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Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971 (1971)

Chapter: The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972

« Previous: International Symposium and 15th Nordic Fire Protection Day 1969-proceedings of Lectures and Discussions on Plastics Fire Corrosion-swedish Fire Protection Association
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 165
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 166
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 167
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 168
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 169
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 170
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 171
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 172
Suggested Citation:"The Fourteenth Symposium International on Combustion-pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania August 20-25 1972." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 173

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ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 317 Contents Urban and Rural Fu:e Fighting Los Angeles County Operations—U Routs, Los Angeles County Fire De- partment Chicago Fire Department Operations—C. W. Volkamer, Chicago Fu-e De- partment Forest Fire Air Attacks—M. K. Pierce, U S Forest Service, Washington, D C. Hehcopter Fire Fighting in Viet Nam—C. Chandler, U S. Forest Service, Washington, D C. Aircraft and Facilities Helicopter Accessories for Fu-e Fighting—H. J. Shields, U.S. Forest Service Equipment Development Center, San Dimas, Cahforma Manufacturers Specifications and Aircraft Performance—P Domanovsky and J G Armstrong, Vought Hehcopter Incorporated and J. R Garrison and J. P. Lmdsey, Bell Helicopter Company Helicopter Fhght Restriction and Fire Service Operations—E R Thorsell, Federal Aviation Administration, Washmgton, D C Commumcations Are Essential—N. R. McCullom, Los Angeles City Fure De- partment Operation and Safety Problems—^A. Fergusson, Western Hehcopters, Inc., Rialto, Cahfomia Strategy and Tactics in Air Attack Integrating Air Attack with Fire Fighting Strategy—^J S. Hastings, California Division of Forestry, Sacramento, California Fire Fightmg Chemicals—J S Barrows, US Forest Service, Washmgton, D C Diversified Hehcopter Services—R. L. Suggs, Petroleum Hehcopters, Inc, New Orleans, Louisiana Current Techmques Employed by USAF Hehcopters in Crash Fire Opera- tions—J P. Scarff, Jr , Headquarters, USAF, Washmgton, D C Fire Intelhgence—S. N . Hirsch, U S Forest Service, Missoula, Montana General Summary and Development—R K. Arnold, U.S Forest Service, Washmgton, D C. Proceedings available from the National Academy of Science, 2101 Constitu- tion Avenue, Washington, D C 20418 The Fourteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, Pennsylvania State Umv, Umversity Park, Pennsylvama, August 20-25,1972 CoUoquia in the following areas are planned: Elementary Combustion Reactions Pollutant Formation and Destruction m Flames and in Combustion Systems Mass Fire, Ignition and Explosion Studies Information concerning the Symposium may be obtained from The Combustion Institute, 986 Union Trust Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvama 16219

CUMULATIVE CATEGORICAL INDEX FOR VOLUME 13 YEAR 1971 SPECIAL ARTICLES Page Chemical Thermodynamics and Fire Problems 161 Chemistry of Fire Resistant Materials and Suppression 236 Commingling of Urban and Forest Fires—A Case Study of the 1970 California Near-Disaster 35 Condensed Phase Combustion Chemistry 204 Contributions of Analytical Chemistry to Fire Problems 220 Historic Fire Disasters 1 Introduction to Combustion Chemistry 153 New Technology in Urban Fire Control 16 Role of Chemistry in Fire Problems—Gas Phase Combustion K i - netics 187 Survey of the Principal Operational Characteristics of Fire Detector Mechanisms 95 Urban Fire Protection: Studies of the Operations of the New York City Fire Department 23 Where Do We Go from Here? 43 ABSTRACTS AND REVIEWS A. Prevention of Fires and Fire Safety Measures Characterization of Bedding and Upholstery Fires 115 Civil Defense Test Design and Support of Operation FLAMBEAU- Type Fires 116 The Design and Development of a Triggered Barrier System at SMRE 116 Dust Explosion Venting—^A Reassessment of the Data 50 Effect of Fu-e-Retardant Treatment on Bending Strength of Wood.. 114 Fire and Car Park Buildings 49 Fire-Retardant Treatment of Particleboard 117 Flammable Fabrics Program, 1968-1969 117 Intumescent Matrices as Fire Resistant Partitions 115 Rack Storage Fires 49 Relationship Between Fire Grading and Building Design and Con- tents 278 Use of l ight Water for Major Aircraft Fires 114 318

ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 319 B. Ignition of Fires Page General Thermal Explosion Criterion Application to Initiation by Imbedded Wires 50 Ignition and Combustion of Unconfined Liquid Fuel on Water.. . . 120 Ignition of Plastic Materials in Dwellings 279 C. Detection of Fires Detection and Extinction of Fires in Factories. Part 1. Detection... 51 Detection of Fires in Cable Tunnels 279 Experiments on the Use of a Laser Beam for Fire Detection. Part 1. Heat Detection 52 Machinery—Space Fire Detecting Tests, Phase 1 121 D. Propagation of Fires Burning of Teflon-Insulated Wires in Supercritical Oxygen at Nor- mal and Zero Gravities 121 Fire Propagation Test as a Measure of Fire Spread Correlation with Full Scale Fires in Corridors 280 Flammabihty in Unusual Atmospheres. Part 2. Selected Materials in Oxygen-Nitrogen and Oxygen-Helium Mixtures at Pressures up to 315 psia 122 Full-Scale Burns in Urban Areas. Part I . Fire Spread between Structures 122 Spread of Fire in Buildings—Effect of the Source of Ignition 53 E . Suppression of Fires AppUcation of High Expansion Foam to Wood Crib Fires 282 Evaluation of a Novel, Slurry Type Fire Extinguishing Agent 282 Extinction of Industrial Fires by Foams 285 Extinction of Laboratory Hydrocarbon Fires with a Synthetic Foam 281 Flame Arresters as Barriers against Hot Metal Particles. Part I I . . . 55 High-Challenge Fireball—^A Trademark of the Seventies 56 Numbej- of Sprinkler Heads Opening in Fires 284 Some Experimental Studies of the Control of Developing Fires in High Racked Storages by a Sprinkler System 280 Stabihty—The Key to Effective High Expansion Foam. Part I I 54 Vibrations to Which Dry Powder Extinguishers May be Subjected Duruag Storage 283 Water Distribution from an Array of Four Sprinklers 57

320 F I B E R E S E A R C H F . Fire Damage and Salvage Page Effects of Large-Scale Forest Fires on Water Quality in Interior Alaska 57 Fire Behavior of Interior Finish Materials 123 Firebrand Field Studies 125 G. Combustion Engineering Approach to the Prediction of Aerated-Burner Performance 72 Combustion Phenomena in Space Vehicle Environments 75 Cool Flame Phenomena in the Oxidation of n-Pentane 63 Effects of Gas Composition on Burning Rates inside Decompression Chambers at Pressures up to 300 Feet of Sea Water 58 Energy Release Rates in Fire Retardant Evaluation 63 Fire Studies in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres 61 Flame Propagation in Slowly Combusting Fuel-Air Mixtures 60 Flame Spreading above Liquid Fuels-Surface-Tension-Driven Flows.. 75 Influence of Laboratory Parameters on Flame Spread across Liquid Fuels 67 Investigation of the Combustion Processes of Single Coal Particles.. 73 Kinetics of Combustion of Pulverized Fuel: A Review of Theory and Experiment 68 Mechanism of Flame Spreading over the Surface of Igniting Con- densed-Phase Materials 65 Radiation from Flames in Furnaces 126 Radiative Heat Transfer from a Turbulent Diffusion Buoyant Flame with Mixing Controlled Combustion 64 Region of Noncombustion in Nitrogen-Oxygen and HeUum-Oxygen Diving Atmospheres 59 Smoke Tests in the Pressurized Stairs and Lobbies of a 26-Storey Office Building 127 Smoke Travel in Shopping Malls. Experiments in Co-operation with Glasgow Fire Brigade. Part 2 125 Studies of Opposed Jet Diffusion Flames. I . Temperature Dis- tribution 71 H. Chemical Aspects of Fires Carbon Monoxide Production in Charcoal Briquette Fires 290 Coupled Gas Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry and Its Appli- cation to the Thermal Decomposition Products of Cellulose 286 Effect of Flame Retardants on Thermal Degradation of a-Cellulose in Nitrogen 127, 287 PreUminary Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Polyiirethane Foams by Elemental Ultramicroanalysis 289

ABSTRACTS AND K E V I E W S 321 Page Radiation Temperatures of Forest Fires 290 Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Charring Polymeric Solids 129 Thermal Decomposition Products of Phenol-Formaldehyde Lami- nates. Part 1. The Production of Phenol and Related Materials... 128 Thermal Decomposition Products of Phenol-Formaldehyde Lami- nates. Part 2. The Production of Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide 129 I . Physical Aspects of Fires Another Approximation for Spatial Separation 77 Experiments on Natural Convection in Enclosures with Localized Heatmg from Below 133 Fire at Wulfrun Shopping Centre, Wolverhampton, 24.12.70 291 Fire Fighter's Exposure Study 133 Fire Research—^A Collection of Papers Representing Research Com- pleted during the Year Ending October 15, 1969 130 Measurements of the Dynamics of Structural Fires 131, 292 Propagation of Detonations in Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures in Supersonic Flow 76 Thermal Explosion in Rectangular Parallelepipeds 131 Thermal Measurement on Unprotected Steel Columns Exposed to Wood and Petrol Fires 291 J . Meteorological Aspect of Fires Calibration of Surface Wind Speed Observations in Canada 293 Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index 77 K. Physiological and Psychological Problems from Fires Attitudinal Patterns Prevalent in a Forest Area with High In- cendiarism 135 Study on Injurious Properties of Combustion Products of Building Materials at Initial Stage of Fire 293 L. Operations Research, Mathematical Methods and Statistics Association Between Fire Spread and Casualties in Fire 295 Auto Diallers in the United Kingdom 300 Computer Calculation of Fire Danger 138 Cost-Effectiveness in Fke Protection 80 Deaths in Fires Attended by Fire Brigades in 1969 136 Evaluation of Systems of Fire Development 138

