National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971 (1971)

Chapter: A Relationship Between Fire Grading and Building Design and Contents

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Suggested Citation:"A Relationship Between Fire Grading and Building Design and Contents." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 126

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ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS A. Prevention of Fires and Fire Safety Measures Law, M. (Joint Fire Research Organization, Boreham Wood, England) "A Rela- tionship Between Fire Grading and Building Design and Contents," Joint Fire Research Organization Fire Research Note No 877 (January 1971) Section: A Subjects: Building Correlation; Fire grading. Structural elements Author's Summary This paper shows how temperature and rate of bummg data from an interna- tional program of experiments' on the behavior of fully developed fires m com- partments can be used to calculate, for each fire, the thermal properties of a protected steel column which just attams a cntical temperature. I t demon- strates how the tune tf for the same column to reach this temperature m the standard fire resistance test can be calculated A correlation is then obtamed for a range of scales, shapes, fire loads, ventilation areas and fuel thickness m the form </ = K{AWAT)~^''^ where L, Aw, AT denote respectively fire load, wmdow area and the sum of wall and ceiling area. The value of K varies shghtly with fuel spacmg Data from other experimental fires m larger scale brick and concrete compartments, mcludmg those by Odeen with forced ventilation, have been exammed and give a somewhat lower value of K. Reasons for this are discussed. The calculations are compared with those of Kawagoe and Sekme, Lie, Pettersson and Odeen, and the relation to Ingberg's early experunents is exammed. Reference 1. THOMAS, P H AND H E S E L D E N , A J M C I B International Co-operative program on fully- developed fires in single compartments Comprehensive analysis of results Jomt Fire Research Organization Internal Note No 374, 1970 278

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