National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971 (1971)

Chapter: Thermal Measurements on Unprotected Steel Columns Exposed To Wood and Petrol Fires

« Previous: Radiation Temperatures of Forest Fires
Suggested Citation:"Thermal Measurements on Unprotected Steel Columns Exposed To Wood and Petrol Fires." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 139

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ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS 291 and the method of ignition Carbon monoxide yields were found to depend pri- marily on factors that effect the reaction temperature, i e , the availability of oxygen and fuel arrangements that generate the hottest fires In a sealed compart- ment the carbon monoxide concentration reached a saturation level of about 0 5 to 0 7 percent. Prior to equilibrium the maximum yield was about 0 3 gram of CO per gram of charcoal consumed I. Physical Aspects of Fires Heselden, A. J . M., Theobald, C. R. and Bedfoid, G. K. (Joint Fu-e Research Orgamzation, Boreham Wood, England) "Thermal Measurements on Unpro- tected Steel Columns Exposed to Wood and Petrol Fues," Joint Fire Research Orgamzation Fire Research Note No 874 (May 1971) Section: I Subjects: Heat transfer, steel columns; Fire temperature of steel columns Authors' Summary This note describes measurements of temperature attained by an unprotected steel column heated by wood and petrol fires. From the rate of temperature rise of the colunm and its dimensions and thermal capacity, rates of heat transfer from the flame to the column were obtained. The petrol fires gave higher column tem- perature and higher rates of heat transfer. Silcock, A. and Hinkley, P. L. (Jomt Fire Research Orgamzation, Boreham Wood, England) "Fire at Wulfrun Shopping Centre, Wolverhampton, December 24, 1970," Joint Fire Research Organization Fire Research Note No 878 (July 1971) Section: I Subjects: Fire account, Fire spread, Smoke Authors' Summary This note gives details of a fire which occurred in a shop facing on to a covered shoppmg arcade in a modern shopping centre. A number of features are of mterest

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