National Academies Press: OpenBook

Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971 (1971)

Chapter: The Application of High Expansion Foam To Wood Crib Fires

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Suggested Citation:"The Application of High Expansion Foam To Wood Crib Fires." National Research Council. 1971. Fire research abstracts and reviews: Volume 13, 1971. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/27046.
Page 130

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282 FIRE RESEARCH Thome, P. F . and Young, R. A. (Joint Fire Research Organization, Boreham Wood, England) "The Application of High Expansion Foam to Wood Crib Fires," Joint Fire Research Organization Fire Research Note No 887 (August 1971) Section: E Subjects: Extmguishing foam; Wood crib fire Authors' Summary Experiments have shown that when applied at an adequate rate, high expansion foam can readily extinguish flaming combustion in wood crib fires The complete extmction of smouldering combustion, however, did not always occur and i t was often necessary to top-up with fresh foam m order to mimmise smouldering be- neath the foam. Buckley, J . L . (Factory Mutual Research Corporation, Norwood, Massachusetts) "Evaluation of a Novel, Slurry Type Fire Extinguishing Agent," Factory Mutual Research Corporaium Report FMRC Serial No 19969, RC71-TS1 (September 1971) Section: E Subject: Fire extinguishing agent, evaluation Author's Abstract An experimental program was conducted wherein mixtures of two fire suppressmg agents, and a geUmg agent (bromotrifluoromethane, CBrFg, ammomum dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) and Cab-O-Sil) were prepared as a potential suppressmg agent for habitable aircraft interiors These mixtures, although capable of extinguishing a combmation class A and B fire, yielded a large quantity of particulates causing a high degree of obscuration and were, therefore, considered unsuitable for this apphcation A mixture of Halon 2402, ADP and Cab-O-Sil was prepared and found to be an excellent suppressing agent against the combination class A and B fire This agent may be suitable for this apphcation after certain toxicological questions are resolved.

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