322 F I B E R E S E A R C H Page Fire Deaths in the Third Quarter of 1970 136 Fire Deaths in the First Quarter of 1971 296 Fire Deaths in the Second Quarter of 1971 296 Fire Loss Indexes 83 Fires in Flats and Maisonettes 137 Fires m Hospitals , 78, 298 Fires in Road Vehicles 1968 79 Information Systems for Urban Fire Protection Planning: A Case Study 296 Large Fu-es During 1970 299 Modeling the Dynamic Behavior of Building Fires 297 Reaction Kinetics Ablation Program (REKAP) 139 Smoke Tests in New Law Courts Building 299 Some Possible AppHcations of the Theory of Extreme Values for the Analysis of Fire Loss Data 83 Statistical Analysis of Fire Spread in Buildings 135 Use of a Mathematical Model for the Prediction of the Burn Out of Char Suspensions 137 M. Model Studies and Scaling Laws Fires in the Timber Lining of Mine Roadways—^A Comparison of Data from Reduced-Scale and Large-Scale Experiments 142 Laboratory Scaling of the Fluid Mechanical Aspects of Mass Fires.. 140 Modeling of Pulsating Fires 141 N. Instrumentation and Fire Equipment Comparison of Aspirated and Radiation-Compensating Thermo- couples 85 Fire Simulation Facihty for Materials Response Testing 84 O. Miscellaneous Department of the Environment and Fire Research Officers' Com- mittee Joint Fire Research Organization List of Reports Published 1958 to March 1971 303 Fire Fighting Operations in Hamburg, Germany During World War I I 301 Fire Tests in Two Caravans 86 Flammable Fabrics Data Sources, An Information System Printout.. 302 National Data Needs: Fire Service Statistics 303 Some Notes on the Control of Smoke m Enclosed Shopping Centres.. 300

ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 323 BOOKS Page Electrical Aspects of Combustion 86 Fire Service Hydraulics (Second Edition) 143 Fire Weather 89 IFSTA Catalog of PubUcations and Training Aids 303 Introduction to Fire Science 88 References to Scientific Literature on Fire, Part X X 1969 304 United Kingdom Fire and Loss Statistics 1969 304 PERIODICALS Fire Control Notes 144, 305 Fire Research 1970 305 Record: Property Conservation Engineering and Management 305 306 TRANSLATIONS Some Measurements and Observation on the Phytodynamics of Burnt Areas in Bas-Languedoc Study of the Combustion of a Gas-Air Mixture in a Fluidized Bed of Fine Grain Material 145 MEETINGS Conference of National Fire Service Organizations 93 Fourteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion 317 International Symposium and 15th Nordic Fire Protection Day 1969 Proceedings of Lectures and Discussions on Plastics, Fire, and Corrosion 316 Interschutz- Der Rote Hahn 94 Public Buildings Service International Conference on Fire-safety in High Rise Buildings 152 Symposium on Employment of Air Operations in Fire Services..... 316 Symposium on Movement of Smoke on Escape Routes in Buildings.. 151 Thirteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion 90 EQ UIPMENT AND PRODUCTS 94

