National Academies Press: OpenBook

Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports (2016)

Chapter: APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan

« Previous: APPENDIX S Sample 13 Sample Standard Operating Procedures Used by Lakeland Linder Regional Airport
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
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Suggested Citation:"APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23675.
Page 235

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225 Name of Airport: _________________________________________________________ Adoption Date: __________________________________________________________ Most Recent Update: __________________________________________________ Purpose The purpose of this plan is to define the recovery processes necessary to restore the airport’s critical opera- tional and business functions under all threats and conditions. Scope (applicability of the plan to the airport) This plan applies to the functions, operations, and resources necessary to ensure the continuation of the airport’s essential functions in the event its normal operations are disrupted. The plan was approved and adopted on and is applicable to those persons or agencies tasked within the plan. Assumptions (underlying assumptions made during the planning process) In developing this plan, the following was considered: (Example Assumptions) • An airport analysis was conducted to determine essential functions and prioritize recovery actions and identify resources needed to recover from and continue operations of those functions after disruptions. • There should be compatibility with (airport governance entity) existing continuity plans or processes. • Functions not within the airport’s control have been considered with appropriate contractors, leaseholders, tenants, government entities, or agencies. • Employees’ safety and well-being is a primary operating assumption during plan activation. • airport may have a requirement to purchase business interruption (BI) insurance and has consulted with its risk manager or the risk manager of the city or county government. • (insert any other relevant planning assumptions) Distribution List (identify airport BCP/COOP holders) Name, Title, and Organization Date Number of Copies Method of Delivery BCP/COOP Leadership Team (Example Team) • Airport Manager ________________________________________________________ • Assistant Airport Manager ________________________________________________ • City/County Manager ____________________________________________________ • Department Head _______________________________________________________ • Airport Operations ______________________________________________________ APPENDIX T Basic Template for Initial Development of General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airport Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan

226 Essential Functions (main activities needed to run airport operations and business components) Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

227 _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________

228 Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: _________________________________

229 …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours Essential Function (main activity): ___________________________________________ Steps (description of how this activity is performed): ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Special Skills Required to Operate the Function (training, licenses, certifications, etc.): _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Main Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: (cell/home): _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Time Sensitivity for Recovery of the Function: …… Critical < 0–12 hours …… Important 24–48 hours …… Urgent 12–24 hours …… Low 48+ hours (Insert Additional Essential Functions as Needed) Concept of Operations (guidelines for using the plan) Roles and Responsibilities (identify recovery organization) (Example Organization) • Leadership Team _______________________________________________________ • Crisis Management Team _________________________________________________ • Business Recovery Teams ( for each essential function) _________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Position Responsibilities

230 Plan Activation When a State of Emergency is declared by the (appropriate official) or under conditions that it is determined by the _____________________ that an incident has or will occur that will result in the interruption of essential airport func- tions, the BCP/COOP will be activated. Alert and Notification (Section identifies general notification procedures to follow when responsible parties have knowledge of a situation requiring activation of the BCP/COOP. This sometimes involves a call tree with a top-down approach. If utilized, the person notifies the individual immediately above him or her.) Recovery Function Prioritization (listing of airport essential departments and functions with general prioritization) Prioritization Essential Functions 1 2 3 4 Functional Recovery Plans (recovering identified essential functions—complete this for each essential function) Function Description (provide general description of the airport department and function) Essential Function (Main Activity): __________________________________________ Recovery Prioritization: ___________________________________________________ Recovery Time Sensitivity: _________________________________________________ Human Resources The following identifies the person responsible—as well as an alternate—for performing this main activity: Personnel Name Title Telephone Certifications Lead Person Alternate Person

231 Critical Resources The following identifies critical support resources including technology and systems required to perform this function: Item Location Quantity Model Version Vendor Alternate Vendor Alternate Ways to Perform Activity Essential Records Vital records and databases needed to continue and complete the essential function are as follows: Document/File Database Location Form (Electronic/ Paper) Prepositioned at Alter- nate Facility (Y/N) Ability to Recreate (Y/N) Supports What Main Activity? Alternate Locations The locations that all or part of the business or operational function can be relocated to the following: Location Name Address Relocation Phone Additional Information Relocate or Alternate Way to Transfer Work

232 Delegation of Authority/Succession In the event that the lead person for the function is unable to perform leadership duties or is unavailable, designated successors are as follows: (Coordination with the ________________ will be accomplished when possible and notification provided to the appropriate parties.) Positon Designated Successors 1. 2. 3. Communications Employee Contacts Name Position (Role) Phone (Home/work/ cell) E-mail Accommodations/ Needs Communications Systems (list communications that will be used to contact employees, contractors, and tenants during the business and operational recovery process): Communication System Support Activity Current Provider Alternate Provider Specifications and Notes (Ex. – E-mail) (Ex. – Text) (Ex. – Cell phone)

233 Vendors, Suppliers, and Relocation Contacts (suppliers of key support equipment) Company Contact Phone E-mail Service Account Devolution of Control and Direction (transferring authority to other employees and facilities if the airport or essential func- tions within the airport cannot continue to be conducted there) (Describe how essential functions and responsibilities will be transferred in the event that disruptions are significant enough to prohibit the Leadership Team and staff from supporting the essential function.) Reconstitution (returning airport/function to normal after disruption has ended) The (Ex. Business Continuity Team Leader) will be responsible for all phases of the reconstitution process and will determine the status and time required for the impacted function to return to normal operations and location. Appropriate assessments of impacted functions and locations will be coordinated with emergency responders or other agencies as required and completed prior to re-establishing normal operations. Plan Testing, Training, and Exercises (how tested and improvements incorporated) (Describe how airport staff will be trained on the plan, training schedule, and how improvements will be integrated into the plan.) Plan Review and Maintenance (when will the plan be reviewed and process to update) (Describe the schedule for adminis- trative review of plan, how updates will be incorporated.) ANNEX A. Functional Checklists (provide simple checklists for any functions as desired) ANNEX B. Stakeholder Recovery (attach other plans as applicable)

Next: APPENDIX U Checklist for Business Continuity Plan/Continuity of Operations Plan Development for General Aviation, Small Hub, and Non-Hub Airports »
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TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 78: Continuity of Operations Planning for Small Airports compiles information about current continuity planning practices at airports of different types and sizes and determine how they can be effectively applied to smaller airports to maintain resilient operational and business capacity during a disruption, regardless of cause.

Business continuity planning is the process of developing a plan for operating essential operational and business functions in the face of a disruption caused by any types of emergencies, incidents, or events. This study addresses business continuity planning for both emergency and non-emergency disruptions. This report is a companion to ACRP Report 93: Operational and Business Continuity Planning for Prolonged Airport Disruptions.


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