National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971 (1971)

Chapter: The Fire Propagation Test as a Measure of Fire Spread Correlation With Full Scale Fires in Corridors

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Suggested Citation:"The Fire Propagation Test as a Measure of Fire Spread Correlation With Full Scale Fires in Corridors." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 128

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280 F I R E RESEARCH respectively. Smaller fires were not detected by the heat sensitive detectors at ambient temperature of 0°C D. Propagation of Fires Malhotra, H. L . , Morris, W. A. and Hopkinson, J . S. (Joint Fire Research Or- ganization, Boreham Wood, England) "The Fire Propagation Test as a Measure of Fire Spread Correlation with Full Scale Fires m Corridors," Joint Fire Re- search Organizaiion Fire Research Note No. 876 (June 1971) Section: D Subjects: Fire propagation test. Fire spread Authors' Summary Tests have been carried out to observe the spread of fire along a corridor of 13 m length with different lining materials on the waUs and the ceiling. The tests established that the performance of the hiung systems in the Fire Propagation Test (BS 476 Part 6) ' provided a rehable guide to their behavior under fire conditions. Eejerence 1. Bntiflh Standard 476 Part 6 (1968) E . Suppression of Fires Nash, P., Bridge, N. W. and Young, R. A. (Joint Fire Research Organization, Boreham Wood, England) "Some Experimental Studies of the Control of Developing Fures in High-Racked Storages by a Sprinkler System," Joint Fire Research Organization Fire Research Note No 866 (April 1971) Section: E Subjects: Detector, fire, Fire spread. Sprinklers Authors' Summary This report gives an account of six large scale tests on goods stored on pallets in a system of racking at 6 levels The storage was protected by a sprinkler system

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