CUMULATIVE INDEX OF AUTHORS FOR VOLUME 13 YEAR 1971 Alger, R. S , 290 Alvares, N . J., 130 Andracchio, C. R., 121 BaUey, T. A., 127 Baldwin, R., 53, 135, 284, 295 Barsic, N . J., 130 Baskakov, A. P., 145 Beckett, C. W., 277 Bedford, G. K , 86, 291 Beer, J M . , 126, 137 Belason, B , 84 BeUet, J , 76 Berl, W. G , 153 Bertrand, A. L , 135 Blackshear, P. L., Jr , 43, 130 Blakely, A. D., 63 Blum, E. H , 23 Bowes, P C , 131 Bridge, N . W , 280 Buck, C. C, 89 Buckley, J. L , 282 Bush, L S , 88 Butcher, E G., 49, 86, 127, 299 Butler, C. P , 131 Byram, G. M. , 141 Carhart, H , 220 Casey, J. F , 143 Castle, G , 84 Chambers, E. D , 300 Chandler, S. E , 78,79,136,279, 296, Chieh Chu, 71 Christian, W. J., 123 Clark, C. C, 302 Cochran, T. H , 121 Cook, G. A , 58, 59 Corbeels, R. J., 60 Corrie, J G., 281 Cottle, T. H , 127 Crees, J., 304 Crowley, D , 84 D'Avanzo, L., 84 Davies, T. W., 137 Deshayes, G , 76 Dorr, V. A., 59, 61, 75 Drozda, W., 80 Emhom, I . N . , 236 Emmons, H . W , 268 Eveleigh, C, 299 FardeU, L , 135 Field, P , 289 Frey, P. J , 57 Friedman, M H , 50 Friedman, R., 187 Fnstrom, R M , 273 Frittes, D. W , 114, 285 Fry, J. F., 137 Gaudette, J. J , Jr , 296 George, C. W , 63 Gerhards, C. G , 114 Ghosh, B. K , 52 Glassman, 1 , 67, 75 Gordon, B. B., 80 Graves, K W , 133 Griffiths, D J., 114, 281 Hafer, C. A , 115 HaU, M . , 299 Hansel, J. G., 67 Harrington, J. J , 296 Heffeman, W. D , 135 Heselden, A. J. M , 125, 291 Hillstrom, W. W , 120 298 Hinkley, P L , 291, 300 Hinsley, R. S , 116 Hopkinson, J. S., 280 Horlick, J., 302 Howarth, C. R., 126 Hughes, R., 63 Jamison, W. B , 54 Jessop, C M . , 300 Johnson, J. R , 122 Kanury, A. M . , 129 Kerlin, D J., 121 Kerr, J. W , 1 Kimos, I . v., 145 324

ABSTRACTS AND R E V I E W S 325 Kirsop, P , 299 Kishitani, K , 293 Lange, A , 57, 279 Law, M , 278 Lawson, D 1 , 115 Lawton, J , 86 Lee, B. T , 140, 297 Lee, H , 138 Lipska, A. E., 127, 287 Lotspeich, F B , 57 Mackmven, R , 67 Magee, R., 65 Mam, W. A , 138 Malhotra, H . L , 280 Martm, S. B , 116, 287, 292 Mashyah, J. H , 64 Matthews, J. W., 130 McAlevy, R. F , 65 McDaniel, D. E , 121 McLaughhn, J , 88 Meierer, R. E , 58 MiUer, C. F., 301 Morris, W. A , 280 MueUer, E W., 57 Mulcahy, M . F. R., 68 Musson, M . F , 302 Nash, P., 51, 114, 280, 285 Nelson, R M , Jr., 141 Nevins, H . E., 58 North, M A , 284, 295 O'CarroU, J. P , 135 O'Dogherty, M , 279 Orloff, L , 133 O'SuUivan, R. F , 52 Packham, D , 290 Palmer, K. N , 50 Palmer, T. Y., 85 Patel, N . K., 71 Petrash, D. A., 121 Pompe, A , 290 Ramachandran, G , 83, 299 Ramsay, H T , 116 Reed, S B , 72 Rockett, J A , 133 Rogowski, Z. W., 55 Roberts, A. F., 142 Schreiner, H R , 75 Schroeder, M J , 89 Shibaoka, M , 73 Shields, B M . , 58, 59 Shore, C , 127 Siddall, R. G , 137 Silcock, A , 291 Simard, A J., 293 Simmons, R. F , 63 Sirignana, W A , 75 Smith, I . W., 68 Sotos, R. G., 121 Stacey, G S , 80 Steward, F. R , 64 StuU, D. R , 161 Syska, A D , 117 Theobald, C R , 291 Thomas, P. H , 53 Thome, P. F , 282, 283 Torrance, K. E , 133 Trabaud, L , 306 Troup, E. W. J , 56 Turner, J., 52 Vodvarka, F. J , 122, 125 Volkamer, C, 16 Wadley, A. 1 , 128, 129 Wagner, J. P., 95 Wall, L A , 204 Waterhouse, D , 116 Waterman, T. E , 123 Wemberg, F. J , 86 Weisbecker, L. W , 138 Welch, G. D , 135 Wiersma, S. J., 292 Williams-Leir, G., 77 Wilson, C C , 35 Wiltshire, L. L , 290 Wood, B. D., 130 Woods, F. J., 122 WooUey, W D., 128, 129, 286, 289 Wnst, F. N. , 286 Young, R. A., 57, 279, 280, 282 Yuill, C H , 115

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