Suggested Citation:"Fire Testing of Electrical Cables and the Benefits of Fire-retardant Paints." National Research Council. 1972. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 14, 1972. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27408.
Page 4

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ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS A. Prevention of Fires and Fire Safety Measures Baker, F . E . and Shepherd, R . E , (Goodyear Atomic Corporation, Piketon, Ohio) "Fire Testing of Electrical Cables and the Benefits of Fire-Retardant Pamts," Fire Technology 7, 285 (1971) Section: A, G Subjects: Testmg of electric cables, Electnc cable testing, Cable testing, Re- tardants, Fire retardant paints. Paints Authors' Abstract The authors report the results of flammabiUty tests of polyvmylchloride-sheathed instrument cables and chloroprene-sheathed power cables Tests were conducted m both horizontal and vertical attitudes with markedly different results Chitty, T . B . , Griffiths, D . J . , Tucker, D . M , , and Corrie, J , G . (Joint Fire Re- search Station, Boreham Wood, Herts, England) "Storage Properties for Four Foam Liquids," Fire Research Note No 933, Joint Fire Research Organization (Apnl 1972) Sections: A, E Subjects: Extinguishing agent, Tests, Foam, Protein, Storage, Fluoroprotein, Fluorochemical Authors' Summary At the request of the Defence Materials Standardisation Comnuttee, various foam hquids have been placed in storage for an overall period of 2 years, at tem- peratures of - 1 2 ° C , approx -|-15''C and -|-38°C At periodic intervals, samples are being withdrawn for test on the standard fire test of U K Defence Standard 42-3, Issue 1 In this interim report, the performances after storage for 1 year are discussed 232

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