National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971 (1971)

Chapter: International Symposium and 15th Nordic Fire Protection Day 1969-proceedings of Lectures and Discussions on Plastics Fire Corrosion-swedish Fire Protection Association

« Previous: Some Measurements and Observation on the Photodynamics of Burnt Areas in Bas-languedoc
Suggested Citation:"International Symposium and 15th Nordic Fire Protection Day 1969-proceedings of Lectures and Discussions on Plastics Fire Corrosion-swedish Fire Protection Association." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 164

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316 F I R E R E S E A R C H state of the vegetation represents a relatively stable equihbrium in which fire is one of the determining factors. We wish to thank M Long, Underdirector of the Research Institute at C N R S. and head of the Division of General Phytoecology of the C E P E , for having guided us in performance of this research in its various stages and particularly for having helped with the final editing Prof Sauvage, Du-ector of the C . E P E , examined the results closely, we thank him for his valuable advice International Symposium and 15th Nordic Fire Protection Day 1969—Proceedings of Lectures and Discussions on Plastics, Fire, Corrosion; pubUshed by The Swedish Fu:e Protection Association, Stockholm, Sweden Contents of Proceedings Subsequent Damage Caused by PVC Combustion Products—^Analysis of an Actual Fire Case—Situation, Rndmgs and Consequences—Klaus Fischer, 27 pp. Metalhc Corrosion—Marcel Pourbaix, 9 pp Corrosion of Concrete—Tenho Sneck, 3 pp. Evaluation Survey of Real Corrosion Risks from Gases Evolved by Plastics Ma- terials under Fire Combustion—Lucein M . Amy, 13 pp. Decomposition of Polyvmyl Chloride in Fires—G. W. V. Stark, 23 pp. Corrosion by Burning Plastics—Hemz Leib, 5 pp. Test Results on Corrosion Caused by the Combustion of Macromolecular Mate- rials—E Schrmtz, 19 pp On the Corrosive Damage Caused by Plastic Materials When Fue Breaks Out and the Prevention of this Damage—Marcel Pourbaix, 8 pp Imperial Chemical Industries Limited Plastics Division—PVC in Buildmg and the Corrosion Risk—D. R Jones, 6 pp. Metal Corrosion Caused by Exhalations from Plastics m Indoor Atmospheres During Operation and Stormg at Increased Temperatures—Dagmar Knotkova, 10 pp Corrosion Damage to Buildmgs m Connection with Fire m Plastics, Based on Polyvinyl Chloride—Caspar Reiter, 14 pp. Where Corrosion Has a Meamng m Fires Involvmg Plastics—G P Talamini and A. Callegaro, 7 pp Fu-e Risks and Fire Protection in Connection with PVC Fires—G Purt, 16 pp Safety Margins Afforded by HET Acid Based Polyester Resms m Large Scale Fire Retardance and Anti-Corrosion AppUcations—G. Strzelbicki-Sas and T A. Hinson, 9 pp. Fire in Plastics for Electrical Equipment—Bengt Ekstedt, 4 pp Post Fire Corrosion Prevention of Metals with Temporary Preventives—Per Atterby, Vm-Anne Hammarback and Ulf Ulfvarson, 29 pp Discussions 23 pp Proceedings avaUable from The Swedish Fu-e Protection Association, Kungsholms hamnplan 3, S-112 20, Stockholm, Sweden, Price 50 Sw. Cr. Symposium on Employment of Air Operations in Fire Services—Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ilhnois (June 9-10, 1971)

Next: The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972 »
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